Summary: The Bible uses political cartoons to represent nations. In the book of Daniel we find a ram in the Middle East pushing west, but it is stomped by a goat that flies from the west “at the time of the end.” That will be the end of militant Islam, but the ram is a more noble creature than a ... Views: 1145
Summary: The world loves Pope Francis for his acceptance of everyone as they are—even atheists, but can he deliver the goods for a United Nations New World Order? Here are some potential problems:
1. A New World Order may be a tough sell. “Congress shall make no law respecting an ... Views: 997
Summary: Five biblical signs, not to mention our severe weather or failing economy, are ominous for 2016. Fleeing the cities is suggested by five biblical models.
Most Bible scholars agree with a 7-year apocalyptic period, like the 7 years of famine in Joseph's time or the 7 years that King ... Views: 1234
Summary: A recent report suggested all patients at risk for heart attack should have their BP lowered by drugs. It's true that people with lower blood pressure live longer, but this does not mean people should take drugs to lower it. They would do better to eat a low fat, low salt diet and get ... Views: 1248
Summary: A recent report suggested all patients at risk for heart attack should have their BP lowered by drugs. It's true that people with lower blood pressure live longer, but this does not mean people should take drugs to lower it. They would do better to eat a low fat, low salt diet and get ... Views: 1275
Summary: 92% of Congress identify as Christians (Google). What a mess! Christian means like Christ, and Christ didn't run for office. The political or governmental system is broken, the correctional system, education, healthcare, and the religious systems of society are beyond repair. America ... Views: 1327
Summary: College isn't needed for most jobs. College costs too much and has too much we don't need or want. Wikipedia lists many trades for which training costs less, takes less time and has a higher likelihood for a job.
Instead of four years of college, four of medical school and four of ... Views: 1080
Summary: “With 428 million Bibles sold last year, it's still the best-seller. Why not discover the reason? Only God can foretell the future, but here are four 'when-then' omens or signs for apocalyptic events this coming spring.”
1. The biblical year begins in the spring and its beginning ... Views: 1185
Summary: Human wisdom tends to centralization and building big government. The European Union isn't working well, and it's an omen for what's coming under UN control. There's better information that could help us avoid serious trouble.
Wisdom is looking at life from a biblical perspective. ... Views: 1117
Summary: Trump's judgment is challenged on the morality and bankruptcy of his casinos and his understanding of healthcare. Healthcare is not medical care with prescription drugs that have become a leading cause of illness and death.
Donald Trump boasted of better judgment on CNN's State of ... Views: 1041
Summary: Most quotes on medical deaths are based on data 20 years old when 106,000 deaths were reported in hospitals from Adverse Drug Reactions defined as “properly prescribed and administered,” which means it was not from MD or RN error. It's shocking to consider, but thousands are made sick ... Views: 2716
Summary: Friday's Omnibus Budget Bill will provide $1.2 Billion for lifetime residency cards to 700,000 Muslim migrants as we did over the last five years,” said Senator Sessions of AL. Email or call congress TODAY!
“In spite of what we heard the president say on TV, Islam is NOT a religion ... Views: 1228
Summary: America is repeating Babylon's fall forecast in Daniel, including Obamacare, New World Order, Muslim aggression and defeat. These are seen in Daniel 1,3,8 plus this parallel from Daniel 5.
When asked about the end of the world, the Great Teacher whose life divided BC from AD replied ... Views: 1169
Summary: Christmas originated as a pagan holiday, blessed by the pope in the 4th century. Hanukkah commemorates a miraculous victory of Jews fighting for freedom ~175 BC. The birth of Christ was most likely on the Feast of Tabernacles,
500 years before the birth of Christ, the prophet ... Views: 1111
Summary: The Omnibus Budget Bill to be voted Friday, Dec 11, will provide $1.2 Billion for “nearly 700,000 green cards – or lifetime residency cards – to migrants from Muslim nations over the next five years (as we did over the last five years),” said Senator Sessions of AL, re Friday’s vote. ... Views: 1160
Summary: Latin America is proof that the pope's US/UN agenda for “common good” and a New World Order has little value. South America, colonized by Catholic priests, have had Catholic government for centuries and they are still in poverty.
I spent a summer in Latin America as a student ... Views: 1116
“Like a frog that doesn't know when to jump from slowly heating water,” we are coming to the boiling point, based on biblical signs of the apocalypse. Six news items from this past year suggest that trouble is impending.
