As the river winds and wends its way downstream towards the sea it is flowing in the direction of least resistance. Is your own life flowing in a similar direction? If so, then you will find that your life is one of ease.
More often than not, things will turn out the way you want them to, ... Views: 1501
When you find yourself getting stuck in negative ways of thinking and being, instead of positive ones, remember this is your Ego. Ego is that part of you that holds onto images, thoughts and feelings that are based on fear, doubt and suspicion etc It springs from the earlier need for survival ... Views: 4436
It doesn't matter how many times you have heard the saying "Money doesn't buy happiness" how many of us still go ahead as if it is the answer to all of our dreams? Everything around us, in the media and almost everywhere you go, shouts out this message until we become convinced that only when we ... Views: 1285
When it comes to pain you have a choice. How you react to pain can make it your enemy or your friend.
So it might be a good idea to take a look at the way you view pain and what meanings you give to whatever is happening in your body.
What is it about the pain that you find yourself focusing ... Views: 1642
A few months ago I started to suffer from severe hip pain, which I later discovered turned out to be the end stages of osteoarthritis. It often kept me awake at night so the horrible nightmare that suddenly loomed one dark night was probably the last thing I wanted at that time!
I woke myself ... Views: 1463
I was a young woman abroad, traveling around and teaching to pay my way. It had begun as a very enjoyable adventure, exploring and interacting with the many different cultures, people and places I cam across as I savored the sense of freedom and play that being abroad seemed to bring.
Then one ... Views: 2475
In order for you to attract into your life what you feel you want most and to find real happiness, there are some limiting beliefs that you need to clear out of the way first. These are often beliefs about yourself that you picked up in childhood which served you at the time but which don't ... Views: 1473
The main idea that seems to be spouted out whenever we hear about the Law of Attraction is that ‘We get what we think about most’. So most of us could be forgiven for thinking at first glance that if we just do something to change our thoughts then our life will change too.
However it is not ... Views: 1332
According to the Law of Attraction, we get what we think about most, in other words our thoughts stimulate action and attract certain results in our lives. Therefore, if you think negative thoughts, you may attract more negative thinking and results.If you think positively, on the other hand, ... Views: 1422
I think it's a sad comment on the sign of our times the many people who tell me they are so busy these days they don't have a minute to think!
At one time that statement would have been taken with a pinch of salt, easily recognisable as an overstatement: "Oh, come on, you're going too far, it's ... Views: 1342
Pain, whether emotional or physical, causes us to focus on something that doesn't feel very good and this can put a dark cloud over our experience of the world. We can feel both helpless and hopeless.
At an energetic level you could say that the normal positive and life enhancing energy flow ... Views: 2655
When it comes to improving your health and well-being, one of the best things you can do is have a good laugh! Not only does laughter help to improve the health of your body, it also brings more happiness and joy. In addition, the more you laugh with the people you love, the closer you become ... Views: 1078
Your desire is what motivates you. It drives the search, to bring into your life what you feel,think or hope will make it better. It can manifest in many ways and at a variety of levels, from something as simple as the desire for chocolate or a holiday in the sun to finding your soul mate or ... Views: 993
So who’s not busy in their lives right now!
So many things to do, bills to pay, things to organise. We are lucky if we even get a decent full night’s sleep any more. Yet if we could just take that momentous decision to stop, reflect and pay attention to ourselves, we might just begin to start ... Views: 1032
Hello, I'm Joy Idries and it wasn't that long ago that I was living in a virtual prison of constant pain and fatigue. I had tried many different ways of getting rid of it but nothing much seemed to work.
I might get the edge taken off it for a little while if I took regular drugs but then it ... Views: 944
Meditation is an excellent way to relax your mind and body
Yet, if you are not accustomed to meditation you will need to learn a few basics steps and get a basic understanding of what it is all about to help you on your way.
Basically it is about relaxing. Usually it is a good idea to start by ... Views: 886