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People go to their spiritual place on whatever day of the week and think that that is faith.
People set rules for other people to live by in order to be part of the ‘faith’ club and again, think that that is faith.
But none of that is real faith.
Real faith is an act of ... Views: 996
I became a mum about 9 years ago when the beautiful, wonderful T came into my life. It was, like most mums would agree, a HUGE change.
And for the first few weeks, figuring out the breastfeeding (which was one of the toughest things I have EVER done!), the lack of sleep, the constant ... Views: 899
Yes, I know…
You are tired, sleepy and everyone else is still asleep…
You had a hard day yesterday and you have a hard day coming today…
So, yes, I suppose you could stay down, hit that snooze button again…
Get that much needed sleep…
Loose yourself ... Views: 944
So, you have distilled out your purpose…
You know what you want your life to stand for and to be about…
And now you are all excited…
All those years of the fog are behind you!
You are on path!
You feel the pull of purpose, drive, enthusiasm and ... Views: 812
Let’s be clear…
Some days as you pursue your goals, you will feel delusional…
You look at those big goals of yours and you look at the people around you scurrying around doing what they always do and there you are, thinking big thoughts about how you are going to make millions ... Views: 924
Part of this wonderful journey to abundance will come with you getting angry, OH SO ANGRY, with the people who supposedly love you (And they really do), but they don’t support you.
They think you are crazy and deluded…
But they humour you…
And you can feel that they ... Views: 1037
So, how do you step into abundance when it seems well beyond your current level of experience?
Take some time each day to be silent and to journal
Every leader needs to take time to think, to navel-gaze, to write out what comes up, to pick up on new ideas in the ... Views: 919
So, I am just like you…
I want to know exactly how things will work…
I want to know that every single effort I put in, towards the quest for my big goals will result in all the riches and the impact that I know I am born for.
And so, instead of just going with my gut, I go look see what ... Views: 735
You think it is the lack of sales – No, this is a symptom…
You think it is the lack of a great strategy – So, you go looking for the best-est tip/trick/technique you can find and that is such a time suck because it keeps you from actually doing the work…
You think it is your fear ... Views: 841
So, honey, tell me…
What do you want the money for?
Because that reason is the thing that will empower or disempower you to receive it.
Money alone is lifeless. It represents certain things to you and if it represents security and certainty then the chances are that you will never get ... Views: 1427
Yesterday, I was tired…
A little bit fed up…
And a whole lot “Wondering why on earth I keep doing this”?
Yep, I get like that too…
I certainly am not perfect but I am committed…
Committed enough that I still do the things on a daily basis that I have made a habit of…
And I only made them a ... Views: 1455
Yes, I know I cannot control you…
I cannot control what you choose to do or not do…
I cannot make you stick around if you choose to run off…
But I will do my best!
Because honey, I am showing up!
Every single day and I will keep doing it.
Join me!
You have a call, a deep inner longing to ... Views: 1402
The difference between you and every single person out there, is that you have vision.
Vision about what you want to create in your life and business/ministry…
Vision about the money you will make from your books, music…
A great big huge vision…
And a determination that it absolutely IS ... Views: 1489
Some days, you will go for that promotion, think you are going to get it and… defeat will be snatched from the mouth of victory…
Some days, you will lose a loved one and it will break your heart…
Some days, you will put your heart and soul into selling your next program, and no one will buy ... Views: 1482
Dear friend, are you looking for a better life? Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting failing grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up for ourselves to ... Views: 1436
If you choose it, you can have it…
If you choose money, fame, love, you can have it…
Nothing, no one keeps anything away from you…
This is the simple truth.
Will you accept it?
Will you see that NO ONE takes anything from you?
Will you see that you are not prevented from achieving every ... Views: 1442
You worry that you worry too much about money…
You worry that your worry and your desire for more money will stop you making money…
And so then you try hard to stop worrying about money and stop wanting to have more money…
Because, in your mind, wanting more money means you must be evil and ... Views: 1447
Lets be honest here…
The weight of your dreams sometimes feels darned right overwhelming, overpowering, just too much and ‘why on earth do you think you have a right to all of that’!
When you really stop to think of everything you want to make happen, it makes you want to yell and cry and ... Views: 1358
It is fairly amusing to see people do this thing where they think that because they have paid their dues to their higher power, he/she will now give them the secret path to wealth that no one else has.
I see it in Christians who think that because they have the hotline to God, they can now just ... Views: 1293
When last did you take a time out?
A time that was completely yours, to do with whatever you will?
Not a time filled with mindless entertainment that prevents you from contemplating…
Not a time when you escape thinking by flicking through Facebook, or some other technological distraction…
A ... Views: 1343
Yes, honey you do KNOW what you want…
You dream of it when you let your mind wander…
You can see yourself confidently doing it, in the dead of the night…
But then in the light of the morning, you smile condescendingly at your dreams and chase them away as you get stuck into your regular ... Views: 1357
This is exactly the right moment for you to begin…
Who cares what went before… NOW IS YOUR TIME!
Who cares what you failed at in the past… NOW IS YOUR TIME!
Who cares who said you can’t do this or that… NOW IS YOUR TIME!
Who cares about anything other than the fact that NOW ... Views: 1268
You are chosen to live in abundance and you have tapped a little into it but there is more.
So, understand this, you can have everything you desire, including wealth but…
The Problem
You keep hiding.
You keep doubting yourself.
