Some clinical studies show very beneficial information but it takes years, even decades, for doctors to educate their patients. I was reminded of this recently when a patient shared with me his frustration with a doctor he was seeing prior to seeing me. He felt he was the one that was ... Views: 1717
Recently, while performing a chiropractic adjustment on a patient, I felt an immediate pain in my elbow. From my body building background and many years in health care, I knew exactly what had happened. I had a significant strain of the long head of the triceps tendon where it inserts at the ... Views: 5897
According to an article published in the journal of the American Family Physician, there are at least 106,000 deaths each year in the United States from the side effects of properly prescribed medications[1], and that 10 percent of hospital admissions may be attributable to drug-induced ... Views: 1971
Do nutritional supplements just give you “expensive urine”? No, according to a study commissioned by the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance as reported in May 2007. The study focused on calcium-vitamin D combinations, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and lutein-zeaxanthin combinations. The ... Views: 19312
Do nutritional supplements just give you “expensive urine”? No, according to a study commissioned by the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance as reported in May 2007. The study focused on calcium-vitamin D combinations, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and lutein-zeaxanthin combinations. The ... Views: 4939
This article is a must read for all women, especially those over 35 years old, who desire become pregnant now or at some time in the future.
In my September 2007 newsletter, I reviewed the association of DNA oxidation with the development of Down's syndrome. In that issue, I also discussed a ... Views: 2703
As of April 28, 2009, there are 66 confirmed cases of the swine flu in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In addition, besides Mexico, cases have been reported in Spain, Scotland and Canada.
Has the swine-flu virus pandemic got you worried? Do you know how ... Views: 1990