Matthew G. Sikich II is The Official Guide to "Sales Training". You can find complete information on Matthew G. Sikich II and his products by visiting The 5 Buying Habits.
I have been facilitating Time Management Training Courses for a number of years and time and time again I am asked, how do you facilitate meetings successfully? It appears that the old saying of ‘meetings are where minutes are taken and hours are wasted’ still holds true in many ... Views: 2235
When I am working with private coaching clients I note that ninety-nine times out of a hundred, a lack of consistent revenues is caused by a lack of consistent prospecting. A failure to prospect on a regular basis will inevitably result in irregular revenues, and inconsistent commissions. ... Views: 855
Avoid the trap of overselling
It’s every salesperson’s nightmare: the sale that unravels just before the deal has been closed. It happens more often than it should, and overselling is quite often the cause. As sales professionals, it’s important to recognize that this is a trap that we all ... Views: 873
Skilled long distance runners all have their unique style of racing. Some start out of the gate in a flash and then slow down as they approach the finish line. Others progressively pick up speed and really crank it up as they head into the final miles. Both styles can be successful if the ... Views: 1048
The drawn out recession has snapped many salespeople back into reality. Regardless of the industry, the days of fast and easy sales are over. So-called sales professionals who have forgotten or never learned basic proven selling techniques are now realizing that they better ramp up their efforts ... Views: 1074
The analysts are, in increasing numbers, starting to tout the end of the recession, but for most of us, it still seems quite slow out there. Even if you’re the most talented salesperson, you probably have noticed that an annoying number of your prospects are stuck in your pipeline. Ok, it’s not ... Views: 1067
I am positive you already know that there can be a lot of mistakes made in sales, we have all made them, but I have found on sales training courses sometimes when you make mistakes you need some one else to point them out as they are not always visible to you.
It s no different than sports, ... Views: 910
In the world of business, I believe you are aiming to win all the negotiations you make. Negotiations are not easy to win because you have a lot of things to learn, practice, master and also prepare.
In the military missions, before they engage themselves into battle, they already prepared a ... Views: 931
As business owners, leaders and managers we wake up every morning asking ourselves, “Is this the day we begin to see the signs of an economic recovery?” When really we should be asking ourselves two questions:
1. How do we sell more today?
2. Are we positioned for the recovery should it ... Views: 944
Right now you may be asking yourself, what the heck does the Social Media Business Model have to do with my business and do I even care?
The answer: You should care because anyone who was ever successful was not only creative but they also modeled the success of others. Well, Why not model ... Views: 1226
I believe that the role of a persuader in marketing and sales is to encourage and make sure that your clients will take a positive decisions and actions. This actions includes when your clients agrees and repeatedly says the magical word ‘YES’ during your persuasion.
I will give you some ... Views: 1136
When you entered the world of business, you already thought of how you are going to get more sales in just a small period of time.
There are a lot of techniques that you can use in persuading your clients to get what you want but you need to learn how, when and where to use this. You must use ... Views: 943
In the world of business especially in marketing and sales you will encounter a lot of excuses during the process of persuading your client. This usually comes out when you are already closing the sales.
So, are you tired of all this excuses?
Aside from getting more sales, getting clients ... Views: 859
The most significant challenge for sales professionals is their time control. How a sales professional uses their time determines income. The sales professionals in the top 10% of their industry control, use, and invest their time more wisely and effectively than the lower performing sales ... Views: 1203
Getting others to accept you point of view has never been easy. Almost all of us are never taught how to argue your point of view in a right manner. I said right manner because a lot of people when talking about their opinions, they are arguing it in a destructive manner and then conflicts ... Views: 966
I’m always amazed to hear people talk about master closers. It’s as if their skills are most significant at the END of the cycle. This seems to me to be rather misleading. Are we saying that it doesn’t matter how you handle the prior steps as long as you have some magic at the end?
