We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Immune System and Immunity Enhancement". If you have expertise in Immune System and Immunity Enhancement and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In times when one is leading an extremely hectic life, the regular tasks and essentials of life like eating proper meals, sleeping adequately etc. has taken a setback since there is so much of pressure on people to perform exceedingly well and be the best at everything possible. There are a ... Views: 2339
Now that you’ve all been taught that saturated fat is bad because it raises your cholesterol level and gives you heart attacks, give me a few moments to unlearn you.
Cholesterol is your friend.
Your brain, being mostly cholesterol, doesn’t do much of a job when it runs short of the good ... Views: 1157
Synthetic estrogens create a huge toxic threat to our health. These estrogens form an advancing army that surrounds us. And we risk our health–even our lives–if we don’t learn what they are and how to avoid them.
Bogus estrogens have cut the average testosterone level in half in the last ... Views: 1755
Hormone replacement therapy has definitely gotten the most press from it's effectiveness as a menopause treatment. But correcting imbalanced hormones appears to have other important health benefits that may be even more significant than restoring clarity and physical balance to women who are ... Views: 1443
We moved a lot, so I went to ten schools in twelve years. I was always the new kid.
Take it from me, most teachers are a whole lot less than delighted when the new kid turns out to be a loud, energetic tomboy who doesn’t pay attention, but still scores the highest test grades.
As if that ... Views: 1532
Well, looky here! I read that the CEO of Frito/Lay describes Doritos as a ‘healthful snack.’ Well, I had to check that out. Who knows? Maybe I could start eating Doritos.
So off to the web! Holey Moley! It takes a special kind of dictionary to describe Doritos as ... Views: 8390
People eat and do things they know aren’t good for their bodies. Unfortunately we don’t know how unhealthy habits can affect our body on the inside. Unhealthy eating, smoking, and drinking habits all weaken the immune system, our body’s defenses against pollutants, pathogens and toxins. A ... Views: 1557
Milk and cookies make a great snack, right? Well, maybe not so much.
Besides the fact the cookies almost certainly have high fructose corn syrup in them, everyday milk is a killer. Literally.
I mean, you don’t keel over right away, but take it from me, you’re asking for trouble.
Here’s ... Views: 1611
Holey Moley, Chester, be careful out there!
As you know, stress is the big kahuna of problems nowadays. And maybe stress-R-you. But just because somebody says something’s good for stress doesn’t mean you should take it. You need to know the rest of the story.
An example: Holy Basil, a herb ... Views: 2088
There’s a lot of to-do going on about natural vitamins having an edge on the synthetics. And, truth to tell, going natural sure sounds good. The way God intended and all.
But like with so many things, the devil’s in the details.
The major sources of natural vitamin B vitamins are wheat and ... Views: 1023
Alongside many of the better known reasons that people have started taking HGH like weight loss and a youthful appearance, some have started looking at how HGH boosts immunity. These people have noticed that those with a large supply of HGH get sick less often and stay sick for a shorter period ... Views: 3449
Each case is different, however there are many similarities and shared issues underlying auto-immune disorders. Included here are several approaches to tapping for weakened immune system conditions or symptoms.
Often when one suffers from an auto-immune disorder they are treated as though ... Views: 6273
Falls Cure. Get on board. Boost your immunity.
Fall is a beautiful time of year when the leaves on trees burst into beautiful vibrant colors such as- yellows, browns, burnt-orange, and burgundy-reds. Nature makes preparations for restoration by shedding these beautiful leaves and the trees ... Views: 2880
When every one around you is falling prey to the common cold, you can sit idly by and wait your turn or you can take action. Below are healthy suggestions for everyday that are crucial as a defense if you are surrounded by illness.
It is no coincidence that cold & flu season falls around ... Views: 2118
We’re way too casual about concussions. In fact, when I suffered a concussion in a car accident a few years back, the doctor didn’t tell me. And when I asked, she told me it wasn’t important.
And she was wrong. Concussions are huge.
You see, most concussions damage the pituitary gland, ... Views: 3177
Michelle Obama is taking a star turn about putting salad bars into schools. One look at the cast of characters supporting this idea makes it obvious the salad bar hype isn’t about health or children or anything else one can praise. This misbegotten idea is about control
Let’s look at ... Views: 1785
Blame it on changed lifestyles, junk-food, stressful living and lack of exercise, our immune system seems to have taken the backseat — not the driver’s seat.
