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Medicos diagnose and treat symptoms. All day, every day, only symptoms matter. The cause of the symptoms gets scant, if any, attention.
But putting Band-Aids on symptoms–which I call the patch, patch, patch approach–doesn’t work.
For instance, diabetes shows up when the body can’t handle ... Views: 1137
Our thymus gland, located behind our breast bone, leads the immune system into battle against evildoers intending to snatch our health away.
So we know where it is and what it does. And that about sums it up for most of us. It seems like we should know more about such a big-time player, but ... Views: 1017
When it comes to our bodies, everything affects everything because everything’s connected.
And our endocrine system sits smack dab in the middle of all this connecting that’s going on.
Here’s a quick look at the parts of the endocrine system and what they do (24/7, I might ... Views: 1204
The crusade against cholesterol seems to be losing steam, so the poobahs are working on the real cause of heart problems. WooHoo!
You shouldn’t hold your breath, howsomever.
First off, cholesterol drugs bring in really, really big bucks, and that won’t stop until patients start ... Views: 1071
Medicine sees our various body parts as separate and entire unto themselves. Each speciality treats a specific body part–with almost no reference to anything else.
There’s no point in asking, say, a heart doctor about your digestion. Heart doctors don’t do digestion.
And while nobody can ... Views: 1033
Half of us have thyroid problems–most without realizing it. And thyroid problems can cause high cholesterol levels. Few doctors know this however.
Besides, it’s easy to prescribe a statin drug, but harder than blue blazes to figure out thyroid problems. So guess what you’re getting, ... Views: 2430
In 2009, Ronald Ball bought a can of Mountain Dew from the vending machine at work. One swig, and Good Old Ron was throwing up all over the place, sicker than the proverbial dog.
Upon breaking the can open and pouring out its contents for a look-see, what to his wondering eyes did appear but ... Views: 1196
It interferes with thyroid function.
It gets estrogen and testosterone out of whack.
It puts a hurt on your immune system by messing with your thymus gland.
It increases your chances of becoming resistant to antibiotics.
It sets your kids up for asthma and infections.
And it’s ... Views: 1197
As your body’s official Defense Department, the immune system protects against all enemies. Toxins in the air. Viruses and bacteria that get into the body. Everything.
And immune system headquarters is smack-dab in the middle of the most interactive, butt-into-everybody-else’s-business system ... Views: 1114
Metal allergy or nickel allergy is a type of allergy that causes skin rash or dermatitis by touching some metallic substances, particularly nickel, among predisposed individuals. The condition worsens especially if the person is frequently exposed to various metallic materials like jewelries, ... Views: 1436
Increasing Telomere Length
Boaz Nyona Matende B.S and Steven Petrosino Ph.D
A telomere is described as a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences that is found at both ends of a chromatid (Rufer, Dragowska, Thornbury, Roosneck, & Lansdorp, 1998) . Nucleotides are organic molecules such as ... Views: 1981
Hydrocortisone, otherwise referred to as cortisol, is known to play vital functions in the body’s response to threats. The glucocorticoid is primarily released to counter stress, and achieves that through a number of responses – increases blood sugar, represses the immune system, ... Views: 1971
Studies are revealing more and more interesting facts about cortisol – “Death Hormone”. In a separate article, we briefly cited various studies that link the death hormone to aging, immune deficiencies, telomere shortening, stress, and a number of debilitating chronic ... Views: 1548
I have never been a proponent of saying that PEMFs alone should be used to treat cancer. The most humbling thing I can say about the treatment of cancer is that there are no perfect solutions. I would also say there is no such thing as a cure.
