OK, so I never ever believed anything could be tougher, more painful than carrying a child for 9 months and then pushing that awesome amazingness out of your vagina into the world (YEP, I am going there!)


And yet, I am now beginning to think that I may have been mistaken!


Because I have finally seen the thing that will defeat women who have gone through that process 2,3,4,5 times!


And well, men, I have no idea what is equivalent to childbirth in your life…


But I always used to say that if a woman could do the whole child birth thing then of course, it would be a doddle to stay on track and run a business…


But now I see that I was mistaken…


A successful business is one of the toughest things most people will ever endure which is why most will not actually buckle down and get it done…


They will talk about it…


They will dream about it…


They will make plans about it…


And maybe, even make a little start…


But then they will quit and tell themselves that somehow, it was harder for them than it was for everyone else that stays the course…


And then there are those who just get it to a comfortable level but still quit pushing because again, it is too hard and so they do not have the impact they could have had if they had stayed on course and really truly gone after everything with EVERYTHING inside of them…


I hate to say this, but it is kinda easy with a baby…


You generally know that the baby will come out okay…


Yes, it will be hard but mostly, the baby will be born and all will be well and the pain will turn into anxiety around being the best parent ever…


But that all seems so teeny compared to the crazy tenacity and resilience and MENTAL TOUGHNESS required to stay on course and build a successful business when faced with potential financial ruin, silly staff members, partners who do not get your vision, parents who want you to be more available, children who try to play your guilt string because they know your buttons, clients that don’t turn up when you want them to, life stuff that suddenly looks like huge mountains that you cannot overcome and your crazy emotions trying to make it all seem impossible!


But can I tell you something?


Your business is just like a baby…


If you will stay the course, it will be delivered just fine…


Unless it was broken in the first place (horrible to think of that when it comes to a baby but that does happen


Mostly, your business would work if you would just stop being emotional about it…


If you would stop making everything mean something it does not…


And you just saw your business for the machine that it is…


And you consistently worked the machine…






THAT is all…


With some admin stuff to keep the taxman happy…


And can I tell you something else?


It is a decision.


The decision to stop listening to the crazy voice inside your head that tells you to quit, to stop, to give up – It is all impossible, it says…


And because you listen to that craziness…




You slow down…


You keep asking yourself questions that have no answers…


You keep looking at your dwindling finances as though you can find an answer there…


And you do less of what will turn it all around…


Seriously, why do you do this to yourself?


You may as well quit right now, rather than draw it all out until its final, painful breath…


But this is the thing, leader…


I see you!


And I know your vision and it is amazing!


You are called to impact so many…


And when you are doing that, money will be all aflow! (is that a word?!)


And if you would just hold on to the vision of that and regardless of what today looks like, just make the decision to show up FULLY with every fibre of your being and GIVE IT YOUR ALL…


(rather than your half hearted attempt to pretend to still be in the game!)


Then success is inevitable!




And it is all a decision…


A minute by minute decision to be THAT LEADER who refuses to ever quit!


A leader who chooses to do whatever it takes to serve many, many people…


A leader who is tenacious, resilient, RELENTLESS!


WOW, it excites me even to type out those words because that is who I AM!


I go from one fucking degree of glory to another because I STAY THE COURSE!


I stayed when things were crazy tough and tight and I just wanted to die but I kept pushing, kept elevating, kept GOING!


And I do it still!


I hear the whisper of Spirit in my heart and I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!


And I am looking for leaders like this!


I work with some and I love them endlessly…


But I am looking MORE!


Because there is work for us to do!


People to heal, coach, counsel, teach, inspire…


And it is time we gave birth to those visions and dreams


I am literally trying to polarise every other kind of person because I am done with mincing words, trying to humour people who have already given up on themselves, DONE DONE DONE!


So, am I talking to you, leader?


Are you that spirit-driven entrepreneurial leader who no longer wants to play small?


Are you ready to own your greatness?


Well, join me now in the 5 day challenge starting on Monday – OWN YOUR GREATNESS!


Go find out more at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/ownyourgreatness


If this resonates in your Spirit then work with me for that 5 day period – Lets get stuff sorted…


Business may be the ONLY thing I think is harder than a huge baby coming out of a teeny hole…


But with the right leaders at the helm, Business can be SUCCESSFUL business – CRAZY, WILDLY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS!


And that can be yours


So lets get to it!


Start here – RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/ownyourgreatness



Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online