She's not trying to hurt you when you open up, but you're convinced she is, and the same old activation stories get whipped up and cause nothing but pain.
You're missing the giant vulnerabilities all around that haven't been addressed or dignified to release the pressure around the tender ... Views: 500
Bliss Is A Journey of Choices
Bliss is not some shaktified, colonized, imperialized consumable state.
Bliss is not all bon bons and orgasms all day while being fanned on a plush velvet couch with champagne at the ready.
Bliss is not all ease and excitement as money comes rolling ... Views: 538
If you’re stuck in endless, seemingly non-resolvable, conflicts with your partner that don’t seem to really stop, there IS a way out. And yet, you can’t see it because you’re not aware of exactly what the full ‘cycle’ clearly is that has you getting into this conflict over and over ... Views: 539
You couldn’t get enough of each other...
intoxicated with the erotic…
the most gorgeous, soulful, dripping sex and lovemaking every day and then power struggles hit your love-field like crazy.
Is the relationship over or not meant to be?
A Big NO!
But, the truth is you just don’t ... Views: 514
The problem with couples relationships isn’t communication problems, it’s that deep feelings aren’t dignified with deep hearing and seeing, and felt sense communications...
"Why can't I state my boundaries without heart pounding, tears, or being afraid of what the other person's response will ... Views: 523
It’s not that you’re incompatible and should break up because it’s too much, it’s that your souls have chosen to liberate so fully though the partnership and the big chunks of karma/trauma you’re working through need a level of curation, holding and expertise few have been trained to bring into ... Views: 556
"Why do I constantly feel like my relationship is on shaky ground, like any time I say/do something 'wrong' the other person might end it?” A client asked recently.
You are NOT here to be canceled in a relationship dear one, instead, your unresolved guilt and abandonment issues are calling ... Views: 562
I know it seems like she’s nitpicking at you, and you’re taking it personally and ready to run for the hills. But really, she’s probably feeling self critical of herself and needs you to just love her and support her to get underneath the judgment to what’s in the heart instead.
This post is ... Views: 817
Maybe this has happened to were looking forward to Saturday night with your beloved, music on, scrumptious, savory take-out coming and fragrant candles lit. He/She starts inching towards you, closer, wanting to nuzzle up, you, on the other hand, notice that you’re starting to pull ... Views: 558
So many people try spiritual ceremonies, meditation practices, crystal healings, cognitive insight, NLP, medicine ceremonies, code healing for their relationship but really have a hard time turning the emotional disconnection that made them seek those practices into soul-satisfying love.
How ... Views: 524
I have, and I tried it many times and failed and wondered why.
Look, I know in the coaching world, there’s tremendous focus on insight, the ‘codes’ and transcending away your challenges through meditation, leading with soul and other spiritual methods.
They’re not bad methods in and of ... Views: 696
I’ve witnessed a lot of people look to medicine journeys (which I have deep respect for) as the be all - end all when it comes to transformation, hold it as the great and ultimate problem solver, clearer and the ultimate way.
I’ve also observed some of the same people, including facilitators, ... Views: 742
In one form or another these are the questions that keep me on my toes each and every week with my clients.
Allow me to make this more simple.
1. Learn to tolerate and open to the entire range of vulnerability that comes up for you and you both in your couples journey. Get support for how ... Views: 478
It’ll be THIS Instead.
I’m fired up about mindset this week because almost every relationship client from the online world talks about it almost immediately.
They wonder why they failed to solve relationship problems with mindset, no matter how hard they tried.
I wish they didn’t beat ... Views: 506