At Be Well Consulting, we spend a lot of time advocating for the gut’s role in overall health and wellness. We’ve written previously about its influence on bloating, inflammation, and autoimmune disease. Today we’ll be exploring the gut’s vital role in supporting a balanced brain.
Go with ... Views: 820
Bloating, cramps and stomach irritability can feel like minimal concerns, however, if you’re struggling with issues daily then it may be time to consider making lifestyle changes. Digestive problems are one of the most common reasons why people seek medical help; they can hamper everyday ... Views: 786
Some pass it off as aging; others suffer from ongoing health issues; however, there’s a chance your chronic inflammation means something else entirely: poor gut health. It might sound like we’re a broken record, but we’ll never stop repeating it, your gut has an enormous impact on your overall ... Views: 896
One of the biggest recent medical revelations is the vital connection between gut health and wellness. Ongoing scientific research suggests that the microbiome, the good bacteria in our gut, helps prevent (perhaps even heal) autoimmune diseases. In fact, our bodies are full of more healthy ... Views: 839
Nutritional science is a dynamic, evolving field. As research continues, different foods become more and less advised. For a time, fat was public enemy number one. Currently, a groundswell of information has arisen concerning the downfalls of excessive sugar. While we don’t want to jump on every ... Views: 897
I want to dig deeper into one of the main solutions to this problem so many millions of people struggle with – nourishing your gut. Making food and lifestyle choices to prevent constipation can go a long way, but also a healthy gut is key to prevent and manage any gut dysfunction that can lead ... Views: 878
Is this “normal?”
What is normal for digestive health? There is not a simple answer, each person is different. What is normal for you may not be normal for another. The reasons an individual may become constipated and the solutions to the challenge will vary. However, we do know what is ... Views: 754
What does vitality mean to you?
The Webster’s definition of vitality is: a) capacity to live and develop, b) physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed, c) power of enduring.
To me, vitality means living a life where you are:
feeling good every day – healthy ... Views: 827
What do you think of when you think of the NEED your body has for food?
Carbohydrates are for energy for your body and brain, protein is for the structure of tissues and cells, fat is needed for energy and to keep you warm. These are just a few of the very important functions of these ... Views: 796
When I was 19, I wouldn’t have defined it as medicine, but I learned early on that food can make you sick and food can heal. One definition of medicine is “a compound or preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease.” If you search “Food As Medicine,” there are a multitude of ... Views: 916
It is my favorite time of year in Minnesota. The weather is getting cooler, life is getting more settled again after the busyness of summer, and the Farmer’s Markets are full of beautiful food. Not only is the food delicious, but also I appreciate being able to buy from local farmers and ... Views: 871
You know the story. You get home from work, you and your family are tired and hungry and you have no idea what’s for dinner. So what happens? You heat up something quick, you order a pizza or get take-out. How do you feel afterwards? For so many of us it leads to digestive upset – not only ... Views: 790
Is your gut a mess – constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, gas and bloating? If so, you are not alone! Millions of people suffer with these same symptoms. And sadly, so many are reaching for over the counter medications to quickly cover up the symptoms so they don’t interfere too much with life. ... Views: 922
Do you remember the skin of your childhood? It is just one of the many parts of your body that may have functioned better in early life. It was probably soft, smooth and blemish free. We all want to have healthy looking skin. And healthy looking skin is not just aesthetic – it may tell us ... Views: 790
I must admit, I'm not one who eats out very often. I much prefer to dine on a healthy home-cooked meal. As a whole though, Americans love eating out and we do it a lot.
