Aries: Money, career, work, reputation & success all get a huge blessing from a Grand Trine in earth signs. Stick to it & achieve.

Taurus: A Grand Trine in your earth element supports you in learning, travel, personal expansion & may bring a burst of luck.

Gemini: Your psychic, manifesting, abilities get a big boost from a Grand Trine. "Knowing" can help you materialize desires.

Cancer: A Grand Trine in earth blesses you with emotional harmony in relationship & beneficial social contacts - mingle.

Leo: Healthy self esteem & a prosperous mindset bestowed by a grounded Grand Trine brings a financial or work related bonus.

Virgo: Place your order for what you desire with the Universe & tell others, too. A Grand Trine in your element grants a wish now.

Libra: A Grand Trine in earth gives you the extra resolve & belief in your power to help you invest or commit to something big.

Scorpio: Your words or ideas attract people to you for your benefit thanks to a Grand Trine in earth cementing your popularity.

Sagittarius: You may be rewarded for productivity or excellence at work or meet a success goal due to a Grand Trine in earth now.

Capricorn: A speech, presentation, publication, trip or start of a new project is prosperous due to a Grand Trine in earth.

Aquarius: You intuitively know who & what is good for you & may manifest a material blessing thanks to a Grand Trine in earth.

Pisces: Expressing yourself clearly helps you ground desires into reality. An earth Grand Trine brings folks who want to help you.

The moon leaves the fixed fire sign of Leo and enters the mutable earth sign of Virgo this morning, where it forms a quincunx to Uranus in Aries and a sextile to the sun in Libra. The Libra sun is also quincunx Uranus in Aries. Suddenly, it feels like the time is just right for launching an idea or making or a new contact. The feeling of waiting for the right moment passes and your inner sense of discernment knows that all the potential for success lies within the now moment, so you jump right in and begin. As the day unfolds, a Grand Trine takes place in the earth element, involving the moon in practical, prioritizing Virgo, Jupiter in materialistic, enduring Taurus, and Pluto in success oriented, steady Capricorn. We can all gain on the material and emotional level if we do our work and stay positive under the beneficial, manifesting energy of this Grand Trine. The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn get an extra boost from the planets while their natural element is emphasized, but everyone can capitalize on the good vibes and realize a manifestation, blessing, profit or high productivity along with contentment and a sense of security and accomplishment. Gaining ground or making things real is the theme today.

Author's Bio: 

I am an experienced professional astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship consultation. Astrology has been my life long passion and I offer my services at my own site,