Erectile Dysfunction (ED) - A Symptom of Heart Disease
This essay addresses the main causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) and impotence. Impotence and ED are allot more common today than they were a few decades ago for many reasons.
The first reason is hormonal imbalances and lower ... Views: 1256
The Benefits and Risks of Cinnamon
The are many benefits to taking cinnamon but there are some risks as well. For over 4,000 years cinnamon has been used as a spice. Cinnamon was commonly used in the Middle East and is mentioned in Proverbs and a Psalm. Psalm 45:8 says, "All Your ... Views: 1303
How to Find Things to Sell on Amazon
The question is, how to find things that sell and ship quickly on Amazon? One problem that people have is that when they find to a category they become overwhelmed by all the choices they have to choose from. Some products literally have thousands ... Views: 952
This method may remove as many as 100 gallstones in a single day. The gallbladder is a small organ which stores a digestive fluid known as bile. This bile is created in the liver. Gallstones are hard deposits which look like stones, while varying in size and are found mainly in the ... Views: 1132
Can You Lose Your Salvation Controversy?
There is a Salvation controversy within main line Christian church beliefs. Some denominations believe that once a person is saved they are always saved. Other denominations believe that one can lose their salvation after becoming saved.
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Sea salt was once used by everyone. It lost its popularity about the time of the industrial revolution when big business manipulated the public into believing that their processed salt was better and healthier. See the article on my website about table salt, titled, Salt -Good or Bad.
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Dr. Darren Schmidt, explains in a lecture, that plaque buildup begins when a tear happens on the inside lining of your artery. It is this tear in the lining of your artery that is the beginning of heart disease.
Warning signs of clogged arteries include such things as bruised and/or ... Views: 1884
Nearly all calcium in the body is used to build strong bones and strong teeth. Only about 1% of calcium circulates in the organs, tissues and bloodstream. Calcium can form deposits in various tissues of the body, in both specific locations or in multiple areas. Sometimes calcium deposits are ... Views: 1021
Cortisol is a stress hormone which has many benefits for you. Cortisol helps people survive but if there is too much of it in you, it will deplete your anti-inflammatory hormones. In other words, cortisol is normally an anti-inflammatory but if you have sustained stress over many years - then ... Views: 1665
Research shows that as many as 90% of people who constantly work with computers have experienced negative effects on their eyes. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is commonly referred to as strain on the eyes caused by constant computer use. Continually looking at a computer screen for prolonged ... Views: 1163
Opportunity For Horse Lovers!
Do You Enjoy Horseracing?
Experience the excitement and joy of your horse entering the winner's circle. Have a chance to own a piece of great horses like; Secretariat, an American Kentucky Derby and Triple Crown winner of the 1970's. Black Caviar an ... Views: 1186
The facts about carbohydrates (carb) and overall health are still being researched. New science-based facts are being are being found every day. A recent study comparing high protein to high carbohydrates shows that a carb diet is sometimes better than a high protein diet.
Getting rid ... Views: 787
Heart disease is the worst killer of all diseases but there are a number of foods that can help clean your arteries naturally and protect you from a heart attack. One of the main causes of heart attack or stroke are clogged arteries. A clogged artery disrupts the flow of blood throughout the ... Views: 1337
There are foods that can help cleanse your liver naturally. The consumption of processed foods and fried foods loaded with harmful cholesterol filled cooking oils is one of the biggest challenges we all face every day. The preservatives and additives in our foods contribute heavily to our ... Views: 969
Everyone should flush their gallbladder of stones at least once in their lifetime. Many people have their gallbladder removed but God gave us a gallbladder for a purpose - it is not just something given to us to hold stones. The gallbladder is an organ that helps our bodies function properly. ... Views: 1209
Eggs are the easiest way of adding protein to your diet. Eggs not only improve your daily protein count but they improve your health by giving you 7 grams of a special muscle building nutrient while containing only 85 calories per egg. Eggs contain many amino acids, anti oxidants and iron ... Views: 2417
Presenting Jesus as The Messiah Using The Old Testament
The book of Acts mentions Jesus as the Messiah at least 12 times. These 12 presentations are given by 7 different people. The point being made here is that Acts was written in the First Century about events that took place prior ... Views: 1293
Iodized table salt has many harmful effects on your health. There is a difference between table salt and sea salt. Table salt and sea salt are chemically similar but table salt is particularly deficient in nutrients compared to sea salt. Table salt as we know it is the result of processing to ... Views: 2556
The attitude of a person's heart is one of the biggest topics in the Holy Bible and one of the most important topics to consider when raising your children. Children learn from watching their parents and others. Parental influence is important if you want your children to grow in a way that ... Views: 847
Sleep apnea is not a virus or disease but rather a problem of diet. However, all people can contract the problem. Fat, skinny, large or small, sleep apnea can be acquired by any body type.
Sleep apnea is a symptom rather than a disease itself. It is an air obstructive pathway ... Views: 1321
The Roman Catholic Church teaches its followers that the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ in approximately 30 A.D. was when it was founded. However, the New Testament reveals that the Catholic Church does not have its beginning in the teachings of Jesus Christ or the Apostles. There ... Views: 1007
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a serious problem. ED is found among men of any age but is most prevalent among males over 40 years old. Statistics say that 50% men over 40 years old will have had ED at some point in their lives.
ED is caused by several things which include diet, ... Views: 1746
Christians believe that the entire Bible is the inspired work of God, penned by men but in a manner of speaking - dictated by God. Saint Thomas Aquinas stated, "The author of Holy Scripture is God".
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was published in 1611. Not satisfied with the ... Views: 997