Unfortunately, people who dine out frequently tend to have higher BMIs (body mass index) than those who eat at home most of ... Views: 1593
June recognizes a number of health-related dates. It is noted as Men’s Health Month and includes Men’s Health Week. Additionally there is also Wear Blue Day the color that is designated to raise awareness and educate men and women about the importance of men’s health. Whether it is a day, a week ... Views: 856
Ok, it’s not something people like to talk about. My clients often say, “sorry for too much information…” But really, I don’t think we are talking about it enough. What comes out tells you so much about what has gone in and how well those choices are serving you. And it helps you to make changes ... Views: 759
Gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, stomach pain and cramps – these are symptoms that millions of Americans live with every day. And there is a drug at every commercial break to cover up these very symptoms. Because this affects so many people, we may minimize the impact of what ... Views: 826
In last week’s blog I talked about why you should love your gut – all it does for you and how it impacts the health of your entire body. This week I want to give you some additional tips on categories of foods you can choose to help nourish your gut the best that you can.
Two of the ... Views: 930
You probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your gut, unless it is causing you discomfort. I certainly wasn’t thinking about my gut when I was eating fast food and drinking sugary pop. But when it started causing me problems, I started to notice.
We often focus on the things we see ... Views: 1058
I see clients every day who have struggled for years to achieve a healthy weight. They have tried every diet on the market with at best minimal results. And so often they also live with chronic digestive issues. Their stories almost always include some or all of the following: a history of the ... Views: 915
Post-Vacation Bloat
We took a short vacation this spring and with travel comes lots of eating out. It is a pleasure - not having to cook or clean it up, finding restaurant gems in an unfamiliar city. In many ways it is simpler than at home – meal planning, shopping and cooking. I do enjoy ... Views: 814
A Story of Inflammation
Inflammation is a hot topic today. But, for everyone, the word doesn’t necessarily create a picture in your mind of what it means. I understand it can be overwhelming and maybe a bit irritating with the magnitude of information available today – on nutrition, health, ... Views: 928
Do you live with chronic bloating? Would you guess that 1 in 5 of your friends and family may as well? It is one of the most prevalent symptoms that we endure – when you wake up, after each meal, and getting worse and worse throughout the day. Statistics show that about 20% of the U.S. ... Views: 862
Weight loss is as simple as eat less and exercise more, right? That is certainly the messages we hear in the media. And it sometimes may seem like an easier solution. But unfortunately, it doesn't always work.
A surprising weight loss journey
Janet (not her real name) is a client of mine ... Views: 1221
Do you feel bloated after every meal or even when you wake up in the morning? Do you constantly go back and forth between constipation and diarrhea? If so, you are not alone. According to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 63 million people have chronic constipation and ... Views: 897
I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) the summer after my freshman year in college. At that time, I was not pursuing education in nutrition and didn’t know much about how food impacted my health. I was 18 years old and certainly was not a good example of someone eating a nourishing ... Views: 859
What is inflammation?
Do you hear about inflammation from your doctor or in the news, but not exactly sure what it means for your health? Acute inflammation is your body's natural response to an injury (a cut or break) or an infection (a virus or bacteria). This inflammatory response is ... Views: 1013
I taught a class this morning where a gentleman asked me a question about a pre-Diabetes program that he is involved in. He was wondering my opinion on the eating plan that is being recommended. I won't go into detail on the description, but I told him I didn't agree that what was being promoted ... Views: 824
How long does it take you to eat a meal? 5 minutes, 10, 20? You may have learned that it takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that you are full. Many of us don't spend enough time eating to wait for that message. In addition to preventing overeating, eating more slowly can ... Views: 895
I am writing a very different article today because I want to share a wonderful and very important book I read recently that I think is a must read if you or anyone you love plans to grow old or get sick. Maybe you would rather not plan for it, but the fact is either one will happen to all of us ... Views: 1083
Dinner in a rush?
It is 6 p.m., you just got home from work, you have 1 hour to feed your family and get back out the door to a practice/game/recital/meeting and you have no idea what's for dinner.
Does this sound like a common story in your life? I admit, it happens to often in my life as ... Views: 1136
Back to school - back to routine.