I believe ... Views: 962
Sales is a verb. Okay, now settle down. I know if you look in the dictionary it says that ‘sales’ is a noun. Stay with me here for just a minute. My point is that ‘sales’ is an activity. It isn’t something you do once the phone rings. It is something you have to actively participate in for your ... Views: 1429
As a small business owner or salesperson you are always on. You are always presenting, marketing, selling and producing. Failure to acknowledge this will prevent you from being as successful as you could be. I dare say it can actually do harm to your business.
Let’s break it down and take a ... Views: 1019
There are a lot of persuasive techniques that will and can help you how to persuade people and get what you want. One of these techniques is to get others to accept your point of view.
Talking about the point of view or opinion of others is really not that easy specially when both of you does ... Views: 3935
Everywhere we go, sometimes we saw or encounter a lot of people fighting each other, screaming and shouting to death.
What do you think is happening with them?
If you are going to ask them and investigate, you will found out that the most reason of their fight is not accepting each ... Views: 873
Persuasion means how you can influence others to follow you and like you. This is the meaning of the power of persuasion and not influencing other people to dislike others.
Adversaries are always around in the world of marketing and sales and some of your opponents will do everything they can ... Views: 937
Protect yourself and your sales team from this sales prospecting technique that is used to trick you into giving away the details of your best sales prospects and customers. It’s devious, underhand, and a scam that can catch out even the most experienced of sales people. In fact the more ... Views: 1845
If you own a small business you likely spend more time marketing than everything else put together. You also know that in marketing there’s an order and a system to the process and when you follow the system correctly, it works and it brings you more clients.
One of the biggest mistakes ... Views: 1088
Ask any twelve buyers to define ‘Best Value’ and you will likely hear a dozen muddy descriptions. In today’s performance metrics, numbers driven environment, we need to speak the buyer’s language. The successful seller specifies ‘Best Value’ by expressing it in quantifiable terms favorable to ... Views: 1192
The issue of supplier evaluation has caused some misunderstanding in purchasing circles. A coherent supplier management strategy requires this best practice so let’s clarify some of the major points that make an evaluation program a success.
Is supplier evaluation the same as ... Views: 1331
Purchasing and sales pros alike are fascinated by commercial law. We should be; it is part of our daily experience and we need to be masters of it. The purchase and sale of goods is a matter of contract law and a PO is a contract. Yet very few of us have any formal education or training in ... Views: 1752
Many people laugh when I say this, some people cringe. I think most people are afraid to continue to follow up for fear of being rejected. But the truth is statistics show that the majority of sales happen somewhere between the 5th and 12th contact.
Some information from the National Sales ... Views: 3006
The only way to know if one marketing medium is better than another is to test. Some businesses fall into the trap of doing what they have always done marketing and advertising-wise because it produces what they think are okay results. This is all well and good if you have in fact tested other ... Views: 1320
Do you believe that life is 15% of what happens to you and 85% is on how you reacted to it. That is the work of attitude. You cannot change the past but you can change the future by changing the attitude. You cannot change the inevitable but you can change on how you reacted on it. That’s the ... Views: 892
In June of this year, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger asked President Obama to declare Fresno County a federal disaster area. The White House has not yet responded to Governor Schwarzenegger's request. Requests for presidential disaster declarations are much rarer for droughts than for ... Views: 903
Sales professionals usually ask a few questions in order to gain a better understanding of their prospect’s situation. However, most of them don’t probe deep enough into the size and scope of the problem. I remember hearing a great phrase from another sales trainer. He suggested that sales ... Views: 1001
“How much will this cost?”
Many sales people shudder when faced with this question. They stutter, stammer, and hem and haw. This is where the rubber hits the road and when the prospect will either give them the green light to move forward with the sale or say, “thanks but no thanks”. Far too ... Views: 1017
I suspect that you have heard the expression “If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.” This adage was created many decades ago and it remains true to this day. And even though many sales people understand it, they make a fatal mistake—they use the same approach although their original ... Views: 1019
Excerpt from the book "Chase the Championship - Kicking Ass, Taking Names and Becoming a Dealmaker!"
