I talk to lots of entrepreneurs who say they don't like selling and they won't acknowledge this important aspect of their business. They figure that people will just gladly offer them money and they won't have to ask for it.
Most of these people are also struggling to make ends meet because ... Views: 1243
As a small business owner you know very well that it's all about cash flow. Certainly you want to feel fulfilled, follow your passion and help people, but at the end of the day, if you aren't making money, it's not fun. Money stress is horrible and no one enjoys it.
Yet, if money is an ... Views: 874
Pricing seems to be the hot issue this month. Many of my clients are asking for help with how to decide how much to charge for their services. Many years ago I would have avoided this topic like the plague because of my own unresolved money issues.
My negative beliefs said that if I wasn't ... Views: 1037
If you have managed to figure out your niche, you are miles ahead of most small businesses who either have no marketing plan at all or a very poor one.
Last month I wrote about why entrepreneurs struggle with the concept of niche marketing, and the fears around it. Maybe you have managed to ... Views: 1090
Solo-business owners seem to have such a struggle around the whole idea of niche marketing. Of all the concepts I teach my clients, this is the one that is the most challenging for people. In theory people get it, but in practice, it tends to throw them into full on fear-based reaction.
What ... Views: 1058
If you are a small or solo business owner you probably suffer from a disease called “Overwhelm-it is.” Symptoms may include, inability to focus, stress from being pulled in too many directions, not enough time and constant energy drain. Sound familiar? Sometimes I wish there was a quick fix or ... Views: 971
About 15 years ago my husband and I had a bright idea one day. He was busy doodling on our Mac and I thought, “Those are really cool designs and I bet we could make them into coloring books.”
We ended up creating and self-publishing two mandala coloring books. We were sure this was going to ... Views: 1108
If the idea of strategic planning scares you or makes you want to crawl into a hole, use my 5 easy steps to begin the process and you will be on your way.
Here it is December again, and over here in Oregon, it is creeping towards winter solstice, the darkest day of the year. This time of the ... Views: 1812
If you own a small business you likely spend more time marketing than everything else put together. You also know that in marketing there’s an order and a system to the process and when you follow the system correctly, it works and it brings you more clients.
One of the biggest mistakes ... Views: 1076
There's a plethora of great seminars out there. How do you decide if you should sign-up? Here's 5 ways to help you make the best decision.
Maybe you're like me and you get tons of offers for amazing seminars, workshops and other cool learning opportunities. Wouldn’t it be nice to spend the ... Views: 1463
The first step in any good marketing plan is to know your ideal client and their emotionally compelling problem.
Whether you are marketing your services as a massage therapist, a web builder, or designer, it's important to know how to communicate with potential clients in a way that grabs ... Views: 1027
If you're like many small business owners, you've put in the hard work to get your business going, you've taken risks, overcome some obstacles and now your business is doing ok. But ok is just…well, ok. You want it to be doing great! Why not? You didn’t start a business in order to stay ... Views: 1068
Entrepreneurs are often independent minded souls who like to do things their own way and in their own time.
You're risk takers and initiators. All those are wonderful traits that can support your success, but like any qualities they also have challenging sides.
You might be so used to ... Views: 1002
When I arrived into the second half of my life, I realized that the years were drifting by and I began to wonder why my life hadn't completely turned out the way I had wished. Certainly I had racked up many successes but there were also still unfulfilled dreams, places I wanted to go, books to ... Views: 1136
Women and men in their 60s and 70s are now busy re-inventing themselves, sharpening and learning new skills and beginning new enterprises. After quitting a corporate job or retiring from teaching many of you aren’t ready to stay home and watch TV knit all day. You want to "do something!" Maybe ... Views: 1206
You've probably all had the "used car salesman" experience at networking groups. You meet a new person, and doing the normal protocol, you politely ask them what they do. They immediately launch into a passionate pitch about how wonderful their product is and assure you that you'll be dead next ... Views: 1026
We've all done it; put off something very important. Sometimes the more important the thing is, the more issues that come up around "just doing" it. It's so easy to find all kinds of things that feel more urgent and more important. But are they really more important?
Some important tasks ... Views: 968
"I just want to help people." I simply want to do what I love." These are real statements I recently heard from a massage therapist and an artist who approached me for business help.
The artist I worked with, decided that she just wanted to do her art and not focus on having to make money ... Views: 885
Have you ever been up in the mountains in the winter? You are in your car, enjoying the winter wonderland pristine beauty. The road is covered in snow and everything is going well until you put your foot on the accelerator to move forward and nothing happens. Your wheels spin, your car won't ... Views: 1161
Most small service based businesses begin with the following scenario. You get an idea , bing, and it begins to take hold. At some point it turns into a passion. You think, "wow, I can make this into a business. " You get your business cards and start trying to drum up clients.
Before you ... Views: 856
A mentor is someone who sees more in you than you see in yourself.
At first I didn't really know what I wanted so I only found
other confused people. This gave me an excuse to hide
behind my fear. So put your vision in writing in detail. If
you were taking a thousand mile car trip you would ... Views: 893
A few months ago, one of my clients shared with me
that she had been unconsciously keeping her
business small, because she didn't trust she
could manage it if it were bigger. She could
handle the customers she had now, but if she took on
more,she might not be able to give them quality
service. ... Views: 952
Every business goes through the cycle of having a
wonderful vision of success, and then comes the
development phase that includes all the
creativity and hard work. Last, is the process of
overcoming mental blocks that get in your way.
This cycle of envisioning, developing, and
overcoming goes ... Views: 3901
I think of mental blocks as confusion. Imagine your mind
is like a hallow bamboo. When it is clear and open
your creative ideas percolate, bubble up and turn
into inspired actions your business or life. You feel
like you are in the flow. It is a great feeling
because you are moving forward, ... Views: 6842