Is strenuous exercise necessary for health?
No. Good physical condition is required for competing athletes and does not insure good health. A trained athlete can have cancer and die from a heart attack. Arnold Schwarzenegger needs to have a heart valve replaced. Strenuous exercise produces ... Views: 2055
Too much driving, too much shopping, too much rushing
around, running the kids around--family and work
demands have you stressed out.
There are many ways to help you control stress. Here
are some unique methods I've collected.
1. Yell! But---be sure you are alone. The best place
is ... Views: 1626
Your natural talents are gifts at birth. You had nothing to do with them. However, you have a great deal to do with
becoming aware of them and developing them into strengths.
It is up to you to discover your natural signature talents and transform them through focus, practice and learning into ... Views: 3333
When I first began to speak for a living I found it difficult to remember the names of the people who hired me or those I met during refreshment break or during the chit chat session at the end of my presentation. I knew I had to do something to improve my memory. How could I continue to speak ... Views: 1521
In a fantasy interview some time in my future, some adversarial journalist will ask me where the hell I get off writing a series of articles called How to Live Life! It will be pointed out to me that I have no graduate degrees in psychology, sociology or human behavior, no background in ... Views: 1377
Since about 1992, the soy industry has been growing at an astounding rate. U.S. retail sales of soy foods alone were $.852 billion in 1992 and are projected at $3.714 billion for 2002. Soy crops occupied an amazing 75 million acres of farmland (out of 250 planted) in 2001.
There is a long ... Views: 1726
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1319
How-To with Massage Stones:
1) Clean the stones with disinfectant before every use. We at recommend a product called Odoban for professional use.
2) Put stones in a crockpot on low with water and the lid off, for at least 30 minutes before using. (This is one method and you ... Views: 21346
Personal and business success starts with the question, "What should I do with my life?"
People don't succeed by moving from one 'hot' industry to another, being a copy cat of some hero leader or following a certain career-guiding formula. They succeed by unleashing a productive, creative and ... Views: 2563
We have all been there at some time. We come up with a brilliant plan for reaching a great goal, or we finally decide to set about doing some long outstanding job. Yes, we say to ourselves, leaping out of the chair, I am going to do that right now! But beware, for it is at ... Views: 7497
Flow With The Present Moment
Into The Fullness Of The Free Mind
Here's an inner life exercise of immeasurable value. Think of these new instructions as a kind of special cleansing agent, but not as a way to improve yourself. Let me explain.
When we wash a window, to clean away its ... Views: 1639
What’s Your Vibration?
How many of us think that we are in touch with the universe around us through vibrations? We can be in touch with vibrations around us with our five senses. Our senses have the ability to recognize these vibrations on an unconscious level that we usually take for ... Views: 3216
Karma: Is it good or is it bad? You decide!
We hear this word so often and have one thing stuck in our mind – it’s either a bad thing or a good thing. The other issue is: do we believe in Karma? Regardless of whether we believe in that word or not, it is still there. Karma plays a big part in ... Views: 1714
Out of the closet?
We may sometimes consider the difficulty that occurs with our acceptance of ourselves and of who we are in accordance with the expectations of others.
Do you understand what I am talking about? Or am I speaking alone here?
I grew up in an environment dominated with the ... Views: 2656
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming ... Views: 1376
You’ve done it, I know you have. Is there anyone, at one time or other, who hasn’t opened their hand, popped their forehead and said, or thought, “DUH!”
It’s intriguing, the “Duh” moment. The word may be contemporary, but the sudden awareness of “foolish me, I knew that!” is nothing new. ... Views: 1370
The best are a fearless group. You’ll never catch them running away or backing down from an imposing challenge. As a matter of fact, these top performers look at challenges as golden opportunities to put their best to the test and really find out what they are made out of. They have come to ... Views: 1340
I had a male friend who would have breakfast with me on Sunday mornings every once in a while. On one of these occasions, we were eating breakfast and he seemed preoccupied and in his own little world. I asked him if there was anything wrong, and he started to explain that his dog had died ... Views: 1419
No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All a person can do for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves. Here are ten very effective strategies to help you get up and get moving toward actualizing your enormous, ... Views: 2324
Ritalin (methylphenidate) Drug Abuse:
Ritalin (methylphenidate) is the most common drug prescribed for Attention Deficit Disorder. Over the past five years, ADHD prescriptions have increased over 600 percent and so has the incidence of snorting Ritalin, injecting Ritalin and non-medical ... Views: 5023
As the holidays approach each year, more and more people suffer from Holiday Depression.
Some experts blame it on factors relating to nutrition. Nutritional experts believe that depression is caused by the excessive sugar and fatty foods coursing through our bodies.
Other experts believe that ... Views: 1864
This is perfect.
That is perfect.
From the perfect, comes the perfect.
If from the perfect the perfect is taken away,
Only the perfect remains.
Om, peace, peace, peace."
This sense of perfection, is the inherent blessing that exists as the essence of everything. This sense of perfection is ... Views: 1253
All prayers and meditations lead to God. However, the usual prayers and meditations offer a slow and methodical way for an individual to reach Enlightenment. It usually takes many lifetimes to attain the radiance of Enlightenment and Ascend to the higher dimensional levels of Creation. There are ... Views: 6191
Another Christmas come and gone. What a workout for the emotions!