Stay far away from the boss’s underlings when you are in search of a decision. The heads of Marketing, IT, Human Resources, or whoever else is part of the “decision-making chain” for the ... Views: 1956
Evaluating your performance against the statistics of other agents or companies in your market segment is a great starting point, but it is rarely enough to uncover your unique edge or point of difference.
When you compare your numbers to MLS stats for the number of units sold, number of ... Views: 1364
Beginning in the early 1980s, organizations and well-renowned establishments such as the Harvard Business School, The Gallup Organization, the Chally Group, the Xerox Corporation, among others, began studying outstanding salespeople to identify the competencies – also referred to as the vital ... Views: 1014
With the economy tanking and thousands of workers in fear of losing their jobs or have already been retrenched there is one industry that is going ahead in leaps and bounds and putting thousands of dollars into the pockets and bank accounts of ordinary people. Some disaffected workers are even ... Views: 814
The key to higher sales is developing a presentation that taps into your prospect's psychological needs. Each phase of the sales process satisfies a need that moves your customer closer to the sale.
In a telemarketing presentation, tapping into your prospect's psychological needs allows you to ... Views: 1463
INTRODUCTION: There are several basic skills that you need to acquire in order to improve your interpersonal communication skills. Effective communication is an essential part in our everyday lives. In this seminar you will be introduced to the basic interpersonal skills, which in turn will ... Views: 949
1. Ask "am I catching you at a bad time?"
2. Delete the 'reading from a script' sound.
3. Change tone and pace of voice so it is similar to that of the person you are talking to.
4. Never argue with a customer even when you must defend your position.
5. Ask questions, ask questions, ask ... Views: 771
Uncover the prospect's need while establishing trust and credibility.
Once you have a clear marketing and sales understanding of who your prospect is, how to find them, and how to get their attention, you must learn how to get them excited about what you have to say. This is a crucial part of ... Views: 832
There are hundreds!… But here are 5 to start you off…
Have you ever been on a course where the person running it clearly hasn’t done any preparation? Watching the ‘expert‘ trying to get ready as they train is really entertaining, but a poor learning ... Views: 2098
Manage customer orders for your retail and restaurant business
Traditional order management solutions require merchants to lock themselves into a proprietary vendor controlled order management solution. These proprietary systems are expensive, difficult to implement and lack the flexibility ... Views: 3788
My name is Liam and I want to introduce myself and my product. I will tell you what the secret is to a better water system. I want to talk to you about this; I hope you will listen…….blah blah blah. Now in all honesty we have heard these types of opening statements before but have we ever taken ... Views: 3397
Wouldn’t you love to know what separates the winners from the losers in sales? Would you love to learn how to achieve the top sales in your profession? Well below are 4 simple secrets that can be the defining difference in your sales.
1. You’re Attitude. You may never have though about this ... Views: 1151
You are in the middle of a call and you are leading them to their desire to their water but the problem is you can not get them to drink it. In sales training courses we explain to participants that you do not need to make them drink the water you simply want them to realise for themselves that ... Views: 1120
I am positive you already know that there can be a lot of mistakes made in sales. The reason that I work as part of a sales training courses provider is because I want to inform people of these mistakes that come up again and again in which I am sick to the back teeth explaining.
There are 4 ... Views: 1169
Not many sellers like cold calling. They may be forced into it but they go kicking and screaming, avoiding it with any excuse. Unfortunately, they think it's the only approach to prospecting, but it doesn't have to be that way.John was a managed services provider looking to grow his company. He ... Views: 1043
Take those steps to successful sales
Imagine you could avoid reluctance and avoid rejection on your sales calls. Now who would not like that? To be a professional sales representative you need to go through a process of steps. In sales training courses it is said that if you do not go ... Views: 1118
Take action in your sales
Wouldn’t we all love a bit more action! If you are working in sales, sales requires movement, sales requires action. You need to get commitment and get action from your prospective clients and act yourself too. You need to do this in a planned time frame. Recently on ... Views: 1286