It is a fact of life that people living in a natural environment stay healthy. They wake up in the morning, have a simple, balanced, ... Views: 2936
Parsley is the Rodney Dangerfield of herbs; it gets no respect. Probably not even from Rodney Dangerfield. We’re talking NO respect.
Once upon a time, most restaurants used parsley as a perky, colorful accompaniment on your plate, whatever you ordered. Most eaters ignored it, though, pretty ... Views: 3457
Senator Patrick Lehman and Representative Henry Waxman rush about, day after day, year after year, to do Big Pharma’s bidding.
Let’s talk about where this takes us.
Big Pharma, the major pharmaceutical companies, is about money. They advertise their wares as wonders created especially to ... Views: 1452
Bette Dowdell
Medicine is a mess. Doctors don’t even try to heal chronic illnesses, content to treat symptoms instead. Probably because that’s all they learned in medical school. But it means their patients--that's us--drag through life, out of gas, running on fumes.
Even worse, while some ... Views: 1517
One of the many miseries that can accompany a whacked-out thyroid–or any member of the endocrine system, for that matter–is muscle pain.
Your muscles knot up. They lose flexibility. You creak like you’re 102. And through it all, you ache.
One thing for sure, you don’t want to learn to live ... Views: 2653
We’ve probably all heard about Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats. And a lot of what we’ve heard is wrong. Not just a little bit wrong, but standing-on-its head wrong.
Let’s check this out.
With some exceptions, Omega 6 fats come from plants and Omega 3 fats come from animals.
Omega 6, the ... Views: 2284
Disease rates are rocketing to the moon, with no slowdown in sight, because we don’t know how our bodies work. Most of what we’ve been taught is wrong, and doctors, cornered by insurance companies into ten-minute office visits, simply don’t have time to offer instruction.
When it comes to ... Views: 1769
I’m talking killers, and I’m talking about you.
You have natural killers in you.
And these natural killers are a good thing. A very good thing.
Which is why I’m going to talk about how to keep your natural killers in top shape, ready for action.
First, let’s talk about the company ... Views: 1634
People used to call bread “the staff of life.” But those days seem to be gone forever. Bread is now a problem of life.
Let me count the ways.
• Celiac disease: Caused by an intolerance to gluten–part and parcel of grains–celiac disease gets diagnosed a lot as irritable bowel syndrome, ... Views: 2538
I study health issues for many hours a day. While I focus on endocrine health (thyroid, etc.), I have to cover the health waterfront because the body insists on living as an integrated whole.
A balanced, integrated whole. If one part of the body suffers, they all suffer as the body balances ... Views: 1965
Carve this in stone: Your body will balance itself no matter what you think, do or say.
This is one of the many things they don’t teach us in school.
And I’ve never seen a headline about it on a magazine cover, either.
It seems to be somebody’s secret, but we need to let that cat out ... Views: 2476
What if there was a part of you that was in charge of your Immunity? What if there was a 'department', like an internal post office, whose sole purpose was sorting out what belongs to you and is part of your Self, and what does not belong there?
The Immune System's primary job is to sort what ... Views: 2089
You know the world’s upside down when you have to cast a wary at popcorn. Popcorn! What in the world could be wrong with good old popcorn?
Well, they’ve gone and messed with it, that’s what. It’s not the simple, innocent, family treat of yesteryear.
First off, corn ranks number two in ... Views: 2320
Half of us have thyroid problems, mostly undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. A whacked out thyroid tends to drag down the whole endocrine system, of which it is a part.
In turn, a misbehaving endocrine system can drag along all kinds of stuff. Stuff you’d never in a million years figure out had ... Views: 1658
The short answer is, for people with endocrine problems, detoxing is a foe.
Let’s talk about it.
Our endocrine system and our gastrointestinal system–that part of us we’re thinking of detoxing–are joined, in a manner of speaking, at the hip. You can’t affect one without affecting the ... Views: 1675
Doesn’t just about everybody like chicken? And doesn’t it bring up memories of the family around the table, enjoying a wholesome meal and good family time? Chicken’s the inexpensive choice, with thousands upon thousands of recipes singing its praises.
Well, those were the good old days. I ... Views: 1525
So there I was, standing in line at Walmart, waiting to pay for my hair spray. As I checked out the scenery, such as it was, a Woman’s World magazine leapt to my attention.