As much as I enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the summer, I do enjoy getting back to the routine of fall. Whether or not you or kids in your family are in school, fall is a time when there is a shift and with that may come a shift in eating habits as ... Views: 1248
One of my "happy places" is the Mill City farmer's market in Minneapolis. I love the fresh produce that changes throughout the season, the fresh cut flowers for my table, the frozen wild-caught Alaskan salmon from Wild Run Salmon, the flour from Sunrise Flour Mill, and fresh prepared foods from ... Views: 903
With all dietary choices there are individuals that go to extremes. Some believe they need supplemental protein even though they regularly consume meat, dairy and other excellent sources of protein. On the other hand, there are individuals who limit protein food sources in their diet and tend to ... Views: 1037
Americans eat everywhere today besides sitting at the kitchen table – at their desk, at sporting events, at social gatherings, standing at the kitchen counter, in front of the TV and even in their cars. With the busy life that you may lead, sitting down for a meal may seem next to impossible. ... Views: 1190
An organized life makes healthy choices easier, it's as simple as that. Meals planned, exercise scheduled, house uncluttered - all can be helpful to have your best life. But more specifically, what about an organized kitchen? Having meals planned is wonderful, but what if you can't remember why ... Views: 932
Summer is almost officially here and it is the time of year when getting outside to cook and eat can be great fun. You may be a regular at grilling, but would like to make it more interesting, or you may be a novice who doesn't feel comfortable or has heard grilling may not be a healthy way to ... Views: 1022
"Clean eating" is one of the latest buzz phrases in our quest to find the "right" diet. There has been an increase in consumer demand for clean food products. Consumers are asking for products lower in sodium, without high fructose corn syrup and trans-fats, products with short ingredient lists, ... Views: 942
Vitality is defined as a state of being strong and active; having energy. Aren’t we all looking to feel a little greater vitality in our lives? You may think about lifestyle choices you can make to feel more vital – consistent exercise, getting enough sleep and managing stress. In addition to ... Views: 1021
Winter has come to an end and perhaps you haven't maintained the level of physical activity you had hoped for. As spring arrives motivation for physical activity often increases and at least where I live, in Minnesota, there are many new opportunities for getting out and moving again.
To make ... Views: 965
You are on a road trip, headed to the family cabin for the weekend or off to a friend's wedding. You need to take a break, stretch your legs and grab a snack; but where can you stop for a quick bite that will not leave you with a stomachache, a sugar rush and excess calories that don't fit so ... Views: 1084
In your busy life, do you take the time for breakfast every day? Breakfast is important for many reasons: it fuels your body for the day getting your body’s engine (your metabolism) revved up, it prevents overeating later in the day, and with the right choices it can help keep your head clear ... Views: 1115
Change is hard! Whether it is an organizational change that needs to occur in your work, a change in your personal or family life or a change in your behavior to achieve a healthier you – you may face resistance.
Resistance is defined as “anything that slows or stops movement or keeps ... Views: 1070
You may have experienced it – the ice cream calling you from the freezer, or the bag of chips in the cupboard. Food cravings – they can quickly drive you from whatever you were doing to staring into the fridge looking for a snack.
What can we do about it? Well, first minimizing the ... Views: 1153
In the heart of winter in Minnesota, I am keenly aware of the lack of vitamin D we are getting from the sun. Vitamin D is an important nutrient that isn’t found naturally in many foods. The body can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, but in the winter months our exposure to the ... Views: 915
Instead of focusing on which box has the “best” nutrition label, get into the kitchen and experiment with healthful foods that have been used for hundreds of years and can benefit your health in a multitude of ways.
Turmeric is a great place to start! This spice used in Indian and many other ... Views: 905
I was recently at the grocery store and took notice of how the struggle for weight control is failing miserably in our culture. There was a lovely woman who was very overweight and struggling even to walk across the store. If you saw her from the waist up she looked like a healthy weight, but ... Views: 925
Did you know that stress creates inflammation that will make it harder to maintain a healthy weight?
Did you know that sleep deprivation alters hormones that make you want to eat more?
You hopefully are continuing to pay attention to your eating and exercise habits during this holiday ... Views: 958
As the holiday months are upon us, I am focusing my articles on managing your healthy lifestyle and arriving at January 1 feeling great!
This is definitely a challenging time of the year for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only are the holidays filled with endless opportunities for ... Views: 944