Oftentimes, marriages are based on a foundation of religion. True believers will follow the Bible's teachings and only marry someone of like faith. This makes a harmonious core to the union as well as the family when children come along. Unfortunately, there are times when one spouse or the ... Views: 1048
There's few who will dispute that having children can cause problems within a marriage. After all, a couple who is used to spending all their free time with each other suddenly find themselves having a different agenda once a baby is born. After all, little ones have a lot of needs that they are ... Views: 864
It's no secret that many people in our society don't eat the proper foods on a daily basis. Although fitness and health have become more prominent in people's minds, fast food and snacks have also become an integral part of our lives. Even if you're young and thin enough that you don't think ... Views: 1538
Jim travels most of every week for business reasons while his wife, Nancy, holds down the fort at home raising the kids and keeping up the house. There's no feasible way that Jim can find another job, especially one that pays as much, even though Nancy feels unfulfilled being alone so much of ... Views: 1489
Chest pain always makes someone think they're having a heart attack which is a life or death situation. However, not all chest pain is related to the heart. Sometimes it is merely the result of heartburn which isn't usually a dangerous health issue. If you've experienced a lot of heartburn, then ... Views: 1021
Laws concerning property ownership always have to be figured into the mix when a married couple purchases the property jointly. In cases of couples just living together who aren't legally married, however, the issue can be a bit stickier. This is true of heterosexual couples as well as LGBD ... Views: 925
Your body manufactures a substance called Creatine, and you probably aren't even aware it's there. In most people, it's a natural organic acid that, while non-essential, produces additional energy and muscle mass. The only people who realize the role creatine can play in the body are those who ... Views: 2092
It would probably come as no surprise to you to find out that money is the biggest bone of contention in the majority of marriages. Most often the arguments start over the lack of enough money or the contention that one spouse or the other spends more than their share. It doesn't really matter ... Views: 754
Pet owners operate on the misconception that their animals are undemanding creatures that always love them no matter what they do. They tell themselves this myth, because they love their pets. In reality, though, pets are extremely demanding of time, attention, and regular mealtimes. Not only do ... Views: 868
We've all heard stories about immigrants with visas (and without) coming into the United States with the hope of marrying an American citizen and being allowed to establish permanent residency. Reports of these incidents are nothing but fairy tales, because chances are good that the foreign ... Views: 834
The origins of Karate are to be found in 12th Century China. There were a number of ancient Chinese systems, collectively known as KEMPO or "Way of the Fist."
Karate consists of self-defense practices and an entire way of life that gives students an approach to continual self improvement. It ... Views: 1315
Divorce used to be viewed as a sign that you had "failed" at marriage. But in today's society for many people, they see divorce as a sign of freedom. Even those who would consider themselves to be religious and see divorce as being "unholy", are now getting a divorce because it has become more ... Views: 6334
It's a fact. There are a lot of people who feel unhappy in their marriage. But the real question many of them are asking themselves is, how do I know when my marriage is really over?
Is it when your spouse says, "I don't love you anymore?" Is it after an affair takes place? How do you REALLY ... Views: 81118
I hear it all the time. Couples come to me after going through every other marriage improvement method under the sun and tell me they experience a brief sense of relief from a certain program, but with passing of time, they fall back into their old ways.
This got me thinking. With the millions ... Views: 1949
It's a fact. There are a lot of people who feel unhappy in their marriage. But the real question many of them are asking themselves is, how do I know when my marriage is really over? Is it when your spouse says, "I don't love you anymore?" Is it after an affair takes place? How do you REALLY ... Views: 6009
Do you feel that your negative thoughts are holding you back from being happy in life? You’re about to discover HOW you can still live HAPPILY when things don’t go your way….even if your lifeis filled with conflict and turmoil right now…and you can’t see a way out.
Are you a SLAVE to your ... Views: 1695
Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you learn how to accept yourself. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you’ll find people will judge you ... Views: 1246
If procrastination is holding you back in life, these 4 simple steps are a sure way to help you overcome your endless struggle with procrastination. You’ll soon be able to achieve those daunting tasks and in some cases, even look forward to doing them!
Step 1: Identify the REAL cause of your ... Views: 1234