I was passive for so long…

Waiting for the spiritual magic bullet to come find me…

Begging and pleading with God to save me – I called that prayer…

I never felt like I belonged anywhere…

I was both rebellious and submissive…

I wanted to be liked so much that I sold my birthright time and time again…

What a freaking waste of time…

Always, deep within, I wondered “Is this it?”

But I was so busy trying to make people happy, even though they thought I was not trying enough…

I still remember living on £5 a week when I came to the UK and still finding a way to buy videos and gameboys and other things for my brothers back home in Nigeria. I desperately wanted them not to suffer like I had, I felt they were my kids. I sacrificed so that they could have more…

And I remember being called selfish by family members who did not see these sacrifices but only spotted when I did not give them what they wanted…

And I still tried hard to fit in with them, thinking that I had to…

That was the African way, right?!

Just go along with cultural ideas that do not make sense in the real, everyday world…

Dim your light so that you can fit right in with the norms around you…

It took me over 30 years to finally see that it was all holding me back…

And that I could simply do what I wanted to do

And I learnt that, as long as it all worked out, everyone would love you again.

So why bother stifling yourself for such fickle people?

Does it need to take you 30 years to realise that when you feel the tension within, you need to listen to yourself?

You need to trust that you do know what is best for you…

You need to KNOW that, unless they have lived the life that you desire to create, you do not have to listen to them…

Be it family, friends, religious leaders…


You can find your people!

The ones who get what you are about…

The ones who do not want to manipulate you into obeying the rules with fear, guilt, shame…

The ones who allow you space to discover who you really are…

The ones you are called to serve…


Stop putting your own life on hold, trying to live to everyone else’s agenda…

Listen, you may read what i have written and think that I am bitter…

Or that I do not forgive…

And that is not the point at all…

In fact, my life and business flourished as I forgave the people in my life…

So, definitely DEFINITELY FORGIVE or else you spend your whole life trying to prove something and that holds you back as well!

No, I say this stuff because I know that you are already thinking it but you are so conditioned to think that that makes you bad and selfish…

It does not.

It is just your internal wisdom telling you that something is wrong…

And you get a choice to fix it…

To choose yourself…

To be the leader you are born to be.

You know that there are holdbacks on what you allow yourself to do because of the people in your life…

You put yourself on hold because you are trying to keep everyone happy…

And they do not even recognise it!

I know you do not do it for the recognition but be honest with yourself, there is a part of you that just desperately wants them to accept you and love you just the way you are…

But they can’t because you have chosen to hide yourself…

Right now, you are making a choice to be something you are not, hoping for approval but they do not even give you that except to dole out little amounts to keep you at their beck and call…

They do not know they are doing this so they are not evil or anything…

YOU DO KNOW THEY ARE DOING THIS so therefore it becomes your choice…

Will you keep living as someone you are not, trying to please people who are too busy trying to fit in themselves or too busy trying to get their own way…

Or will you recognise that the dreams and visions in your heart will never come to pass until you make them a priority?

Until you stop trying to be all things to all people?



And the truth is, you will help MORE people when you finally own your greatness instead of dampening out your light for the people in your current existence.

You have access to practically the whole world now – There is more than 1.4 billion people just on Facebook so honey, FIND YOUR PEOPLE and serve them with the gift within you.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – DM LIVE Biz Bootcamp is open now for bookings…

Spend 3 hours with me this March/April in a town near you and walk out with


Crystal Clear Clarity on what you need to do internally in order to be seen as a leader in the marketplace, regardless of how crowded your niche might be.


In-depth understanding on who your ideal client is and how to get their complete attention and attract them to your business and keep them loyal just by doing a few key things that bind their hearts to yours


A step by step plan to boosting online sales and getting all the clients you want, whilst working from anywhere – The ultimate freedom lifestyle, if you want it


Comprehensive knowledge on how and what to do within a short space of time every day so you are not working all the time and so you are on the fast-track to wealth


A social media plan that you can start to use immediately to build an audience of your ideal people


How to write adverts that convert using Facebook Advertising starting at just $5 (£3ish) a day


Leeds – Tuesday 28th March

Manchester – Wednesday 29th March

Wolverhampton Thursday 30th March

Bristol Tuesday 4th April

London Wednesday 5th April

Nottingham Tuesday 25th April

Birmingham Thursday 27th April

It is time you make your agenda a priority and it all begins with financial independence and freedom and that, is what this 3 hour bootcamp is all about. Pick a town, pick a day, claim your spot now at rosemarynonnyknight.com/dmbizbootcamp

I am so excited to meet you in the flesh!


PPS And if you really cannot come to any of these days, then honey, you want to join me in the Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club where I am this month focusing on building an audience massively on many, many platforms all over the web and how to eliminate all competition in your marketplace – Join in now at rosemarynonnyknight.com/dmfasttrack

At just $9.77 a month AT THE MOMENT, what the hell are you waiting for?

Come in, the 334k gather and honey, we are changing the world! RosemarynonnyKnight.com/dmfasttrack

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online