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Narcissists feel no more love for the people they have relationships with than they do for strangers. They may use the word “love” to express their feelings, and they may at times demonstrate appropriate loving behavior, but it is a ruse. They are emotionally unequipped to love anyone but ... Views: 1025
My Husband Resents Me and Wants A Divorce: My Husband Resents Me How Do I Fix It
If you've been putting in a lot of effort trying to get better at understanding men, then you may have already stumbled upon this perplexing predicament when you are trying to work together with your man. There ... Views: 1317
I Slapped My Husband In The Face: I Punched My Husband In The Face - I Hit My Husband When I Was Drunk
Imagine that we run an experiment. First, I inject you with a mix of all the chemicals your body naturally produces when you are under stress, whether it's a near miss on the highway or a ... Views: 1511
My Husband Never Takes Me Out: When Your Husband Has No Time For You
Though they realize its importance, many couples think that keeping your marriage exciting is doing to be a time and energy consuming job. Actually it is not, provided you apply some strategic techniques that not only help ... Views: 823
My Husband Puts Others Before Me: Husband Always Puts Me Last
Your husband has a very full life. Most men do. He likely juggles a full-time career, his responsibilities as a father and his commitment to you. You do the same in your life but you feel that you've always made your husband a ... Views: 4536
How To Get Your Husband To Communicate: How To Talk With Husband After Marriage
From my experience when working with people. One of reoccurring themes that I find myself reiterating or speaking to clients about is the importance of communication. In my opinion, communication is essential. It ... Views: 576
Husband Throws Things At Me: Husband Throws My Stuff Away
We all know that when we are in a relationship, that everything is not going to be perfect and arguments will occur. This is okay and it is perfectly normal. Every person is different and no one is going to agree with a person 100% of ... Views: 1117
Husband Loses Temper Over Little Things: My Husband Gets Angry At The Smallest Things
Understanding men is often made out to be something that only occurs if you spend a lot of time communicating with men. That's true, but it's also affected by the type of communication; typically in a ... Views: 2734
My Husband Breaks Things When We Fight: Husband Breaks My Things When Angry
Myths and Expectations about Fighting:
There are many myths and expectations about fighting in marriage. Couples come into my office frequently believing that fighting is a necessary part of being a couple; that ... Views: 1945
My Husband Yells At Me In Public: How To Stop My Husband From Yelling At Me
If there is one thing that is hard about understanding men, it's that we can get quite heated when we are arguing. In fact, we can get so heated that we are worse than women during their PMS stages. It's not pleasant ... Views: 1494
How To Live In Same House When Separated: Separated But Living Together Boundaries In Living Together
Are you separated but living together? You are not alone as a growing number of married couples have decided against living in separate residences and set up camp in their family home under ... Views: 1310
SUMMARY: When your child is being willfully disobedient, there are plans you can make and strategies you can use to keep your commitment of being respectful to your kids, no matter what.
Willful Disobedience and Positive Respect
I know that you are committed to staying respectful to your ... Views: 858
My Husband Fights With Me All The Time: Me And My Husband Fight All The Time
Almost every relationship at some point is going to experience a fight. A fight can strengthen a relationship, clear the air and resolve problems, or it can get out of hand, damage a relationship and exacerbate ... Views: 605
How To Deal With In Laws That Ignore You: My Mother In Law Completely Ignores Me - Living With In Laws No Privacy
Interfering in laws; they are one sure way to ruin a great relationship with your husband. And since I assume you got married to be able to stay married, then the quicker you find ... Views: 2279
First Year of Marriage Fighting All the Time: Surviving the First Year of Marriage
Marriage is one of the most beautiful institutions established because it solidifies a true commitment to love, family, and collective work. So what happens after the beautiful ceremony, lavish gifts, and ... Views: 518
If you are really serious about putting an end to bullying, you have to stop it at the source. Even then it might take some time to end it, but it could happen.
