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Think about what and how you buy in your business and personal life.
Whether it's household products or enterprise software services, what ultimately determines why you buy from one company rather than another? It's their brand's image and reputation along with the relationships you have ... Views: 1955
If you're involved with any group of people who are trying to achieve common goals, you soon become acutely aware that those goals will be achieved only through the work of the people in the group.
Yes, all work is done through relationships and wisely managing these relationship is critical ... Views: 2163
Here are ten coaching tips to reduce stress and increase the energy required to face your daily challenges.
1. Women’s Stressors are Unique
Women’s hormones and biology make them different from men.
Women have different stressors from men and tend to react in different ways to stress. ... Views: 2076
Every year, we gain a clearer understanding that without positive change, decline is inevitable. The challenge is to recognize that what we are now doing can be reinvented by paying attention to our intentions. Yet, it is very hard to bring about significant change without changes in ... Views: 2258
A greater percentage of those over 55 are working today than a year ago. In part, because older workers are prized for their corporate experience, personal relationships and stability. "Any time you have an early retirement program and have to make it widely available, you chance losing key ... Views: 2736
Your natural talents are gifts at birth. You had nothing to do with them. However, you have a great deal to do with
becoming aware of them and developing them into strengths.
It is up to you to discover your natural signature talents and transform them through focus, practice and learning into ... Views: 3320
Personal and business success starts with the question, "What should I do with my life?"
People don't succeed by moving from one 'hot' industry to another, being a copy cat of some hero leader or following a certain career-guiding formula. They succeed by unleashing a productive, creative and ... Views: 2554