1. Signs of Corruption: Obama Gave $79 Million to the Catholic Church ... Views: 1119
When asked about the end of the age, the Great Teacher whose life divided BC from AD said to understand the book of Daniel. That book was “sealed until the time of the end,” but the 8th chapter has a vision “at the time of the end” with a candid view to convince skeptics that what Daniel saw is ... Views: 1044
Christ's triumphal entry to Jerusalem had been foretold 500 years earlier, riding on a colt, Zechariah 9:9. God's purpose was to call attention to the prophecies concerning the Savior before Friday's crucifixion.
Adventism may be due for a similar bipolar swing from popular now to ridicule ... Views: 1016
When Cornelius fell down to worship Peter, Peter said, Get up for I am a man like you are, Acts 10:26. The papacy claims Peter as the first pope, but there is no record of it in the Bible and Peter would not accept worship as popes do.
Priests and popes also take vows of celibacy, but Peter ... Views: 1016
Summary: Jonathan Cahn is a well-liked author and speaker, but after recent disappointed expectations, many may be wondering, What happened? This article harmonizes the dual imagery for the Hebrew year and the time of judgment for 2015-2016 as the right year, with judgment still impending in the ... Views: 1035
Summary: Jonathan Cahn is a well-liked author and speaker, but after recent disappointed expectations, many may be wondering, What happened? This article harmonizes the dual imagery for the Hebrew year and the time of judgment for 2015-2016 as the right year, with judgment still impending in the ... Views: 1039
VATICAN CITY, Sept 8, 2015. During his Sunday sermon at Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis spoke of a “forthcoming event in which the earth will be consumed by hellfire from above” and asked Christians around the world to absolve themselves of sin in the days and weeks ahead.
Pope Francis has ... Views: 1411
1. Refugees are linked to terrorism and 91% get food stamps; 73% medicaid, 68% get cash assistance. ... Views: 1066
Summary: History is His story—the story of God and His people. But life is often like the picture of a camouflaged tiger. In real life, survival may depend on recognizing the tiger in its context. The tiger's eyes don't fit the context of stripes in tall grass. Details are important. So it is ... Views: 1021
Summary: The pope with more gold than anyone, is not like Donald Trump, wanting to help America to do the same. Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it. Trouble for America is impending as money and freedom fade.
As a college student, I spent a summer in Colombia and ... Views: 1122
Summary: A complex of astronomical signs, economic conditions and sabbatical cycles point to this fall and next spring for the biblical end-times. Biblical information indicates the religious year begins in the spring, (Exod 12:2) six months after the civil year begins as currently observed in ... Views: 1123
Summary: The Alpha & Omega Bible Code supports the Exodus [from bondage] as the primary model for all three wedding parables. That model is not about a rapture. Killing babies is one of a dozen parallels that the US has to the greatest nation at the time of the Exodus. Martial law brings plagues ... Views: 1220
Summary: When asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24, Christ said to understand Daniel. His 8th chapter is “at the time of the end” with imagery that fits US, Iran, Russia, China, the EU and papacy.
In Daniel 8:17, Gabriel tells Daniel that the ram and goat (chazown) “vision concerns ... Views: 1252
Summary: God has given set times [mo'ed] as appointments for us. The pope's visit to Congress falls on one of them
Happiness is based on relationships described in the 10 Commandments. People who break them—people who lie, steal, kill or commit adultery are not happy people and will not be in ... Views: 1240
Summary: God has given set times [mo'ed] as appointments for us. The pope's visit to Congress falls on one of them
Happiness is based on relationships described in the 10 Commandments. People who break them—people who lie, steal, kill or commit adultery are not happy people and will not be in ... Views: 1116
Summary: God has given set times [mo'ed] as appointments for us. The pope's visit to Congress falls on one of them
Happiness is based on relationships described in the 10 Commandments. People who break them—people who lie, steal, kill or commit adultery are not happy people and will not be in ... Views: 1138
Summary: God has given set times [mo'ed] as appointments for us. The pope's visit to Congress falls on one of them
Happiness is based on relationships described in the 10 Commandments. People who break them—people who lie, steal, kill or commit adultery are not happy people and will not be in ... Views: 1129
Summary: God has given set times [mo'ed] as appointments for us. The pope's visit to Congress falls on one of them
Happiness is based on relationships described in the 10 Commandments. People who break them—people who lie, steal, kill or commit adultery are not happy people and will not be in ... Views: 1034
Summary: God has given set times [mo'ed] as appointments for us. The pope's visit to Congress falls on one of them
Happiness is based on relationships described in the 10 Commandments. People who break them—people who lie, steal, kill or commit adultery are not happy people and will not be in ... Views: 1146
Muslims are afraid to speak against radical Islam. Maybe they are afraid of their fellow Muslims, afraid of dying, maybe afraid of Allah. A contrast with Christianity is seen.
