We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Nutrition". If you have expertise in Nutrition and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
There are a lot of different grains out there and chances are that you already eat your fair share of them in your diet. At the same time however the average person doesn’t get enough whole grains in their system throughout the day!
You should try aim for about half your daily grain intake ... Views: 805
Often, clients tell me that they can’t ‘afford’ to eat healthy, or to supplement their diet while healing and getting healthy. We always have a long conversation about why that’s not always the case.
Many times they sketch out their own lifestyle… soda pop in 2 litre bottles, a large soda ... Views: 1287
Over 50% of American adults smoke, or have smoked, tobacco in their lives. While we all know the terrible effects on our lungs, but do you know the nutritional deficiencies and requirements brought with smoking tobacco??
Probably the most shocking is the effect on Vitamin C. For each ... Views: 1568
When working out and trying to achieve success in the gym, take all the help you can get. From a personal trainer to a dietician who can recommend a perfect diet, listen to every piece of advice that comes your way. However, the best help usually comes from the combination of foods and drinks ... Views: 929
Likely by now you’ve heard the debate. Is fat, and in particular saturated fat, bad for you or not? In the 80’s and 90’s we made fat the villain and steered our entire country towards a low fat mentality, but in recent years perceptions have evolved. Studies have come out to contradict previous ... Views: 744
Health and nutrition is related each other for their nature. A good proper nutrition is required by every human for healthy living. Without proper diet nutrition nobody can live wealthy and problem free life.
We all know that there are some steps we are taken for having a healthy and ... Views: 722
Medical Care Is Not Healthcare & Medical Insurance Is Not
The #1 agenda for Trump is to scrap Obamacare. It needs to be replaced with a system that uses market forces to make health insurance more affordable and available, says Joe Farah, editor of WorldNetDaily.com, adding that experts that ... Views: 2280
With increasing age, health issues are also increasing. One of the most common problem in males is prostate enlargement. This problem mainly affect the aged males. It is most commonly seen in age of above 60 years. Prostate enlargement is the problem of prostate gland in which prostate ... Views: 2291
Health is in fact like a game, but far more dangerous than playing Monopoly. When growing up in our younger days most of us played the odd game of Monopoly. There is some talent required to win, and you had to make wise choices by investing in various utilities as the game went along. The ... Views: 1091
2017 promises to be the year of the detox cleanse. Many people swear by them and more and more health practitioners recommend them, whether it's to eliminate toxins, lose weight, or just get a fresh start. There are a multitude of detox cleanses plans and what follows are a few examples of some ... Views: 1773
Most people underestimate the power of vitamins. It can give us incredible changes to our health and even bring us back to a normal daily life. To convince us of the power of nature and confirming this in our mind, it is necessary to go back to a true life story.
Is it possible to keep a ... Views: 702
We’ve eased your way to a better health by writing these easy 20 Basic Health tips.
20 Basic health Tips:
Breakfast & Hygiene:
Try not to skip breakfast. Studies demonstrate that having a legitimate breakfast is a standout & is amongst the best things you can do in the event that you ... Views: 918
We’ve eased your way to a better health by writing these easy 20 Basic Health tips.
20 Basic health Tips:
Breakfast & Hygiene:
Try not to skip breakfast. Studies demonstrate that having a legitimate breakfast is a standout & is amongst the best things you can do in the event that you ... Views: 817
Christmas is often a time when you may find reasons to overindulge, forgetting all the hard work you have put in to feeling healthy, fit and well.
Begin eating what many may think to be delicious treats associated with this festive season.
However if you are like me and want to remain ... Views: 1309
One of the most widely used vegetables in the world, but also one of the most overlooked. Check in anyone’s kitchen and the chances are you will find at least one hiding in the vegetable rack. But apart from knowing that it adds flavor to many dishes, what else do we know about the ... Views: 1137
I started the month with a list of tips to guide you through the seasonal adventures of holiday eating. One of the biggest challenges often faced by my clients is about do and don't, along with when and how. When can I exercise, or get in the workout? How can I manage the time and how can I find ... Views: 710
I want to dig deeper into one of the main solutions to this problem so many millions of people struggle with – nourishing your gut. Making food and lifestyle choices to prevent constipation can go a long way, but also a healthy gut is key to prevent and manage any gut dysfunction that can lead ... Views: 862
Reports from health organizations around the world have released data that obesity is becoming a huge problem around the globe. There is strong evidence. It is a world-wide issue and concern, that obesity is a far greater problem around the globe, than is under-nourishment.
Obesity is no ... Views: 740
What is in our food?
You will never know unless you are a shopping detective and become an avid reader of the small print on food labels. The fact is our health depends on it, this is what most people will never know. Don't make the mistake others made; processed food is the major cause of ... Views: 835
Today, when many choose to buy the packaged and pasteurised milk, the raw farm fresh milk is losing its popularity. As far as health benefits are concerned, undoubtedly, the farm fresh milk offers a wider array of health, ethical and environmental benefits as compared to its pasteurised & ... Views: 539
Today, when many choose to buy the packaged and pasteurised milk, the raw farm fresh milk is losing its popularity. As far as health benefits are concerned, undoubtedly, the farm fresh milk offers a wider array of health, ethical and environmental benefits as compared to its pasteurised & ... Views: 592
Nowadays it seems inevitable to eat sugar, its practically everywhere, some times more obvious than others, I take a look at sweet breads or maybe some strawberry jam and I know it has loads of sugar in it, but what if I told you that potato chips, soups, ketchup and most of the processed foods ... Views: 1181
Cutting back on one’s sugar intake is a commonly discussed issue. High sugar levels in our bodies accounts for diabetes, and sugar is also associated with obesity and being overweight.
