We have all discovered, again, the only constant is cultural change. Just look around and you will see state and presidential politics on messy display, financial institutions in chaos and Wall Street crashing.
This is not the first, nor will it be the last time that we see these ups and ... Views: 1269
You want to know what I think? I think too many of you are trying too hard, doing too much and not achieving what you really want anyway. You are not achieving because there are too many things in the way: unnecessary obligations at work, at home, with friends. ?
You can burn out by trying ... Views: 1364
Did you know that satisfaction is the number one emotion people want to experience about their life and business? Yes, fame and fortune are up there, but satisfaction is the key. Satisfaction is about contentment, gratitude and pure joy. Are you satisfied with your business and your life? If ... Views: 1235
This article is based on a radio interview with Romanus Wolter on Entrepreneur
Radio, www.wsradio.com.
How to Create Your Business Vision with a Capital V
1. Why is it that some business owners persevere after several disappointments
while others, maybe even the listeners, give ... Views: 1223
Another New Year for small office, solo-preneurs and other professional individuals, so start it off right.
What you need to determine is how you will spend your time: earning, learning, yearning or a combination of all three.
Follow the three strategies presented below to create a New ... Views: 1149
Eat Your Breakfast!
It never ceases to amaze me how many people do not eat breakfast!
From trades-people to service providers, executives to kids, real estate agents to bankers, they do not eat the meal that breaks the fast.
The meal that would make them stronger, healthier and much ... Views: 1498
7 Steps To Sell Your House in Twenty Seconds
Did you know that purchasing a home is an emotional process?
Most people decide in less than twenty seconds, yes, twenty
seconds if a particular house is for them.
Not only that, but buyers look at an average of twelve
homes before they ... Views: 1384
Is Your Business Ready For a Do-Over?
Let’s say the business of your dreams allows you a comfortable income, enough money for contributions, more than enough for retirement purposes and a little bit of fun along the way.
However, your clients get in the way.
They may contact you too ... Views: 1189
You want to know what I think? I think too many of youare trying too hard, doing too much and not achievingwhat you really want anyway. You are not achievingbecause there are too many things in the way: unnecessary obligations at work, at home, with friends.
You can burn out by trying too ... Views: 1579
It’s never too early to start saying thanks to yourclients, vendors and referral sources for what theycontribute to your business or practice. Everyoneloves to be appreciated and acknowledged, so start now and do something every month.
Keep in contact with your clients and vendors by sending ... Views: 1373
Bringing your emotional baggage into the work place is inappropriate for all the reasons you may imagine. Yet employees, managers and business owners do itall the time.
The question is, how do you handle it? How do you look at your manager and think, "No one is going to tell me what to do!" ... Views: 1810
As a healthy business owner or independent professional,how do you end your year? Well, I tell my clients tostop working. That's right, stop working. The kind of workI'm talking about is the work of getting new business.There is no new business in the dark days of winter,just the clean up of old ... Views: 1381
When is the first time that you give any idea of who
you really are and what you really do for your potential
clients, customers or prospects?
One important way is the telephone. You use phones
everyday, but do you know the most efficient
procedures for using this instrument as a ... Views: 1602
I recently interviewed a prospective client. I asked her to
briefly describe what she did. She said it was complicated, she did so many things. I asked who her clients were. She said she couldn't define them, that she dealt with everyone. I then asked how her business was growing and she said ... Views: 1752
I never fit in no matter how hard I tried. I just had to be adopted. There was no way I could be a biological part of the family I was living with. These were my innermost thoughts, maybe even my hopes, for years.
I wasn’t like my cousins, didn’t follow the rules easily, hated taking care of ... Views: 2449