The Will to WIN / Online Marketing
We all love winners, whether they be individuals or groups… in sports and all other competitive activities. What drives their success over their competitors? It comes down to many factors, but let’s narrow them down to basics that we can mimic and copy for our own use. Winners have drive and the mindset that allows them to go above and beyond the typical. Their bar is set high to begin with, because Winners know that what they see in their mind’s eye is what their reality becomes. Use these online business ideas to expand your knowledge base, as Knowledge is Power.
As I have traveled through life, certain things have become pillars of understanding.
It is as simple as this… “Your Thoughts become Words….Words become Actions and Actions become Habits. Habits become your Character, which defines the ultimate person. Winners have solid character that follows organized discipline and the mindset that they can do Anything.”
I want to expand on The Will to WIN…..for your use in truly understanding how this information affects you as a person and gives you an unfair advantage in working with the Opportunity you are presently evaluating or working.. This mindset is very simple to follow…only three steps to understand and put to use – W.I.N.
The W stands for Warrior
Winners are warriors in every sense of the word. They go above and beyond what the ordinary person dares to think they can do and they easily surpass the ordinary in their efforts to go forward and succeed at anything they challenge themselves to do.
Warriors have a different mindset than the average person with a Can Do mentality that drives them further, longer, and through years of physical and mental discipline. The term “warrior” typically is reserved for the military, as these people are trained to handle pressure and stress from day one of their Boot Camp. The training concludes with everyone that made it through the three month training and ready for their active duty, with a mindset that they have the physical and mental capability necessary for warfare.
A limited few of these in the warrior universe move into a higher level of warrior hood that is part of the Special Forces. Here additional training is focused on the mind, as this is where everything is controlled for the individual.
You may not see yourself as a warrior, but let me say that unless you rise to this level of thinking, you will become part of the sea of followers that are content with a 9 to 5 job and a salary that keeps them afloat and treading water in our tenuous economy, where more and more average people have been regulated to these conditions.
As a warrior, you take the challenge head on. You are your own leader and will concede that you can never learn enough. You are not the typical cubicle rat and always looking to advance your opportunity.
Keep in mind that today business is type cast as a war. The analogy makes sense in that in warfare there are a lot of variables that need to be in place properly before campaigns are set in motion.
A lot of large companies continue to use the book The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, as a platform for how to handle the enemy and become the winner by following his principles of warfare. This book was written in the fifth century and commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics of its time. The point being made is that in order to go above and beyond the ordinary, you have to acquire or work at becoming the warrior that you need to be, as you meet life’s challenges, obstacles, and daily grind.
The I stands for Intent
Intent is a physical manifestation that happens with thoughts and feelings. It is about the intention you create from those thoughts and feelings. Thoughts become Things.
If you feel good about your product(s), as you have tried them and found their performance to meet the stated level of performance, then guess what… You are now sold and can sell someone else. Remember the last four letters of the word ENTHUSIASM are IASM, which is an acronym for I am Sold Myself!
Intent starts with internal conversation that leads to an emotional bond to the product(s), which comes across in the way you present and market the product(s). Enthusiasm is a key to your success, supported by the intent that drives your actions.
Without Intent, the internal evolution that takes place within your mind and catapults you to another level of commitment, you are destined to fail.
Once the thoughts congeal into the internal feeling that this opportunity is for you and meets all the criteria you need to feel good about the product(s), then action is the next logical step to follow. Intent creates action, which starts the process. Once you have internalized all this information and it is focused on what you want to do, then this drives the commitment necessary to drive your behavior forward and challenging you to reach your set goals and objectives.
The N stands for NOW
We live one day at a time, although we never put it in those terms. We are all on journey through time, as life is a journey, not a destination. Each of our personal times are emphatically different, as we were all born on different days and years. Our culture, especially within the business community, is all about planning for tomorrow, next year, and onto retirement. We are always looking ahead to what comes next and make today the appropriate time to worry about tomorrow. I always joke that if you think about time and how today impacts what has to be taken care of before the end of the day; in reality, every day of your life is today. When you wake up tomorrow morning, what day will it be? It will be Today, of course and making my point.
I have found through many years of rolling down my Road of Life that time is moving at a faster rate than I have ever experienced. Maybe that is a sign of maturity and I will accept that, but we need to slow it down when possible and really enjoy today, as once it is gone, all we are left with are thoughts and memories about how we could have handled it differently.
Experience today to the fullest, as if you don’t it brings up the dreaded three words that define our perception that we didn’t do enough. These three words are Would’a, Could’a, Should’a.
Once time is gone, it can never be recovered. That is why today is so important.
It does take some effort to get away from the thinking that we have all the time in the world, considering that any of us could be passing through tonight. How many times have you seen or read about someone that passed through at a young age? We are never prepared for what is to come and take life for granted. The lesson to be learned with these examples is that we have to maximize today. Do everything humanly possible today is all we can do, yet today sets up tomorrow. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
In recapping the article, winners are special people that rise above the humdrum and mundane lives that we sometimes live and are in most cases no different than you and I. They just understand that it doesn’t take much more effort to become a winner and are committed to being at the top of their class, no matter what the objective may be. Get your mindset into seeing the simplicity of the three criteria positioned in this article and start there. Become the warrior you want to become and want to be, create the intent necessary to get your mind and heart moving in the right direction with your specific objectives, and start as soon as you can. It can be as simple as stating to yourself “I am changing what I can control today.”
James Hobart, an industry leader in the Professional Beauty Industry for more than 40 years at every level, has certification in hypnotherapy. His insight and experience have helped many companies and individuals with their growth and development over the years. His book, Happiness Is Your Birthright, supports his philosophy on life and is a practical handbook to create positive change throughout one’s life.
James is a talented and dynamic International Public Speaker and author, with attention focused on current market dynamics, with well thought out solutions for short and long term individual success.
James has extensive experience totaling over forty years in the Professional Beauty Industry. James started out as working owner of two very successful Redken Concept salons, has degrees in Management and Marketing from the University of Oklahoma, and has held executive positions with Redken Labs, Matrix Essentials, and numerous other companies in the industry.
James brings an additional edge to his presentations having Hypnotherapist training and certification with The Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college and clinic of hypnotherapy, with the ability to help people become more successful in their personal and business lives. As author of Happiness Is Your Birthright, a practical handbook to create positive change throughout one’s life, his presentations are a must for any progressive person looking for a simpler and more effective approach to creating positive change and long term results in their daily life.
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