Hello, I'm Joy Idries and it wasn't that long ago that I was living in a virtual prison of constant pain and fatigue. I had tried many different ways of getting rid of it but nothing much seemed to work.
I might get the edge taken off it for a little while if I took regular drugs but then it would soon come back to haunt me again and this started to really wear me down and take over my whole life. Who ever feels like doing anything when they are in pain? It isn't easy is it? It's not like you can even sleep very well...

Pain was constantly there and it was so frustrating, not being able to enjoy life. Even doing just the simple things became almost impossible, going for casual walks in the park or running for a bus, you know, just being able to smile or breathe easily without it hurting or aching, not even being able to get into and out of a chair without a groan... because the pain was getting in the way.
These are just the kinds of things most of us take for granted. Until we lose the ability in some way and then we recognise just how precious our health really is and just how much our lives can be really affected - when something goes wrong - putting our whole life on hold.

I suffered for years with chronic fatigue and persistent nagging backache and it really limited me and it made me very miserable too. I couldn't enjoy playing with my son as much as I would have liked over the years as he was growing up and that was pretty hard. And in that time I gradually changed from a healthy outgoing active woman to a depressed and overweight lump of meat-and-bones basically.

Pain stopped me in my tracks.

Then a miracle happened. I discovered EFT. I practised it on myself and my friends with amazing results and then had such a passion to share it I became certified in the process too. I am now living a life virtually pain free and have more energy than I've had for years and I love life again. It has given me my life back.

It's really made such a big difference to me.

If you are frustrated with not being able to enjoy the day, even just to do the simple things in life - just being able to do the dishes sometimes is a dream for some people - then this is a
great solution for you and it is sopmething you can learn and use for yourself whenever you need without having to depend on anyone else.

Let me tell you about somebody who also benefitted from this - a client of mine. She had two slipped discs in her lower back which as some of you might know is a really painful condition and she had been on painkillers for a long time, having to up the dosage as time went on which meant that the medication wasn't having the same effect as before and eventually she was told that she would have to have surgery, which really frightened her.

She became really depressed and couldn't look after her family very well. In fact she felt like a burden to them. So basically, life was hell and she was feeling quite desperate by the time she arranged a session with me. When the time came for her to come for the session she didn't turn up so I knew there must be something wrong. Well, I was right, she had fallen down the stairs as she was making her way out to see me! And she was lying in bed absolutely crippled with pain and could hardly even talk because just moving her stomach muscles was too much to bear.

So I suggested we try a quick process on the phone, after all she had nothing to lose and it wouldn't take too long so it wasn't a big investment of energy. And it just might work!

So we started the process. And the results were amazing. Even after working with this method for such a long time now, I still get amazed at how quickly it can work. Within minutes the pain
had gone down dramatically. In fact so much so that she was able to get up out of bed straight away all by herself.

Her daughter who was downstairs at the time heard the movement upstairs and was afraid her mother had fallen again. So she rushed up to help but to her surprise there was her mother
moving around and her face was beaming as she shouted out in excitement and utter amazement "My God, My God! There's no pain! How is this possible?"

They both started jumping up and down in excitement and were thrilled that something as painful as her chronic condition could change so dramatically and so quickly. It was fantastic.

All those years of pain. How much is something like that worth? Wow!

Author's Bio: 

Joy is passionate about sharing the insights and experiences of her journey to freedom, with the world. Her focus on Spiritual Growth, Healing and Fun blends ancient and modern holistic and psychological approaches with a wide experience of life and includes dynamic interactive meditation, creative coaching, visualisation, mindfulness, sacred clowning, energy therapies and inner spiritual adventures. Her dynamic surrender to the highest within is an inviting dance with wisdom which beckons you to true, joyful awakening

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