No such thing as a cure
Cancer is a chronic ... Views: 11240
Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in response to stress. Among its main actions in the body are the increase in gluconeogenesis (formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds), the suppression of the immune response, intervention in the metabolism of macronutrients, ... Views: 2012
In the 1920s, American physiologist Walter Cannon was the first to describe the “fight or flight” response wherein stress hormones prepare our bodies for battle, or give sufficient energy and speed for us to flee from danger (Cannon 1915). Hans Selye (1907-1982), however, ... Views: 2078
Bio-active whey protein refers to a mixture of globular proteins that are recovered from whey, the liquid by product obtained during cheese production (Smilkov, et al., 2013) . The protein composition in cow milk is 80% casein protein and 20% whey protein. Whey protein makes up 10% of ... Views: 2026
Prostate Cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the prostate gland of the male reproductive system (ACS, 2010) . The occurrence of prostate cancer varies widely across the world, suggesting that a major role is played by lifestyles and dietary factors. Areas such as Europe and the ... Views: 1804
With the holidays comes flu season. Because of this, the foods you choose this month can make or break your merrymaking. See, what you eat can impact your immune system health dramatically.
As you’ll soon discover, how you feast this holiday may determine whether you spend a week on the ... Views: 1193
Worried about staying healthy? Want to improve your immune system strength? I’m about to reveal the one thing in particular you can do to boost your immune system health.
Reduce stress.
Stress undermines your immune system in multiple ways, making it hard for your defenses to protect you ... Views: 1009
Hiding in every handshake . . . on every surface . . . in the very air . . . are microbes that can quickly make your life miserable.
You’re under attack every second of every hour!
But don’t worry – while there are lots of immune-boosting tactics, I’m going to show you two of the easiest ... Views: 1016
Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
When it comes to dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder – an extreme lethargy and sadness that accompanies the onset of winter -- most sufferers have already heard it all when it comes to solutions. Here’s the drill in a nutshell: spend a good chunk ... Views: 1039
Stress is one of the symptoms of ongoing personal financial issues and bad credit. The trend of bad financial decisions, getting behind on payments, and damages to a credit history is known as the bad credit trap.
Stress is the underlying cause of many illnesses, both major and minor. ... Views: 1346
Cortisol- the fundamental definition:
Cortisol is a hormone produced and released by the adrenal glands of the human body during times of stress, fight or flight. People of all age and sex produce and release this hormone. Triggered by the Hypothalamus of the brain, this hormone prepares ... Views: 3593
Juicing is extracting the juice from whole fruits and vegetables using a type of food processor called a juicer. Juicing ensures you’re getting your recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables in a convenient, easy-to-digest form. There are many health benefits to juicing fruits and ... Views: 1826
Physicians recommend that the role of the immunity system is considered as eminent in our body as this plays as leads for the profound defensive system that helps to safeguard all the organs in our body from a variety of deficiencies & disorders & promote the proper functioning of the health. ... Views: 1050
Balance on all levels especially health does not need to be so difficult. But unfortunately due to the fast lane society we involve ourselves in it's not easy. We find ourselves depleted and as always searching for the right tools and ingredients to help re-gain our body balance.
With a good ... Views: 1601
We all know that exercise is important; there are many benefits of exercise like - cardiovascular health and overall stress management. But exercise is more than maintaining cardiovascular health. Studies on exercise have indicated that engaging in moderate exercise, meaning a brisk walk, 3x a ... Views: 1029
Cancer is devastating. It’s a terrible disease that ends the lives of millions and ruins the lives of our families and friends.
My family have been affected and it’s made me think about lots of things I would maybe not of had to think about. In a strange way, via a mixture of fear and anger ... Views: 1446
Influenza or “flu” refers to the many strains of viruses that are more intense than the viruses that cause the common cold. Symptoms include fever, aching muscles, headache, fatigue, and may involve the digestive tract, causing diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
One day I was watching one of those TV ads for a natural physical healing product, and I was really convinced that it would heal any type of ailment, and I wanted to buy it; but it was enormously expensive and I didn’t have the money to be able to buy it. I was having all kinds of very ... Views: 2358
There are many advantages of using a soap dispenser regardless of if you choose to use one both at home and at work. Not only will the sink get dirty and disgusting while using a bar of soap, it unhygienic. Some individuals don’t feel comfortable using a bar of soap that everyone else has ... Views: 4760
The cold and flu season was off to an early start this year and it has been a nasty one. Whether or not you're one of the victims basically depends on two things: one, whether or not you're exposed to a cold or flu virus and two, how strong your immune system is.
