The law of vibration serves as the foundation for the Universal Law of Attraction even though it may not be as well known as the law of attraction.

Science, through quantum physics, is demonstrating that everything in our universe is energy. Even when we go down to the sub-atomic level, we do not find matter.

We find pure energy. Sometimes this is referred to as the unified field or the matrix.

If you have done any study of the Universal Law of Attraction, then you know the law states that everything in the universe is vibrating at one speed or another.

Nothing ever rests. Everything you can see, feel, or touch around you; even your body and your thoughts are all vibrating. The only differences are the frequencies.

Different frequencies are responsible for us to experience ourselves as separate from what we see around us. Other people, plants, trees, animals and buildings for example. The reality is actually different. We are all connected at the lowest level within the unified field.

Everything has its own vibrational frequency and that is controlled by the law of vibration. A table may appear solid, but within the table there are millions upon millions of subatomic particles that are vibrating with energy just like we are.

Humans tend to see things only from their frame of knowledge. However, with scientific discoveries our frame of knowledge changes. For example, it was a “fact” the earth was flat for a very long time, but obviously it wasn’t. New information provided a new frame of knowledge. Now we know the earth is round.

It is important to keep an open mind. We need to recognize that things we think are impossible today may well be proven possible by science in 10-15 years from now.

The Universal Law of Attraction tells us that our thoughts are on a certain vibrational frequency and therefore, part of the vibrating universe. It goes further to say that we attract what we send out. Therefore, if we send out positive energies, we will attract positive energies and if we send out negative energies, we will attract negative energies.

Think of your thoughts as cosmic waves of energy able to penetrate all of time and space. The Universal Law of Attraction tells us that thought is the most potent vibration, so powerful that you can literally create what you want.

Once you realize that your thoughts and emotions are vibrating and that “like attracts like” you can understand that you have the power to change your life by changing your thoughts and emotions. Focus on what you want and you can attract it into your life.

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Ballantine has offered coaching and mentoring to help improve people’s lives since 2007, when she was certified as a Law of Attraction Life Coach from Quantum Success Coaching Academy. In 2011, she graduated from The Four Winds Society –Light Body School of Energy Medicine, founded by Alberto Villoldo PhD. To learn more about Ballantine and how she can help you to achieve your magical life please visit