Oh, it wasn’t the cover picture of Oprah. I mean, the magazine rack looked like an Oprah retrospective, or family album ... Views: 1790
The pancreas is below our stomach, front and center, near the bottom of the rib cage. It may be the busiest twelve inches going.
First off, just to make things more complicated (and who in the world thought that was necessary?), the pancreas is both an exocrine and an endocrine organ. The ... Views: 1622
The gonads, testes and ovaries, play a huge role in how the endocrine system works. And we seem to be doing everything we can to put them on the disabled list. We need to talk about this.
Everybody has–and needs–estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Now, obviously men and women, boys and ... Views: 2391
We have two adrenal glands, each perched atop a kidney. With your spine dividing your back in two, you can locate a kidney in the middle of each half, with the bottom of the kidney right around the bottom of your rib cage. A few inches above that sits an adrenal gland, topping the kidney like a ... Views: 1579
Our most well-known endocrine gland is the thyroid. Not nearly as well known is the fact that half the population has thyroid problems, mostly undiagnosed or mistreated.
The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located by your Adam’s apple, controls metabolism and affects everything else. You ... Views: 1273
The pituitary gland is King of the endocrine hill. A tiny teardrop sort of arrangement, the pituitary hangs from the base of the hypothalamus portion of the brain, not too far behind the bridge of the nose, a vulnerable location for such an important actor.
Studies link concussions to ... Views: 2331
The hypothalamus controls both our nervous system and our endocrine system. Which adds up to pretty much everything that goes on. It’s the tiny king of a vast realm.
About the size of an almond and the shape of a little, lumpy pancake, the hypothalamus tucks up under the base of the brain, ... Views: 3389
Gather round as I tell you about something so important that it controls almost everything that goes on inside your body, but so secret that almost nobody knows about it. Oh, a few may know the name of it, but they couldn’t explain it to you–even if you offered them a million dollars.
What is ... Views: 1769
Medical research is beginning to look more and more like an old Judy Garland/Mickey Rooney movie. A problem rears its ugly head, our plucky protagonists put on a show, the amazingly talented cast of friends and neighbors sings and dances its way to the finale–after which everybody lives happily ... Views: 1103
The large pharmaceutical companies–Big Pharma–control medicine in the U.S. And they stand between us and good medical care.
Let’s be blunt about it. Big Pharma is all about money. First, last and always, it’s about the money. They dress it up with talk about the frontiers of science, ... Views: 2499
If you’ve read much of my stuff, you know that I do go on–and on–about the evils of soy.
Why is soy bad? Besides stealing all your minerals, giving you kidney stones and depressing your thyroid function something fierce, soy is, among other things, estrogenic. That is, it adds bogus estrogen ... Views: 1671
Good health requires protein. It’s protein that repairs the cells in our body, builds and maintains our muscles and bones, gives us energy and rides herd over a lot of what goes on inside us. And it’s protein that keeps our endocrine system chugging along. Diets with inadequate protein lead down ... Views: 1903
The old curse says “May you live in interesting times.” Well, ‘interesting’ is one way to describe the times we live in. ‘Mind boggling’ might be another. In either case, I think my head’s going to explode.
Let’s talk about the new ugly of body fat.
Researchers discovered leptin in 1994, ... Views: 1780
To most of us, talking about hormones means estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. True enough, they’re hormones, and we all have all of them. Men, women and children have them, in different proportions of course, but none of us can make it without all three working together.
But these ... Views: 1760
Chances that you have endocrine problems are fifty-fifty. It could well be that’s why you feel lower than a snake’s belly.
How can that be? How do endocrine problems happen? Let me count the ways.
First, let’s look at the pituitary, the master of the endocrine system. The Pituitary Society ... Views: 1308
The labels on baby shampoos sure sound good. Gentle. Non-irritating. Everything a good mother could want. And some have pictures of smiling, happy babies to seal the deal.
Most of those labels don’t tell the truth. They can’t, because if moms knew the truth, they wouldn’t buy the shampoo. ... Views: 2301
Super foods, by definition, have more nutrition per ounce than your average health food. Most health foods strut around, proud as a peacock of their power and glory, but when a super food shows up, they fold up their tails and take a back seat.
Now, I’m talking a real super food. Some people ... Views: 1447
Thyroid treatment fell apart in the 1960s. That’s when thyroid blood tests and Synthroid first appeared.
Doctors hailed the blood tests as a means of making thyroid treatment scientific. Blood tests eliminated the need to deal with symptoms, which, as any thyroid patient can tell you, are ... Views: 1699