I’m the EQ Coach, but that doesn’t mean I know all there is to know about emotional management – it’s a lifelong proposition; and it doesn’t mean my emotions don’t give me a ride for their money – remember, 2 of our 3 brains ... Views: 1747
Humor has long been considered one of the most effective tools to judge the quality of any relationship. If there is laughter present you can assume that the relationship is a healthy one. When the laughter ceases you can be quite certain that the relationship is on the down slide. This ... Views: 2684
A new year is upon us and we can’t let this new beginning pass us by. This new year is full of endless possibilities and potential. Your whole life could change this year but it’s up to you to seize the day. It’s up to you to call upon the Living God. It’s up to you to seek the Lord until ... Views: 1751
“Life is not a journey to the grave, with the intention of arriving safely, in one pretty and well-preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting ‘Geronimo!!!’” (Author unknown)
I love this quote and the imagery that it conjures. When I read it, ... Views: 4030
A novel approach to eliminating life limiting behaviors and emotions, or enhancing performance in five minutes or less
“Dynamically Anchored Self Hypnosis™” (DASH™) is a simple to learn and use, yet powerful technique for creating personal change developed by Hypnotherapist John Lundholm. ... Views: 2153
The following article is based on principles from the recent #1 best-selling book, Happiness Is Free and the Sedona Method Course.
These principles will show you how to access your natural ability to let go of any unwanted thought or feeling on the spot, even when you are right in the middle ... Views: 3297
How to Buy a House with Good Feng Shui
Your surroundings can have a huge impact on your life – to the point of affecting your personal happiness, your prosperity, even the opportunities that come to you in your life — thus making your choice of home a very important one. Because most of the ... Views: 37869
Fear as a friend not an enemy
What we are really saying when we have fears or doubts is not that we are scared of getting hurt. Not that we are unable to do it but the real reason is we feel
‘we cannot handle it’
Some fear is pure instinct and keeps us out of danger but the majority, the ... Views: 1893
The Nature of Addiction
When you started smoking you will have been lulled in to a false sense of security, thinking you can give up whenever you want until you actually try to stop and can’t.
Some people would have started smoking when they were young and most when they were teenagers. ... Views: 2061
I was paddling a new river a couple of weekends ago and came up behind a beaver. He didn't know I was there. I spoke up, trying to give him fair warning, but by the time I saw him, I was on top of the poor fellow. We were both pretty surprised. As we went down river together at about the same ... Views: 1481
Sunday, December 29, 2002 is my Birthday. I thought I would do something different again this year. I want to give YOU, as a gift from me, the Top Ten Greatest Lessons I have learned this year. I hope you enjoy them. Let me know what you think.
1. “Surrendering to God” is the greatest thing you ... Views: 1312
Data indicates that the average American gains between 5 and 10 pounds over the holidays, so it's going to take some planning and effort to beat these odds. However, the holidays are indeed special, so if you don't want to enjoy them at the expense of your health, it's worth this extra effort. ... Views: 1528
By Charlene Rashkow
Copyright 2002
While having dinner recently with a group of friends, a question was posed as to whether there could be a genuine secret to staying young. Since most of the world is always on the lookout for the fountain of youth it was an ... Views: 1907
It is a known fact that whatever a man can conceive mentally, he can bring into materialization. Meeting and picking up single women for some love, sex, and romance must follow if the proper mental pictures are created and maintained, for this sets in motion the law of cause and effect.
To ... Views: 2906
There are simple questions you can ask yourself to begin to clarify and develop your strong inner belief system, so that you can make decisions that are right for you.
Self-acceptance gives you the much needed energy and room to grow.
Having a strong value/inner belief system is very much ... Views: 3652
Is your courtroom in session? That is, are you acting as
prosecutor, judge, and jury for your fellow humans? Do you
evaluate the actions and behaviors of your loved ones,
reminding them even silently that they’re doing things the
"wrong" way? I thought my courtroom was closed, but I was
fooled ... Views: 1515
It is very easy in today’s ‘quick fix’ society to sacrifice quality and give in to mediocrity.
There are too many products in the marketplace that are nothing more than crap with a pretty package, (sometimes even the packaging is garbage) put out by individuals with
false hopes of making a ... Views: 1509
Making resolutions means resolving to do something, committing to do something. In Emotional Intelligence terms this is called Intentionality. It means saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. What are your intentions for your life this coming year? What do you intend to do to make this ... Views: 1819
Tai Chi has become well known as the "perfect" exercise according to a Time Magazine article which appeared in July, 2002. Its long sequence of very slow, gentle, dance-like movements cultivate flexibility, balance, poise & mental concentration as well as a feeling of general well-being among ... Views: 2179
It's very important to learn how a single woman acts, speaks, and uses body language around you that indicates that she is romantically or sexually interested in you. When you learn these signs, you can use this to your advantage. If a woman is truly interested in you, this really increases your ... Views: 11027
I recently interviewed a prospective client. I asked her to
briefly describe what she did. She said it was complicated, she did so many things. I asked who her clients were. She said she couldn't define them, that she dealt with everyone. I then asked how her business was growing and she said ... Views: 1745
Nearly every week a visitor to my website will write, "I'm glad someone understands. Most people think I'm crazy. I love to move! I have no desire to settle down." In my younger days, I, too, thought nothing of selling my meager supply of furniture and flying across the country to start a new ... Views: 1618
Are you dreading the holidays because you are single? For those who are alone, this can be a difficult season -- especially if you know what it is like to be in a relationship during this time of year. This can, however, be your best time of the year if you follow this plan:
1. Participate in ... Views: 1991
Is shyness stopping you from living fully and achieving your potential?
You're not alone! Countless women struggle with this challenging emotion. In fact, even superstars like Lucille Ball, Ann Margaret and Kim Basinger once battled ... Views: 2477