Alternately, sugar can have many negative effects on our health and well being. It causes inflammation, and ... Views: 1263
Research is showing evidence of glyphosate residues, found in a majority of processed foods in the Western diet courtesy of Genetically Engineered foods.
Glyphosate has been found to be used in the farming of root vegetables such as potato, beetroot, also has been used in the growing of corn ... Views: 1475
Is this “normal?”
What is normal for digestive health? There is not a simple answer, each person is different. What is normal for you may not be normal for another. The reasons an individual may become constipated and the solutions to the challenge will vary. However, we do know what is ... Views: 743
There is quite a lot of confusion when it comes to the various forms of Sulfur. What is the difference between sulfa drugs, sulfites, sulfates and sulfur.
Often people are allergic to sulfa drugs and sulfites. Therefore may think that it is necessary for them to avoid sulfates and sulfur, as ... Views: 6710
Like so many of you, I glanced at the calendar and had that light bulb moment, realizing that the holiday season is on the doorstep. They’re lighting trees, promoting holiday gifts and stocking supermarkets with all the ingredients to cook up the seasonal dishes and desserts we love. One of ... Views: 833
Nutrients from foods are required to stay healthy and for the proper functioning of the body. A healthy diet is essential for children’s growth and their development. Eating healthy foods prevents weight-related diseases including obesity and its related diseases as well.
All of us, including ... Views: 563
A low-carb diet can have many health benefits. It can help keep weight down and lowers the chance of developing illnesses such as diabetes. However, it can be easier said than done. Try following our 7 easy ways to keep carbohydrates in your diet to a minimum.
#7 Skip the Fruit Juice
Fruit ... Views: 715
The word "Gluten" has become a topically word in the world of nutrition these days. However the big question here is -
Is Gluten bad for you? Does it cause health problems? Is it necessary to avoid it?
Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye and barley. So for many people either ... Views: 952
Our body is comprised of 60% water which means that keeping ourselves hydrated is essential to remain healthy. Water can help flush out harmful toxins inside the body and can also revitalize us. It is common knowledge that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is imperative to help our body operate ... Views: 737
In recent Cancer Research is proving that Ginger is 10,000x Stronger than chemotherapy proving that -
Cancer doesn't have to be a "Deadly" word. It is no secret that Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy are not the Best Ways for Treatment of Cancer.
Let me help you to move away from the story ... Views: 1362
MINDFUL EATING is not a diet. It’s a conscious way of eating and enjoying food for both good health and pleasure. It uses our internal cues for hunger, appetite, and satiety to guide us in eating. When we slow down and pay attention to how we eat, what we eat, and how we feel, we’re more likely ... Views: 718
What does vitality mean to you?
The Webster’s definition of vitality is: a) capacity to live and develop, b) physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed, c) power of enduring.
To me, vitality means living a life where you are:
feeling good every day – healthy ... Views: 812
Like you I like to incorporate a variety of foods into my diet. Both for health reasons but also for a change.
Curious as many of you I came to wondering if duck is healthier than chicken and also what were the health benefits to eating duck.
Also what has become a normal part of the ... Views: 2767
As a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), the advice I share with clients includes adjusting their daily diets to be more plant-centric. Research indicates that including more plant-based foods in the diet can be beneficial. Some of the benefits include consuming ... Views: 742
It’s that time of year again! Colorful confections are hitting the store shelves, and likely your kids, like mine, are begging to purchase those colorful sugar bombs every time you walk into the store. It’s such a constant battle that I try every way possible not to take my little critters ... Views: 785
The food that you choose to eat today will affect your present, and more importantly, will also have a major impact on your lifestyle and your future health. Eating healthy food is important, not only to promote good health but also to reduce the chances of chronic diseases such as cancer and ... Views: 2189
What do you think of when you think of the NEED your body has for food?
Carbohydrates are for energy for your body and brain, protein is for the structure of tissues and cells, fat is needed for energy and to keep you warm. These are just a few of the very important functions of these ... Views: 782
As the saying goes, “Eat to Llve, don’t live to eat.” This is the proper way to eat. But, who doesn’t like to eat??
Food, beverages, and environmental factors contain the very building blocks of our body. They form our cells, our fluids, our tissues, fuel our ability to think, to ... Views: 1068
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients can better manage their symptoms with an IBS-specific diet. IBS symptoms are often triggered by food, so sticking to an IBS diet can reduce severity and flare-ups. Unlike the case of a gluten-free diet and celiac disease, an IBS diet is not a ... Views: 809
The history of avocados dates back to the period before 5th century BC, when they were mostly cultivated in Mexico. They were taken to the United States from Mexico for the first time in the late nineteenth century. Several varieties of avocado were made available in California by the ... Views: 595
When I was 19, I wouldn’t have defined it as medicine, but I learned early on that food can make you sick and food can heal. One definition of medicine is “a compound or preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease.” If you search “Food As Medicine,” there are a multitude of ... Views: 903
An obsession with weight loss is a very destructive pathology. It is often subtle and insidious, weaving its way into a person's daily thoughts and life. It can slowly and surely destroy their confidence, self-image, relationships and health.
If it reaches a severe enough state, it can even ... Views: 2478
Coffee has many good uses. There have been studies that have shown coffee plays a role in the prevention of cancer, diabetes, depression, cirrhosis of the liver and gallstones, and it is also full of antioxidants and polyphenols.
However, being addicted to it is not one of the good ... Views: 923
I am sure that you have found "Taking a Trip" to the supermarket these day, requires great investigative skills.
Not unlike that of a detective, in fact you really have to become a "Food Label" Detective.
You have Never been faced with so much "Choice" or competition within the supermarket ... Views: 896