Even if you're frozen in fear and worry and have the feeling to be incapacitated, then wake up, please. There is also another truth and for that you need to look behind the facades.
Drag your personal ripcord before you will sink into depression and burnout, or even thinking about suicide. For this is not your truth!

Your truth lies hidden deep within you and has to do with your life purpose and your goals. Because before we incarnate, we have set ourselves targets. Find out what is your purpose in this life.

You can achieve anything if you know what you want and are developing the necessary endurance. You can reach everything, if you work on yourself and also on your business. Increase your knowledge and awareness. Invest in yourself! The best investment in times of change!

We all are part of the creative power of God and with the power of thought we determine our reality. So if you do not like your reality, you have to change your thoughts. Therefore it is important to check your attitudes and beliefs. New ideas are corroborated by aims and the appropriate affirmations. Then new attitudes and habits are developing.

If you freeze in fear and worries, stop to take care of messages in the media, because that's just one truth, but not your reality! Prefer to read books that will enrich your knowledge and increase your awareness.

We live in changing times and each of us has the chance to change for an active life. Just give yourself the chance to create your life purpose. Give this power not in other preople´s hands and lead a life at second hand. This is what people do, who get their truth by watching television. They look at programs that reinforce their fears and concerns and reaffirm these truths in our subconscious.

It is up to you to lead finally an active life and determine your own purpose. Write your goals and dreams. Make a list of 101 goals, and then choose from this list the 5 most important, on which you want to work on.

In my e-book you find more information about the reality of change:
"2012 – Our Reality of Change" by Angela Schulz-Henke
Available on Kindle at www.amazon.com or http://successcoach4you.com.

Author's Bio: 

Success and business coach, is concerned about people who are stuck in fears and worries. Angela knows the truth behind the reality we life in. We are at the edge to the next dimension and there is no need of fear and worries.
She coaches people since 2009 and loves to see them growing.