Islam, the world's second largest religion, has concerns that are often overlooked.
1. Not just Islam, but anyone, ... Views: 1218
Summary: We are seeing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Early Americans saw the first beast in Revelation 13 as the papacy that they fled for freedom in the New World. Then the second beast (US) makes an image or look-alike to the Old World Order. New World Order under the UN is a focus ... Views: 968
Summary: 2015-2016 is likely to have a huge event initiate a Bible prophecy that includes Christians. Failure to understand the wedding parables has left us “asleep with lights out” on this topic.
Jubilee in 2016 depends on how we define it. If we are thinking of what it represents, this ... Views: 1009
Summary: The Hebrew word for divine appointment has a surprise meaning. Like keeping a job, keeping our appointments can affect our destiny.
The story is told of a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market for supplies, but the servant came back trembling. He said, Master, when I was in ... Views: 1395
Summary: This topic is like a minefield with many hazardous conclusions drawn from texts taken without context. This article offers a broader spectrum of ideas and contexts than most Christians have considered.
If you Google “Rapture September,” more than a million results suggest this is ... Views: 1110
Summary: Praying for America to repent is not praying like Elijah. He prayed for judgment to fall. As we approach July 27, a time when judgment has fallen in the past, maybe we should pray like Elijah did.
A roomful of marines singing a popular Bible song is an interesting YouTube video, but ... Views: 952
Summary: Praying for America to repent is not praying like Elijah. He prayed for judgment to fall. As we approach July 27, a time when judgment has fallen in the past, maybe we should pray like Elijah did.
A roomful of marines singing a popular Bible song is an interesting YouTube video, but ... Views: 976
Summary: The book of Daniel supports Jewish Aliyah, but also offers a time-frame for it that is overlooked. This is based on the double application of Daniel, once in history and again in our time.
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading rabbi in Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, urges Jews to return to ... Views: 1236
ope Francis has sparked another debate with controversial remarks at the Third Vatican Council. He says, the concept of hell where people burn eternally cannot be Christian--it goes against the concept of a loving and compassionate God.
That idea is being challenged by other Bible scholars, ... Views: 1428
Summary: The Harbinger was about a series of events that needed explanation in Cahn's best-selling book that warns of impending judgment. Harbinger II needs little explanation except to note that the Supreme Court decision for same-sex marriage came on a date that resonates with biblical meaning ... Views: 1116
Summary: Which is the antichrist--the pope or the coming Imam Mahdi of Islam? Pat Robertson seems to be questioning the historic Protestant view of the papacy as the antichrist power, impressed with the work of Joel Richardson and a “MidEast Beast.”
Before we throw the baby out with the bath ... Views: 1123
Summary: Which is the antichrist--the pope or the coming Imam Mahdi of Islam? Pat Robertson seems to be questioning the historic Protestant view of the papacy as the antichrist power, impressed with the work of Joel Richardson and a “MidEast Beast.”
Before we throw the baby out with the bath ... Views: 1115
Summary: Which is the antichrist--the pope or the coming Imam Mahdi of Islam? Pat Robertson seems to be questioning the historic Protestant view of the papacy as the antichrist power, impressed with the work of Joel Richardson and a “MidEast Beast.”
Before we throw the baby out with the bath ... Views: 1111
Summary: With probably trillions in gold, Pope Francis has a good idea about sharing the wealth. Would he be willing to set a good example and say, “Follow me”?
If you Google “gold to the Vatican,” the first page of 7,080,000 results has numerous links to $170 million in gold from Nazi ... Views: 1229
Summary: We are at risk for a superficial understanding of Bible prophecy that applies to our time. The words of a popular song, “The Days of Elijah,” are discussed as an example.
A large roomful of Marines sing “The Days of Elijah” on Youtube. It is linked below for readers who might want ... Views: 1252