Having produced dozens of documentaries including the award-winning, "An Interview with James Roosevelt: Memories and Thoughts," a column called "Heroes Among Us" for the Orange County Register, CD sets, music and award-winning books, Terri Marie has a spiritual warehouse of lessons. traits and tips.
Terri Marie is also an expert in creativity. Her track record of 49 Television programs, infomercials, books, public service announcements, web movies, hundreds of poems and articles, thousands (yes thousands) of songs, caused her late friend and mentor, Dottie Walters to tell Terri Marie to focus on her blueprint for creativity. Marie does this through articles, seminars and her ezine at www.spiritualarena.com. Terri Marie says, "Creativity will be the source of all of your abundance."
"The gifts of the hero and the gifts of creativity are gifts from the spirit, from the Great Creator," she says. It is the spiritual part of our being that Terri Marie addresses and inspires.
"Open your arms to abundance. God will fill them."
"When you give a little more than expected, life rewards you exponentially."
"It's the love you put into something that makes it come alive."
"When someone gives you a compliment, they are actually praising God. Accept it graciously as it honors the Creator."
"To solve jealously, know this fact...no one owes you love."
"if you have to question whether something is working or not...it's not."
"Overburdening yourself with too many things to do is like putting too many ingredients into a bowl at once and not being able to mix them."
"God wants to use all of us, but he can't use us until God cleans us up first. That process feels very painful until you start shining."
Sign up for Terri Marie's inspirational "Year of Cheer." a short, powerful weekly blast of hero energy. www.spiritualarena.com