We as Indians had fought more than 100 wars before Independence, back from the 14th Century BCE, the difference is from timelines we have either fought for some ruler, dictator or for someone else. Is it after independence only our brave soldiers have been fighting a war for our motherland - ... Views: 426
Movies or should we say "Cinema" are the medium with which we can go on the ride of various emotions by being stationary at a single position. Those rides do teach us a lot from there actions, many of us can relate with it an enormous way.
Movies included in this list come under the Mix ... Views: 536
Probably one of the valuable and lifesaver thing for human beings is OIL, It is one of the most important raw materials we have. Everyday we use hundreds of things that are made from oil. Oil is even considered as one of the most valuable assets of the 21st Century.
Oil also ... Views: 884
Right Wing or Left Wing:
As in our day to day life, we have come across such terms either on the various news channels or in the newspapers, many of us are still confused with these political terms & even more confused with the which ideology we are following/supporting or exactly which ... Views: 799
Here is the list of few much-anticipated movies of 2020:
But due to the current ongoing pandemic few of these may get shifted to the first half of 2021.
Shakuntala Devi:-
It is the biopic of Shakuntala devil, Her role in the movie is portrayed by Vidya Balan, Shakuntala Devi ... Views: 498
Title - My Personal Favourite Indian Web series of all time.
Below is the list of few web series which I personally recommend to you all people, spending time on this stuff is definitely worth your time -
• Flip-
An underrated Voot original, which is full of thrill & ... Views: 641
CIA-Central Intelligence Agency, many of us had heard about it & knew few things about it, many of us not, as it is a secret service agency, just like India has RAW, America has CIA.
Every secret agency can go through any limit to save their country or to gather intelligence about the ... Views: 513
How to stay motivated all time -
" "Staying motivated is something which we have to do it daily, like our daily habits such as bath, brush, hair comb, etc otherwise we will always indulge in that boring mendacious life which is full of boredom"
Below are few points will help you to stay ... Views: 555
What is Procrastination:-
It is nothing but delaying a particular task for the instant pleasure or there can be other reasons also which leads to Procrastination.
Common Reasons Why We Procrastinate:-
1) Fear of Failure –
We all have different definitions of value, simply ... Views: 757
“Fact: - If standard of living is your number one objective, quality of life almost never improves. But if the quality of life is your number one objective, the standard of living invariably improves.” — Zig Ziglar(American author & Motivational Speaker)
In this whole world of chaos, by ... Views: 842
A lot of viruses that actually makes us sick, originally come from Animals, some of the viruses that cause flu come from Birds & Pigs, HIV/AIDS come from Chimpanzees, Ebola comes from Bats & in the case of coronavirus there is some evidence that it went from Bat to Pangolin before infecting the ... Views: 462
MYTH - Cold weather/Hot weather can kill coronavirus FACT - According to WHO, no such scientific proof is established to believe this theory, as per current research, it can stay in both conditions for a longer period of time
MYTH - It can transfer through mosquitoes bites
FACT -To-date ... Views: 468
Things to do in the on-going Self-Quarantine/Lock-down Period
Here are a few things which you can do in your home to get rid of boredom:-
1) Read a Book-
You can read the book, either it can be the fiction/novel or non-fiction depending upon your interest, you can choose the different ... Views: 703