Over the last year, increasing numbers of regular readers of my weekly Ezine have pointed out that, in the current economic environment, it is very difficult to “keep your head” whilst everyone around you is losing theirs. (I should point out that they’re grateful to me for the weekly ... Views: 1560
Ever wonder what you’re doing here – what life is all about? Ever wonder why life’s ups and downs toss you around like a piece of driftwood – why life seems to go swingingly for some people but not for you? Ever wonder will there be an end to stress and worry – whether, some day, you’ll be able ... Views: 1643
How did you start your day today? When you leaped – or dragged yourself – out of bed, were you ready and alert for all the wonderful opportunities that today will offer, or did you slouch, on automatic pilot, to the bathroom in the normal early morning daze. If, of course, you were awoken by an ... Views: 2818
Another “New” year is upon us – but what has changed?
Research (in the Universities of Chicago, Milan, Harvard – the list is quite long!) tells us that, in general, normal people lead repetitive lives where little ever changes. Sure, you might have made an important career change, met the ... Views: 1608
Normal people are out of control. This is not an observation, a theory or an opinion. This is a statement of scientific fact. Decades of research, all the way back to 1936, prove conclusively that the normal person is not in control of themselves, rather they are controlled by their ... Views: 2035
Are you living dangerously? If you're "normal" and research indicates that at least 96% of us are, then, in fact, you're not really living at all - you're simply existing. What passes for your life is in fact an ongoing automatic treadmill of habitual, reactive self-fulfilling prophecies. You ... Views: 1795
We all have some sense that we reap what we sow – or what goes around comes around – but quantum physics actually scientifically proves that karma is a powerful force in our lives. As quantum physics might put it, energy in : energy out. So, for starters, let’s examine a couple of important ... Views: 3805
What kind of a day are you having today? Because, it doesn't matter what day of the week it is - Monday or Friday - it's a beautiful day. If you're not having your perfect day today, then you're wasting the only opportunity you have right now to be effortlessly happy and successful - doesn't ... Views: 1709
The average person goes through their adult life in a daze. Research indicates that they are incapable of devoting any appreciable level of attention to anything. It suggests that they only experience what they expect to experience and that the routine tasks of everyday life are done completely ... Views: 1538
Think about it, there's nothing nicer than someone saying something really nice to you - or about you. It makes you feel better about yourself. And what that means is you're giving other people the power to make you happy. And, if you give others the power to make you happy, by definition, ... Views: 1458
The vast majority of people raising children are ill equipped for the job. Now, we all know the general comments like “How come they don’t teach you about this at school?” or “Why is there no training to be a parent?” But that’s not what I’m talking about. Those of us who are parents know that ... Views: 3037
I know, I bet you that you think the title of this article is the wrong way around - but, unfortunately, that's how the vast majority of so-called "normal" people approach their daily routine. A recent survey of US employees by Gallup found that 74% of people don't like their work or workplace - ... Views: 1720
From time to time I take a look at what "competitor" websites are offering in the so-called personal development or self-help sector. After all, we all need to know what we're up against - and we all need to put bread on the table. But how much bread should that be? Because, what I've found is ... Views: 1487
I Googled "dating" this morning - Google came up with 268m results. Whether it's online dating, speed dating, lunch dating or singles holidays, events for singles... actually I Google gave me even more results for singles - 288m.
Lots of people are looking for something that's missing in ... Views: 1545
How did you start your day today? When you leaped out of bed, were you ready and alert for all today will offer or did you drag yourself out of bed on automatic pilot, and lurch into the bathroom in the normal early morning daze. If, of course, you were awoken by an alarm clock, then you ... Views: 3867
Anyone out there got the guts to do it? I mean, is anyone "brave" enough to create and lead a team of like-minded people towards the kind of exceptional business success that one only sees, if one is lucky, once in a career?
I've spent the last couple of weeks talking to and working with ... Views: 1868
On many of my workshops, I quote a piece of well known research into the effectiveness and impact of communication. The effect on those with whom we communicate is dictated by body language, tone of voice and our words. Body language accounts for an enormous 56% of the overall effect, tone of ... Views: 1970
Spend a few moments glancing at the websites of any of the major international news services - it is little wonder that so many of my clients have been emailing me to tell me just how difficult it is to stay positive at present. And these are people that I've been working with for some time - ... Views: 2364
I constantly tell my clients that meditation is like your life in miniature - in other words, everything you encounter during meditation mirrors your daily life.
