You posted the offer once on your Facebook page, sent one email to your mailing list and did one video and then you go stare at your emails, waiting for the paypal notifications to come…

And nothing happens…

And so, you get disappointed and tell yourself that no one wants what you have…

Silly Leader!

Silly, silly, SILLY!

Sorry but you have to be told!

ONCE of anything is never enough!

You do know it but you tell yourself that you do not want to be pushy…

You do not want to be salesy…

You only want those who are willing to buy…

And yo buy into the nonsense…

Instead of fully getting behind what you have…

And telling, telling, TELLING people in as many different ways as you can exactly how your thing is going to change their whole life…

That is how you sell something!


You keep coming up with new ways to announce it…

To tell them…

To tell them…


(And if you are really having an issue with feeling sleazy, listen into this video I did about selling without the sleaze and yes, you will have to sign up for it though it is free – Go to

People are distracted…

Life is happening to them all the time…

Just when they are about to go buy your thing, something, someone distracts them and they forget…

And you take that to mean something about you or your offer!

There is no meaning in it except that they forgot.

And it is your job as entrepreneurial leader to remind them…

You have to get over yourself and show up as powerful, charismatic leader who fully believes in what they are doing!

If you don’t, who will?

People want you to believe a whole lot more than they do and they want to feel that energy coming out of you.

So, leader, tap into intuition and ask what else you can do to promote your offer…


Feel the sexual energy and desire coming up from your loins and show up as charismatic, powerful leader in every single thing that you do…

Tell stories based on your life or that of your clients and link it to the offer…

Send those emails…

Put up those posts…

Be everywhere, doing something…

Let them not be able to take their eyes off you!

Just as they are getting distracted, you pop up again, asking for the sale…

Keep on, keeping on and do not stop until you reach the result you want…

Don’t buy into the internal fear…

And if there is hesitation inside of yourself because you are not sure that your thing is all that great…


Journal around how to make it great…

And then tell people about the renewed greatness of your offer!

Do not stop…

Do not quit…

SHOW THE HECK UP and change some lives with your offer!

Go on now, get to it!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…


PS – The $7 trial month goes away on Friday night. Leader, it is time that you joined in the Club that will literally change the trajectory of your life – The Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club is for leaders who know they are born for more and they want to upgrade their own life, change lives of others with their business and ultimately together, we change the world.

Check it out at

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online