Sanitizing your hot tub water is the most important maintenance you can do for your health and for the life of your hot tub. Soaking in a hot tub is like taking a bath, except you don’t drain this tub when you are done. In fact, you don’t drain it for months. The warm water provides a perfect ... Views: 1934
Hydrotherapy is water therapy. Warm water plus swirling action = help for many health problems. For years, water therapy has been widely accepted for many medical conditions as well as physical therapy, soft exercise, and faster sports recovery. Here are some tips for getting the most benefit ... Views: 1163
Warm water combined with buoyancy and massage can be used to help relieve symptoms of many ailments. Some studies show that this method might help improve some of the symptoms of diabetes. This includes poor circulation and slow healing often associated with diabetes.
Poor Circulation
When ... Views: 2933
One of the most relaxing parts of life is lounging in a warm, bubbling hot tub. Stress and tension seem to melt away, and we come out feeling renewed. With a healthy regard for basic safety, and a dose of common sense, hot tub ownership can improve your health and your quality of life. Read ... Views: 1088
Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy also known as aquatic therapy where water revitalizes, maintains, and restores health. These can include hot tubs, saunas, steam baths or foot baths. Warm water makes moving safer with gentle resistance and soft pressure on the body. It also provides ... Views: 1254
Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy also known as aquatic therapy where water revitalizes, maintains, and restores health. These can include hot tubs, saunas, steam baths or foot baths. Warm water makes moving safer with gentle resistance and soft pressure on the body. It also provides ... Views: 1221
Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy also known as aquatic therapy where water revitalizes, maintains, and restores health. These can include hot tubs, saunas, steam baths or foot baths. Warm water makes moving safer with gentle resistance and soft pressure on the body. It also provides ... Views: 1253
Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy also known as aquatic therapy where water revitalizes, maintains, and restores health. These can include hot tubs, saunas, steam baths or foot baths. Warm water makes moving safer with gentle resistance and soft pressure on the body. It also provides ... Views: 1244
Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy also known as aquatic therapy where water revitalizes, maintains, and restores health. These can include hot tubs, saunas, steam baths or foot baths. Warm water makes moving safer with gentle resistance and soft pressure on the body. It also provides ... Views: 1317
Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy also known as aquatic therapy where water revitalizes, maintains, and restores health. These can include hot tubs, saunas, steam baths or foot baths. Warm water makes moving safer with gentle resistance and soft pressure on the body. It also provides ... Views: 1348
This 1 simple marketing secret is so simple that there’s a danger you might discover what it is, pull in the corner of your mouth, shake your head, and click away. So hold on and hear this out. This one secret is so serious that Michael E. Gerber author of the E-Myth Revisited, Thomas Edison, ... Views: 1102
Knowing your prospects and why your clients buy is foundational to a successful business.
All the great (and even not-so-great) business trainers talk about that key element continuously.
Everyone knows it.
One element is often overlooked is patterns.
When you zero in on your best ... Views: 1133
The most intimate communication we know is a heart-to-heart talk. When you’re in deep understanding and alignment, the conversation shifts. You move closer. You lean in. Your voices grow softer. Whenever you’re part of this kind of exchange, the topic has intense meaning to both of you. There is ... Views: 4655
A few years ago, my son and his four friends—geeks all of them—gathered at his apartment for an all nighter of networked gaming. Several of the guys brought their computers and they proceeded to hook them up. Everything went fine, but one computer wouldn’t show up in the system. Brows lowered, ... Views: 1082
Marketing and sales are the lifeblood of any venture, whether you’re moving books off shelves or putting widgets into the hands of teenagers, whether you’re teaching classes or improving health and wellness. If there’s no value exchange, there is no business.
Why is knowing your prospect the ... Views: 1047
Marketing at its core means writing and speaking powerful words for sound bites, headlines, articles, or social media. No matter what the point of contact, getting into your readers’ mindset is crucial for success. The vast majority of solo business owners naturally write from their own mindset, ... Views: 1191
If we're in business, it's comforting to know that we’re not the first to walk this journey. Thousands of very successful business people have done this before, and they’ve made their findings available to us through books, coaching, videos, and the Internet. With so much information out there ... Views: 1076
Most of the time when an individual gets an idea of starting a business, they start with an urgency to sell their personal skills and be their own boss. This is the commonly accepted definition of a small business owner. Unfortunately, it’s also the reason so many businesses fail.
By ... Views: 1172
What is your core concept? It’s your BIG idea, the central thought that everything else builds on. In story writing we call it your theme. It’s the kernel of truth that becomes the strong foundation for your work. What special takeaway or benefit do you offer your clients? And what’s happens ... Views: 1189
Target marketing has been the buzz word of Internet Marketing for years. Narrowing down from mass marketing billboard strategies makes sense. When you know your target market encompasses baby boomers who are used to making six figures and who are going through a life transition, you’ve got a ... Views: 2334
This is a question I hear again and again. What is the difference between attracting Window Shoppers and drawing in Paying Clients? The answer is in your words. Take a look at your web site, your special offers, and your sales pages. Are you promising bargains or presenting transformation with ... Views: 1136