What is that source, you ask…
Who knows how it began, but look at the facts: huge people (adults) willing to do whatever it ... Views: 725
I Miss My Husband Long Distance: Long Distance Marriage Problems
If you do not deal intelligently with physical distance within a marriage, your life could be one of excessive loneliness and depression. Distance in a relationship requires a constant state of dialogue in order to maintain ... Views: 811
My Husband Never Talks To Me: My Husband Hardly Talks To Me
Though not exactly new advice for marriage, every couple must realize that the key to a successful relationship is good communication. Without it, the relationship will never develop beyond where it is right now. In fact, just the ... Views: 646
How To Spice Up Love Life With Husband: Things A Woman Can Do To Spice Up The Bedroom
Sometimes, you need to just bare all to spice up your love life and reignite the passion. Spice up your marriage by getting involved in these sexy nude erotic activities and enjoy amazing sex and an intense ... Views: 1261
How To Fight For My Marriage: How To Fight For Your Marriage And Win
No marriage worth its name is without the usual turbulence. Couples, who boast that their marriage has been one continuous honeymoon, are either lying or are not sensitive enough to even realize the simmering undercurrents ... Views: 574
Husband and Wife Fighting All the Time: Marriage Fighting All the Time
Lani had always been known as "the fun one". She found or made the fun wherever she was. Her sister told the story of the family vacation that came to be known as "The Vacation of Mud". The family had arrived at the ... Views: 714
How To Get Money From Husband: My Husband Won't Give Me Any Money
Relationship Advice for women from other women is good and all, except that it lacks an all-important aspect: what they say often isn't verified by men. They may say things like, "oh this works for me and my husband," but this ... Views: 1965
Separated Husband Won't Talk To Me: My Husband Doesn't Want To See or Talk To Me During Our Separation
If you're looking for relationship advice for women who are trying to get through to a husband who is angry with them, you're reading the right article. I've gotten angry at Ella only a few ... Views: 696
Husband Loss Of Interest In Wife: My Husband Seems Uninterested In Me
Failing to plan for intimacy too often means it is left till the end of a busy day where it can become, for some, just one more thing they have to do so they can get to sleep. Planned intimacy means that you and your ... Views: 683
How To Deal With Divorce When You Still Love Him: Love My Husband But Have To Divorce
Most of us have been through at least one breakup in our lives that was absolutely devastating. Whether you see it coming or you have no idea things were that bad, a breakup can wreak havoc on our emotions. ... Views: 726
How To Talk To Your Husband About Being Unhappy: How To Communicate With Husband Effectively
If you can't communicate with your partner on topics like sex, money, kids, work, household chores or any every day matter then you will never feel like you have a partnership. I have seen so many ... Views: 517
How To Talk To Husband About Marriage Problems: How To Start A Difficult Conversation With Your Husband
Did you know that when things get tense in a relationship, it is human nature to bring in a third person do calm yourself down? When everything is lovely in a marriage, we're often content ... Views: 716
My Husband No Longer Wants To Be Intimate: My Husband Is Not Intimate With Me Anymore
Do you strongly believe that you can save marriage? If you don't, all your efforts to get back with your ex will not make any difference to the situation. So, first create a belief in you that it will be ... Views: 713
My Husband Rarely Makes Love To Me: My Husband Is Not Sleeping With Me
Are you in a sexless marriage? I'm a sex therapist in Orange County, CA and I assure you, you are not alone! About 25% of all marriages are "sexless," meaning that the couple has sex fewer than one to two dozen times a ... Views: 644
How To Spice Things Up With Your Husband: How To Keep Your Marriage Spicy
You are past the infatuation stage of your marriage and find that most of your time is consumed with parental, academic, and/or professional responsibilities-which gives you very little time for personal interests. As a ... Views: 448
Spicing Up The Bedroom For Married Couples: How To Spice Things Up In The Bedroom
If you are married and past the honeymoon stage, you are probably going through the normal problems of a lacking sex life. There are many factors that have led the two of you to this new (probably missionary) ... Views: 965
I Am Angry With My Husband: I Get Angry With My Husband Easily
If you're trying to get better at understanding men, then you would know that we don't like it when you get angry. I mean no one really likes it when anyone gets angry, but it tends to be a lot worse when women get angry since ... Views: 570
I Stopped Cooking For My Husband: Importance Of Cooking For Your Husband - Tired Of Cooking For Husband
Some women put a lot of effort into understanding men. They buy books, consult with their girlfriends and even ask relationship counsellors as to what to do to improve their relationship ... Views: 2474
My Husband Can't Satisfy Me Sexually: When Your Husband's Sex Drive Is Gone
As a sex therapist and psychologist in Orange County, CA, I have found that a lot of people believe that it's always the woman who has no sex drive. But that is a myth. Women also call to complain that their husband ... Views: 1014
Husband Says I Spend Too Much Money: Financial Issues In Marriage
Any marriage has its share of ups and downs no matter what your ages may be. Couples have differences in their views and opinions which could sometimes result in disagreements and conflicts. It's in how a husband and wife deal ... Views: 507
I Need Attention From My Wife: Tired Of Begging For Attention From Wife - My Wife Doesn't Pay Attention To Me
Have You and Your Partner Grown Distant?
