I recently saw a T-shirt that said, "Bloom Where You Are Planted!"
It is a great notion and basically says, you can grow, learn and thrive regardless of your life situation. Where you are in life, with all the good, difficult, confusing, and exciting choices, is never an excuse to wither or quit. Your spirit can negotiate these turns, blips and issues. It is a choice.
I agree with this philosophy-- but can offer up something more to think of in regard to this. People often feel a pull to move to another city, find a new job or in keeping with this analogy, BLOOM somewhere new or different. Some call this running away. Since, "Where ever you go, there you are." is truth, your issues, way of being, health crisis,personality, ego and all its luggage will move along with you. You trade nothing but your zip code. And in that, there is truth. Your problems will not go away and your way of dealing with others or a crisis will not automatically improve, but there are amany positives to moving along to a new place.
Why do you want to move? If you think you'll be a "new person" in a new city---reconsider the move. If you think you'll be a "better person" in a new city, that is different.
I have coached women who considered moving a state away, across the country and even to a foreign land. One client was pulled to go to a country at war, a profoundly dangerous scenario! Each time, the choice was theirs to make and my job was to offer the conversation that fosters clarity in that choice.
Moving can be running away , but it is not always---
it can be an act of personal power too.
Reasons Moving is an Act of Personal Power
1. Moving offers a chance to clean house. Each day we accumulate stuff and things. Moving requires you to touch everything you own. You will have to decide if the couch worth 50 bucks is worth spending $200 bucks to move a few thousand miles. You will have to decide if you use all 47 bottles of nail polish or the stuff in your junk drawer should find its place in a trash bin or recycling container. You will donate things which releases a lot of stagnant energy over there at your place.
2. Moving works the brain like a good Soduko Puzzle. Deciding to move takes a lot of effort in terms of logistics. Disconnect one phone/internet and so on, sign on for service elsewhere...forward mail...change addresses in your financial affairs, inform friends, pack, finding a new job.... the list is endless. Further, when you get "there" you will need to find a mechanic you trust, the dry cleaner, gym and so on.... You are very engaged with your environment and you have to be for you to thrive. That is the quality missing from th lives of many. We are on auto pilot so muchof our day. We know exactly how many steps down aisle 6 you can find the cans of tuna fish on the lowest shelf on the right at the grocery store.
3. A new environment fosters new patterns of action. If you have a hard time getting to the gym in Atlanta, you are probably going to still have a hard time in San Diego. But when you move, you are establishing new routines, a fresh outlook and it is a great time to recommit to a new way of being. This can include fitness, sleep patterns, financial responsibility, relationships and any other pattern of action you want to erase or improve on.
4. Create a new image. I really don't want to play into anyone's ego, we know we are not what has happened to us. We are not what we have done or experienced. We are not our mistakes and we are not our paychecks and degrees (or lack thereof). But when you relocate, like an 18 year old who breaks out of the high school paradigm and blossoms in college---you can step out to a greater degree into the shoes of the bigger person you are meant to be. New opportunities to create yourself anew in a way that suits the modern day you, the new you, the smarter you. If our bodies are created completely anew every 7 years, then you truly NOT who you used to be! Let your spirit expand and evolve too.
5. The people you'll meet, the experiences you'll have. There is a lot waiting to unfold before you in this new place. There will be new opportunities for growth, new friendships and relationships that you may one day cherish more than any relationship you have present in your life today!
Your spirit may be nudging you to go somewhere.. and for a good reason. You are not privy to that info right now, but it is guaranteed that you will one day. If your decision is rooted in your personal power as mentioned above, there is no doubt that this change is scripted for you and you should consider embracing and riding the wave of change.
Rena M. Reese is the Founder of Soul Salon International a company dedicated the physical and spiritual revivals of individuals and corporations. Rena is a author, speaker, coach and radio host who shares her message internationally. Visit her at SoulSalonInternational.com.
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