Do you like to make salads in the summer? Do you want to make some tasty summer salads, but are tired of the same old, same old? There are a ton of different summer salads you can make in the summer, so read this article for two favorite summer salad recipes!
Why are people looking for summer ... Views: 1500
Many people are looking for potato salad recipes without mayonnaise. There are many reasons for people to do that, including wanting to try a new type of potato salad, wanting a potato salad recipe without mayonnaise and many more.
If you are looking for potato salad recipes without ... Views: 2340
Have you created a Facebook Fan Page for your business yet? If you haven't created a Facebook Fan Page for your business yet, then you are missing out on more visibility, more web site traffic, more newsletter subscribers and more clients. Read this article for information on why you should ... Views: 1986
Do you like cooking and eating beets? Do you want to make an easy and tasty beet salad? Beets are tasty, but many people don't know how to cook them and how to make a beet salad. And because of this many people are looking for a beet salad recipe. The good thing about making beet salad is that ... Views: 1613
Do you like avocados? Do you want to make a tasty avocado salad? Many people are looking for information on how to make avocado salad. The good thing about making avocado salad is that you can combine avocado with many different ingredients. You can make an avocado salad with cucumbers, shrimp, ... Views: 1672
Are your coaching clients leaving left and right because they do not want to pay for coaching services in today's economy? Recently I have been hearing from many coaches - life coaches, business coaching, career coaches and others, who have been telling me that it is much harder for them to find ... Views: 1777
Coaches are afraid to talk about money - that's a fact! Sometimes when I am talking to a potential client for the first time, it is very hard for them to tell me how much they charge. And I am not even their potential client! I can only imagine how hard it is for them to have the money ... Views: 1799
Over the years I have worked with many coaches who need to find more clients for their coaching businesses. In this article I would like to share with you my 3-step plan for getting more coaching clients for your coaching business.
Step 1: Change Your Mindset
I have taught hundreds of coaches ... Views: 2877
I have met many different coaches - life coaches, career coaches, business coaches and many others, who think that the only way to make money with coaching is by providing one-on-one coaching services to their clients.
This is not true - there are many different ways to make money with your ... Views: 2910
As you know, building your list is extremely important. A targeted list of subscribers will help you get more clients, sell more information products and create an extremely profitable online business.
Here are five best techniques for building your list:
- Social Networking. Social networking ... Views: 1540
One things that many experts do is that they teach. Teaching a teleseminar in a subject that you know is one of the best ways to demonstrate your expertise to your potential clients and promote your business at the same time. Leading a teleseminar is a great marketing technique because it is ... Views: 970
As you are reading this article, many potential clients visit service professionals' web sites. These potential clients are ready to buy products and services. However, they look around professionals' web sites and just leave without making a purchase.
This is happening on millions of Internet ... Views: 977
Do you want to work less while making more money?
Why did you start your business? Did you start your business to work with clients, make a good living and spend time with your friends and family? Instead, many service professionals work very long hours and don't have any time to spend time ... Views: 947
Here is an exercise I do with many coaches, when I start teaching them about marketing their coaching business online. I say: "Let's say you meet me somewhere, and I am in your target market. How are you going to try to turn me into a coaching client?"
I have heard many different answers to ... Views: 1014
The very first task that I work on with my clients is defining a target market (or niche) for their business. We do this first because everything you will need to do to make your business successful, including creating an effective web site, starting an ezine, and creating online marketing plan ... Views: 1692
As an online business coach, I have helped many service business professionals market their services online and get more customers online. When we just start working together, many of my clients tell me that they can't get any service clients online. This is because they usually promote their ... Views: 1247
Coaches, are you confused about how to price your e-books, teleseminars and other information products? Do you set a random price hoping that this turns out to be the "magical" price that your customers are willing to pay? If you answered yes to this question you are losing a lot of money ... Views: 908
Have you written an ebook recently? Do you want to make more money with it? The best way to make more money with your ebook is by selling more copies of your ebook!
If your ebook is not selling as well as you would like (or if it is not selling at all), you are not alone. Every week ... Views: 1122
I have heard this way too many times. I have heard it from every type of a coach. Many life, career and business coaches who have been in business for some time have told me that they are not actively marketing their business. When I ask why not, it seems that they are waiting for something to ... Views: 2042
Many coaches, consultants and other service business owners know that teaching teleseminars brings a lot of rewards to them and to their business. Their teleseminars bring in more clients, promote their expertise and help them differentiate themselves from others in their field.
Unfortunately, ... Views: 1005
I have seen this happen time and time again. Coaches, consultants and other service business owners spend a lot of time and effort on getting traffic to their business web sites.
They perform effective search engine optimization by researching online keywords, modifying their web copy and ... Views: 941
Are you looking for more clients for your coaching, consulting or other service business? How much easier would your life be if your service customers were seeking you out instead of you looking for them? What if prospective service customers were contacting you every day, wanting to work with ... Views: 926
Are you looking for more clients? Do you want a new, fresh way to promote your business online? One way to market your business is by promoting it together with other business owners. There are several techniques for doing this, but the main idea is to achieve win-win situations by ... Views: 1000
I have heard it many times. Many coaches who have been in business for over two years have been telling me that they are not actively marketing their business and looking for coaching clients. When I ask why they are not looking for clients, it always seems like they are waiting for something ... Views: 1099
I have worked with hundreds of coaches, and I always recommend that they use the multiple income stream business model for their coaching business. This means that coaches should create products, such as e-books, teleseminars, audio recordings, in addition to doing one-on-one work with coaching ... Views: 1467
Are you a copywriter who runs a copywriting business? Do you need to find more clients? Do you want your target customers finding your web site online and contacting you through your web site to hire you? You can accomplish this if you have an effective online marketing system for your ... Views: 1355
Many entrepreneurs I know get into the business so that they can do what they love. Many have told me that at their corporate jobs they usually spent 40-50% of the time doing something that they actually enjoyed, while the rest of the time was spent in meetings, planning, writing TPS reports, ... Views: 1302
December is a great month for reflecting on the outgoing year and setting goals for the one ahead. What worked and what didn't? What were your biggest victories and challenges this year? Start planning now to make the new year a success. What would you like to achieve? Would you like your ... Views: 1324