Just like it takes two to betroth, there are two things you must do to experience complete happiness and unspeakable joy in your marriage. No matter how you look at it, life is very beautiful and you can only enjoy this kind of life when you know how to. Your marriage can be blissful, if you take the following steps: Be Appreciative: don't joke with words like "thank you". It may not be much as in letters but it sure means much to your partner. Thank him/ her for the little things as well as the big things. If you don't appreciate, you and your union will depreciate. People like to be recognized for little things. It will not take anything from you but it will add plenty to your relationship. Thank her for the meal, thank her for doing your laundry, and thank her for taking great care of the children and for running the home smoothly in your absence. Ladies, thank him for working so hard to give your family the best of all goodies, thank him for his input with the kids et al. These words of gratitude and appreciation take little or nothing to offer but they build your relationship strong!

Meet His/Her Needs; people have needs in the following areas: emotional, physical, social, spiritual and intellectual. In meeting his/her needs in these areas, you are giving him/ her the boost he/she needs to be confident, competent, important, wanted, accepted and adequate. As his/her needs are met especially intellectually and emotionally, his/her self- esteem is built stronger, so why not go ahead and meet his/ her needs today? Every woman wants her man to have a drive towards his career or calling; she is genuinely moved by what is driving the man more than what the man is driving. She needs her man to shield her from outsiders especially those trying to run her down so don't join that force or team up with them even if they are your parents and siblings. You are more related to this woman now than any other person, nobody else, not even your twin is referred to as your better-half or the bone of your bones but that was how Adam the first husband described his wife, Eve. Men love women who are always there for them, remember, girl, he is your first baby so take care of him...Make his/her heart fly; yes, you guessed right, love-making shouldn't be just a "hit and run" affair. Ensure he/ she enjoys it from start to finish. Ensure it is not monotonous either; this way when next you come knocking, he/ she will open for you with so much enthusiasm and excitement not just out of sheer obligation. The best and most beautiful things in life can only be felt and not touched; make him/her laugh when his/her heart cries, take him/her to higher heights when he/ she can't take a step on his/ her own, help him/ her set new goals when he/she thinks he/she is dying. Give her flowers that will produce orchids for her, give him that smile that will always make his day brighter and add springs to his steps. Give each other that beautiful experience that both of you won't forget in a hurry. Treat him/her right always and you will have the best of him/her at all times.

Copyright, Agu Jaachynma

Author's Bio: 

A Graduate of Languages and Linguistics Department of the University of Jos, an Administrative Officer with the Federal Government Establishment, a loving wife, caring mother, a teacher and a mentor. She is also the author of the highly placed and best-selling knowledge book: The Prince and the Pauper by Enaz Publications, New York.The Prince and the pauper is available at global leading book Outlets including amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Prince-Pauper-Jaachynma-N-Agu/dp/1592321992

She is the Executive Director of the KingsTreasureHouse Concept; a highly respected role model and an inspiration to many. She shares motivational insight with folks in her generation and those yet to be born via her write-ups, books et al. she lives in Nigeria with her beloved family comprising of her heartthrob: Dr. Aham and their two Gorgeous Heritages from the Lord: KING and EDWALD.