As the years go by, you may feel like your spouse or partner no longer feels that you are attractive or significant. In fact, you may feel ... Views: 1372
Husband Doesn't Listen To My Feelings: He Doesn't Listen To My Feelings
Like all marriages, your marriage was also made in heaven; but with time earthly reality strikes leaving you wondering several times in a day whether your husband is the same man you married and how you can make your ... Views: 1079
Husband Says I Don't Appreciate Him: How A Wife Should Treat Her Husband
"Appreciation" is the recognition of the value of someone or something.
"Depreciation" is the decrease in value of an asset.
When you think of your partner, are you oriented toward appreciation or ... Views: 1650
Angry At Spouse All The Time: Why Am I So Critical Of My Husband
Do you ever feel so angry your face gets hot, your heart starts to pound, and you begin to grit your teeth? Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion, but it's imperative to deal with anger in a positive way. Uncontrollable ... Views: 929
How To Communicate With Husband Who Will Not: How Can I Get My Husband To Talk To Me
Responding to a request, this article hopes to answer the question. The answer is cultural as much as biological. I've also sought to connect with the issue personally. Those who know me well know I crave ... Views: 701
My Family Doesn't Like My Husband: My Family Hates My Husband
I have no idea how many age old dilemmas exist, but I'm sure there's a mountain of them. One of those ugly dilemmas is when you are married to someone your family says they don't like. Honestly, my heart goes out to you, because if ... Views: 2893
Who are Emotional Manipulators? They can be your sister, your brother, your mother, your father, your partner, your friend, your co-worker, your boss. The closer the relationship, the most powerful they are. However, they are NOT invincible. YOU ARE STRONGER. And I can tell you EXACTLY how you ... Views: 1161
My Husband Never Buys Me Gifts: My Husband Never Buys Me Anything
There is a lot of relationship advice for women out there on the Internet. Unfortunately, it doesn't address a lot of the problems, wants or needs of real women. Now, I'm no woman, but I'm married to one whose problems I hear ... Views: 1396
My Husband Says We Are Not Compatible: My Husband And I Are Not Compatible - He Said We Are Not Compatible
Do you remember the early days when you and your partner seemed so 'together'?
Do you recall how you both seemed to be 'as one' in your views, dreams and plans?
It's not uncommon for ... Views: 1408
My Husband Wants Me To Move Out: My Husband Asked Me To Leave House
Is it possible to save my marriage? If you are one among those who have this question troubling you, then you are possibly in a marriage in which love has evaporated or one which has already been showing signs of breaking up. ... Views: 1595
My Husband Doesn't Support Me Emotionally: How To Get My Husband To Love Me The Way I Need Him To
If your relationship with your husband has become strained, you may be worried that it may head towards divorce eventually. You do not want that to happen and you wonder, 'Can I get my husband to ... Views: 533
Husband and Wife Quarrel: Quarrel between Husband and Wife
In every relationship there are bound to be disagreements. How a couple handles these conflicts has a lot do with how they end up feeling about each other. I am a firm believer in the old adage: "do not go to bed angry". When we do ... Views: 1182
Tired Of Fighting With My Husband: How To Resolve A Fight With Your Husband
Depending how conflict is handled in relationships it can be healthy or destructive to a relationship. Good conflict is when people in a relationship can bring up their differences, be heard by the other, and then ... Views: 598
Frequent Fights Between Husband And Wife: How To Avoid Husband And Wife Fight
Arguments between two people can sound very repetitive. After my husband and I have had a heated discussion I saw that we both sounded just like we did the time before. I tend to take things personally and he keeps ... Views: 697
I Love My Husband But We Fight All The Time: How To End Fight With Husband
All of us encounter situations where we feel strongly one way or another. In many situations it doesn't really matter but rather the differences enrich discussions and our relationships. We can have our independent ... Views: 727