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Life is ever changing; as we walk along the path we notice, at this time of Now, that the speed seems to be a little faster. Life is becoming more integrated, whole, and multi-dimensional.
When one talks about the New Energy, it is difficult to put it into words, as the change may be a subtle ... Views: 1140
Seduce the market by being like a lover, full of care and interested in every move your loved one makes. Feel the little mood swings, know how to dance the dance of seduction, when to come close and when to move back.
Marketing is not about pressuring anyone into anything! On the contrary, it ... Views: 1382
Even if today is the very first day of your brand new coaching business, you can begin establishing credibility. By far, the fastest, most effective way to do this:
•choose a niche
•then, put your whole heart and soul into it.
But how do you choose a niche when you’re just starting?
A ... Views: 2601
The words are Donald Trump's from his reality show "The Apprentice." Think of Donald Trump and his larger-than-life personality and his HUGE projects.
To us the Billionaire Mindset is concentrating your resources (your time, money, and people) on those things that will make the most ... Views: 5670
The words are Donald Trump's from his reality show "The Apprentice." Think of Donald Trump and his larger-than-life personality and his HUGE projects.
To us the Billionaire Mindset is concentrating your resources (your time, money, and people) on those things that will make the most ... Views: 5670
I have heard it many times. Many coaches who have been in business for over two years have been telling me that they are not actively marketing their business and looking for coaching clients. When I ask why they are not looking for clients, it always seems like they are waiting for something ... Views: 1099
I have worked with hundreds of coaches, and I always recommend that they use the multiple income stream business model for their coaching business. This means that coaches should create products, such as e-books, teleseminars, audio recordings, in addition to doing one-on-one work with coaching ... Views: 1467
Last week, a wonderfully-skilled electrician installed a new light fixture for us. He was competent, courteous and efficient. He answered all our questions simply, with skill and eloquence. I was amazed, as you might imagine, when I asked him, “How much do we owe you?” and his embarrassed ... Views: 1108
Tammy, a skilled and gifted horticulturist, called me to discuss what she needed to know to start her own florist and landscaping business. She had been in the horticulture industry for 10 years and was incredibly skilled at working with flowers and plants – one of the best. She also had great ... Views: 1739
It’s never too early to start saying thanks to yourclients, vendors and referral sources for what theycontribute to your business or practice. Everyoneloves to be appreciated and acknowledged, so start now and do something every month.
Keep in contact with your clients and vendors by sending ... Views: 1373