So, for example, during meditation, your conscious mind will distract you - with an average of 50,000 random thoughts whizzing ... Views: 3367
We all have our faults and failings. That is a statement of ordinary, honest fact. However, the vast majority of us mistake our inappropriate behaviour for some inherent character flaw that leads everyone to whom I have ever posed the question "Are you 100% happy with yourself?" to ... Views: 1672
It only takes one person to believe. That statement is littered across so many texts, over so many centuries - from spiritual literature, to the chronicles of the great explorers and inventors, to the field of professional sport. That belief may sometimes be described as single-mindedness, ... Views: 1955
I know that people are constantly striving to get more out of life. I know that many people wish for, hope for, want for more success, more happiness, more wealth. But wishing, hoping and wanting something is simply a useless mental activity - a waste of energy - because the only thing that ... Views: 1801
For the last thirteen years, in each two-day workshop, I've asked my clients if they love themselves, if they think they're perfect. No-one answers "Yes". It's damn difficult to motivate yourself if there are things about yourself that you don't like. And, indeed, chances are that there ... Views: 1691
I am forever being contacted by clients recommending a variety of self-help books. And, yet, a client recently mentioned to me that he had been on a workshop where another participant told him to "Stop reading the books - and start living it!" The truth is, that you will only find true wisdom ... Views: 5349
Over seventy years of psychological research proves conclusively that we live automatic lives. "Automaticity" is what psychologists call our extremely efficient ability to perform routine tasks without paying attention to them. Stop for a moment to reflect on how much attention you paid, ... Views: 1624
Most people lead normal lives. Those lives are, generally speaking, repetitive - where anything spectacular rarely happens. Of course, the normal life is punctuated by the spectacular - falling in love, marriage, the birth of a child, the odd special holiday. But, generally speaking, ... Views: 3597
I was recently asked why authors such as Ekhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra and Tony deMello (and myself for that matter) place so much emphasis on the present moment. My reader also asked me to explain why living in the past or future can be so detrimental - and that's where this article ... Views: 4543
You know the old expression - "They're a born leader!"? Is there any such thing - or can we all be leaders? Is there any secret that can be learned - that we can all learn? Or are some "leaders" and most of us "followers"?
Well, first of all, let's get a few facts straight. Most people ... Views: 1733
I recently received an email from a journalist in the US asking me what I knew about people gaining an online certification for life coaching. And a few weeks back, one of my clients mentioned to me that he'd been approached by a life coach who had "qualified" following a weekend course and ... Views: 1760
You may have already my two articles exploring the best strategies for effortless business success. In the second article we explored what success actually means - and in the first, I suggested four specific steps anyone in business - from the "one man band" to the multi-national - can take to ... Views: 1481
You may have already my article "Strategies for Effortless Business Success" - with the emphasis on the word effortless. In this follow up article, I want to explore what I mean by success - because most "normal" people really haven't got the first clue what the word actually means in the ... Views: 1564
What a strange title for an article given all the gloom and doom that's doing the rounds at present! Most interestingly, how did the word "Effortlessly" get into the title? Surely, hard work is a virtue, God loves a try-er and you have to work hard to be a success. All these statements are ... Views: 1454
A number of years ago, a friend of mine asked me if I was happy. I replied that I was 100% happy at the time, to which she responded "Oh, that's very sad!" I went on to explain to her that one finds happiness within (where else would you expect to find it?) and that my being happy didn't mean ... Views: 1693
Ask and you shall receive! The concept of so-called “cosmic ordering” apparently works along these lines – definitions of cosmic ordering suggest that you write out your wish list (which is somehow cast out into the cosmos) and wait for it to happen (wait for the cosmos to respond). This is ... Views: 3954
The World Health Organisation believes that stress will be the biggest killer of the 21st century. UK Government statistics indicate that over 15 million workdays were lost in 2008 due to stress. In the US, the National Institute for Occupational Safety predicts that depression will be the ... Views: 1577
I was recently asked the difference between a "Leader" and a "Manager or CEO". A very important question at a time when those with real leadership qualities will outshine the "normal" people who've risen to a position for which, in reality, they are ill-equipped. Which leads me to the title ... Views: 1718
Just a couple of weeks ago, I spent a day with a dozen "old-timers" clients with whom I've been working for years. Early on in the discussion, as we chatted about how psychology and quantum physics proves that you get what you expect, so that, if you expect something different, something ... Views: 3152
Do you think that Bill Gates thinks there's a box? Or Warren Buffet? Do you think that Muhammad Ali thought there was a box? What about Sir Richard Branson? How do you think Tiger Woods or Roger Federer would feel if they thought that they had to operate inside 'the box'.
Very often, ... Views: 876