We live in a sea of bacteria, ... Views: 1282
There is increasing evidence that endorphin can enhance our immune function. After surgery and radiation therapy, the immune function is generally suppressed, and infection can lead to complicated medical problems. Using acupuncture can help strengthen the immune function to prevent the ... Views: 2953
Pesticides are designed to kill. Whether it's nerve gas–like neurological disruption, the unbalancing of key hormones, or the stunting of a plant's ability to absorb life-sustaining trace minerals from the soil, none of the chemical interventions seems all that appetizing, especially considering ... Views: 1446
Laminine is an extract derived from fertilized organic hen eggs at a critical stage of incubation (on the 9th day). The use of fertilized egg extracts in medicine and nutrition dates back to 1929, and scientific studies on this unique supplement have been published in numerous peer-review ... Views: 3263
Genital human papillomavirus (also called HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection.
Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems from it. In 90% of cases, the immune system clears HPV naturally within two years. But, sometimes, HPV infections are not cleared ... Views: 3979
You've heard about many of your body's systems--immune, nervous, digestive, excretory, skeletal, circulatory--before. But I wonder whether you're aware that there are other powerful systems working to keep you in healthy function every day. At least two hardworking vital systems, lymph and ... Views: 1511
Ever feel sore, swollen lumps the sides of your neck at the beginning of a cold? Those are lymph nodes. Because we tend to ignore it when we're not ill, many of us don't really know what the lymph system does--or why it is so crucial to human functioning and even survival.
Imagine an ... Views: 1551
Home sweet home. There’s no place like home. Home is where the heart is.
There are loads of old adages that demonstrate how you feel about your home. Your home is usually thought of as a safe place, a refuge. It’s even thought of as your castle.
Unfortunately, between indoor air ... Views: 1371
Herbal Adventures with Susun S WeedThe Rosaceae -- or rose -- family as seen printed in www.sagewoman.com
Herbal medicine is people's medicine. And people's medicines are the medicines of the earth: the common weeds. Weeds, though often reviled, are powerhouses of ... Views: 2474
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a condition that affects the digestive system causing a myriad of symptoms including diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, cramping, pain and mucus in the stool. Along with digestive symptoms, individuals can also experience fatigue and psychological issues ... Views: 1568
We are constantly bombarded with information about vitamins, supplements and complementary health ideas. Whether we act upon that information or not is a matter of individual choice. Some people are more health conscious than others. We have our own individual attitudes on the subject and ... Views: 1500
Improve Immunity To Alleviate Allergy
Do you ever squirm seeing the flowers blooming? Have you experienced sneezing or itching in spring season? Probably you may be caught up with allergy.
Recent data on prevalence of ailments around the world show epidemic increase in number of people ... Views: 1976
Gather round and hear the story of how we’re losing a war to an enemy most people don’t know about.
The whole thing started in the 1930s when chemical poobahs decided to create a synthetic form of estrogen and make boodles of money with it.
And so it was that they created Bisphenol A ... Views: 1649
Figuring out what we need to do for good health can get pretty complicated, but here are a few, easy-to-implement tips that pay big dividends for not so much effort.
• If you’re still trying to lose the Freshman Fifteen after all these years, you’re more likely to get the job done if you ... Views: 1278
So, there you are, dragging your patooty through one grey day after another, wondering where your brain went, why your body aches and if you’ll ever feel good again.
Even if your doctor checked for thyroid problems, and the flaky blood tests actually found the problem, you probably ended up ... Views: 1531
Perhaps you noticed that I didn’t joined “The sky is falling!” crowd worried about fallout from Japan’s triple disasters.
You know, like the warnings to start gobbling down potassium iodide by the handful. Well, actually, while iodide’s great stuff, potassium iodide is a kinda cheap form of ... Views: 1693
I’m not much on the idea of eating bugs and twigs. And a lot of so-called healthy diets sound pretty twiggy to me.
Seems like efforts to make the right health moves should lead to a reward, as in delicious.
So today I’m writing about butter. Not just any butter, but KerryGold Irish Butter. ... Views: 1727
Perhaps you’re familiar with setting modern indoor speed records to get to the bathroom. And maybe you know about foods racing through your system, stopping only long enough to liquify before demanding “Out! Out!”
I could go on, but if you spend time thinking about your digestive activities, ... Views: 1478