Divorce has become commonplace and affects many children today. Either their parents are divorced or they have friends whose parents are divorced, making it a very rare occurrence when a child doesn’t know someone who’s divorced.
There’s been a shift in the manner of how divorce affects ... Views: 890
There’s a wide continuum of what’s considered normal intelligence in humans. Some of that may be genetic, but there’s a lot of evidence that parents can have a large impact on helping their children be smarter. It all starts when they’re babies.
Pregnant women frequently choose to alter what ... Views: 949
Becoming a parent doesn’t immediately wipe away all the fears that you’ve accumulated during your lifetime. If anything, parenthood can be the cause of several new fears and magnify others -- even some you might think you’ve gotten over.
It’s good to recognize that having a little fear is ... Views: 964
Can you think of a day when you didn’t experience conflict? Your family can have disagreements and butt heads over lots of things and sometimes these are big issues. Other times it’s over little stuff and interestingly, it often seems like some of the biggest conflicts arise over what you think ... Views: 939
It can be difficult when you have a child who’s in pain and whether the pain is acute or chronic, it often affects more than just the person who’s physically feeling it. The entire family can be affected. Pain can be debilitating, can cause kids to lash out, and it can result in kids not being ... Views: 807
One of the hardest things for any parent to face is a child with a broken heart. You never want to see your child hurt and yet you know it’s inevitable. Having hurt feelings is part of life. True heartbreak, as painful as it can be, is also part of that cycle.
While heartache at any age is ... Views: 976
Your Internal Guidance System (IGS) is like a sensor that everyone has built into them. It helps you to recognize when you’re heading down the right path and when you need to course correct. Your IGS can help you recognize what makes everyone so uniquely wonderful, what your best qualities and ... Views: 846
A rite of passage for your kids as they grow up is getting a summer job and here can be an immense amount of pride in having a job. After all, kids gain a level of independence from Mom and Dad because they’re earning money for themselves.
For many families, the question that comes up is ... Views: 790
The heat of summer is going strong and yet it’s already time to get ready to send the kids back to school. How can you help your kids be ready for school while there’s still so much summer fun to be had? This can be especially challenging if you’ve moved to a new area, your child doesn’t exactly ... Views: 912
Friendships are an important part of being healthy, but they can be rough too. Most people change over time and this affects their relationships, including with their friends.
As a parent, it can be hard to watch your child go through a difficult time with their friends pulling away -- even ... Views: 1286
Whether you’re on a tight financial budget or have a busy work schedule, you still want to work hard to take advantage of school being out and plan a family vacation during the summer.
There are lots of opportunities to have fun no matter your budget, from long weekend getaways to extended ... Views: 1267
Just a few generations ago, few people had to worry about their physical fitness. Life was hard. Without luxuries like cars, elevators, or even washing machines and other labor saving devices, their lives were busy doing all the things we take for granted. Machines didn’t do everything for ... Views: 1406
Since this is the 50th anniversary of one of the all time great, positive family movies, The Sound of Music, it seems appropriate to talk about some of your favorite things. More importantly, it’s an opportunity to be sure you know what your kids’ favorite things are.
The song “These are a ... Views: 1487
The Law of Attraction is a scientifically proven natural law and it always works. It has to. You may not understand natural laws or even be aware of their existence, but that doesn’t mean they stop working.
Consider the familiar question “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, ... Views: 1372
Many people are very good at planning their lives. They micromanage their time -- how they’ll spend this hour, the week, the month and even the year. They decide when they’ll go on vacation and they make plans. They plan for their child’s education and for their retirement.
A certain amount ... Views: 1476
Many people struggle with affirmations. They find they’re not comfortable voicing them, or they aren’t sure what to say exactly because the words feel like a lie. Some people insist that specific words should be used while others should be avoided, and that because affirmations are typically ... Views: 2293
Denial has gotten a bad reputation in a lot of circles. Most people were raised to be realistic rather than day-dreamers, but we live in a state of denial. This focus on being realistic actually places many limitations on you and focuses on the past rather than the future.
If you want to ... Views: 1360
One area that is sometimes overlooked when scheduling your kids’ time is how important it is to allow independent play.
It might not be necessary to have a literal scheduled block of time for play, especially if play still comes naturally to both you and your children, but if you find that ... Views: 1366
Illness and injury are to a certain degree, a part of being alive. Even though there are some people who seem never to get sick, it is unlikely that anyone has gone through an entire life without ever getting a single cold or suffering a few cuts or bruises along the way.
Sure, some people ... Views: 3413
A wonderful actor died last week. I’ve enjoyed watching him portray a variety of “bad guys with a big heart” over the years, but last week, I learned something new about him and my appreciation for Bob Hoskins has grown even greater.
Hoskins left school at 15 because he was told he was ... Views: 1569
In this article, we will talk a bit about the Universal Law of Harmony and balance. We will see how this is important for effectively using your Internal Guidance System which we rely on to make decisions about what feels good to us. Through this method, can we learn to apply the law of ... Views: 2466
It is a great temptation to give your teen advice about what they should do in a given situation. As parents, we may believe they will benefit from our experience and direction. It may even feel like they want us to tell them what to do. It will serve all of us better, especially in the long ... Views: 1252
I admit it—I procrastinate. In fact, I seem to have elevated procrastination to an art form. It seems to rule my life at the moment. It made me wonder about inspired action, but as I began to really think about and analyze my apparent paralysis I started to realize some things.
Perhaps my ... Views: 1602
No parent I know, including myself, learns to parent in one fell swoop. Parenting is a process. We learn new things with every new challenge that presents itself. Each child and each situation builds new parenting skills and each challenge, no matter how difficult or trying, offers new ... Views: 1419
As parents, we provide the greatest inspiration and positive influence to our children when we act from our place of power. What is our place of power exactly? Our place of power is found in our own alignment -- that place where we feel happy, calm and joyous. It is that place where our ... Views: 1509
The law of vibration serves as the foundation for the Universal Law of Attraction even though it may not be as well known as the law of attraction.
Science, through quantum physics, is demonstrating that everything in our universe is energy. Even when we go down to the sub-atomic level, we ... Views: 1479
When we study quantum physics, we learn that nothing is fixed, there are no limitations or barriers, and that all things are composed of vibrating energy. Quantum physics approaches science with a spiritual perspective of everything being connected and in a constant state of change-all energy ... Views: 1984
Using the Universal Law of Attraction to attract what you want in life all comes down to the same principle: you need to focus your attention on the thing you want with the strongest emotion. However, focusing and trusting your internal guidance system to do the right thing in order to manifest ... Views: 1388
The concept underlying the Universal Law of Attraction is that everything in the universe is composed of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. All matter, and even our thoughts, is composed of energy.
The Universal Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. ... Views: 1988
The Universal Law Of Attraction requires one to focus and invite in the things you really want in your life. Meditation is one of the most important tools you can use to help keep focused on your desires, and goals. It also helps to empty your mind and to access the places of peace and joy that ... Views: 1633