You keep thinking that there is something you are missing…
And ... Views: 916
You have a story…
It is one of rejection…
It is a story of not being loved by the very ones that were supposed to love you – your parents to begin with and then it spread to those you learnt to trust – They proved unworthy of that trust…
And now you walk around wounded but you do not even ... Views: 727
I get tired of knee jerk responses from people who are not willing to question their beliefs.
Beliefs that have been passed down to them by other people who were not willing to question their beliefs. And so, these unfounded beliefs keep going from person to person, generation to ... Views: 1426
Dear friend, if you’ve placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again?
In life, you are always faced with choices. You may opt to have a pessimist’s view and live a ... Views: 1454
A few days ago, some lovable soul left my mailing list and community (sob) with a terse note about me being disruptive.
And I got to thinking about the word.
I liked being called disruptive.
Why on earth would I want to not make any waves at all?
I am called to be disruptive!
To break ... Views: 1533
When will you start living like your life is yours?
When will you start asking for and receiving the best?
When will you start believing that the dreams and visions in your heart are really yours to fulfill?
When will you stop selling your soul for money?
And I speak to me, probably much ... Views: 821
For many women, their female friendships have been a source of comfort, support, laughter, and joy.
For others, they have been mired in betrayal, mean-spiritedness, and competition.
But for most of us, they’ve been a combination of these two extremes, and typically, even before we reach ... Views: 1162
Do you have to beg the air to fill a room? No, you don’t. It is there, always present, always flowing in, supporting life…
You can create a vacuum only by deliberately forcing out the air and sealing the container, sealing the room but the moment you let even a pinprick of a hole be ... Views: 941
Why would you put a barrier in place against creating wealth for you and for yours? I know you say you want it and yet, when it comes down to doing the work to create it, there seem to be barriers in place. Barriers that keep you stuck and trapped in a place of struggle and ... Views: 763
Most ‘norms’ live in fear of failure…
They are too scared to try anything new for fear of losing money, losing face and losing the will to live!
And they forget that they are the ones completely in control of what happens even if they hit the unlikely end-result of failure.
Yes, honey, you ... Views: 975
I am listening, you know…
Listening hard to all that you say you want…
And I am watching you – yes, I know it sounds a little creepy but, keep reading, you will hear my heart…
I watch you, wait, wait and wait some more for things to come to you, instead of you taking courage in both ... Views: 888
There comes a day in everyone’s life when they realise that learning to love yourself is pretty important. It is usually after years of living to the agenda of the masses and realising that there is no reward to be found there and then, suddenly people remember that their own opinion is ... Views: 888
Let’s get straight into this.
Too many direct sales people struggle with the cold list, warm list thing and lots of family and friends are running scared of having conversations with these newbie business owners! Is there another way to warm people up? I mean, I get it, the more ... Views: 860
There are two main types of people who I tend to come across and neither one of them really gets what they want…
And then there is a third type and they get everything easily – Wealth and freedom and everything nice seems to flow to this type of person without too much aggravation and ... Views: 988
There is always someone out there to tell you what you are not doing right…
There is always someone to remind you of your failings…
And how does that help anything, really?
Yes, it reminds you of the promises you made yourself this time last year and it reminds you that you have not yet ... Views: 959
Even though one generation can start to experience something around a certain age, it doesn’t mean that the next generation will start to the experience the same thing around the same age. There is the chance that one generation will end up starting something far earlier than the generation ... Views: 1360
Dear friend, now that all of the goodies from the holidays have settled, hopeful we could turn our attention to healthy living.
How often have you heard the saying, the good things in life are free, yet we neglect this simple but profound message. Daily we are bombarded by various ... Views: 1170
Dear friend Happy New Year. I thought I would begin the New Year with some Money Management reminders. So here we go. The key to making long-term change in one’s financial life depends on three things:
1.Making a decision not to increase consumer debt for any reason.
2.Ensure that all ... Views: 1249
Some days, it is hard to not see the fact that you are not quite where you think you should be…
You start to think that this is a permanent state of affairs…
And if you are like a norm, you make it so because you stop taking action, you start navel-gazing and you start doubting everything ... Views: 873
Dear friend, I invite you to join me on a new journey. I want you to imagine you are going to the airport. On your arrival you walk directly into the departure lounge.
I will be your captain and coach on this flight. Since we don't have any customs officers and there will be no flight ... Views: 1169
Dear friend, are you interested in saving 1000s of dollars? Are you always on the lookout for the best deal? Trying to stretch your household budget further with less? Is growing your business or protecting your money important to you? Are you positioned to WIN in your life and business? Do you ... Views: 1151
Dear friend, here are 7 facts that happy people have integrated into their lives and I can guarantee you that once you implement them, you will see your life transformed into the happy person that you were meant to be.
1. They Turn Mistakes into Lessons
As much as we try to strive for ... Views: 1574
Many women suffer from lack of self confidence and low self esteem and it frustrates them to no end. They want to do more, speak up more often, and feel better about their presence in the world. Basically, they want to audition for, and land, the lead role in their own lives! This article ... Views: 1093
Dear friend, here is the best kept secret to happiness. This is a proven formula that will work for you at any stage of your life. It is a formula that took me many years to put together and I want you to consider it like precious gold and never lose sight of it. You will find it will always ... Views: 1219
Dear friend, I have a number of questions for you today, beginning with this one. How happy are you?
How happy can you be?
How good can you feel?
What is the best feeling thought that you can feel right now?
What is working in your life?
What would improve your life more than all other the ... Views: 1160
Dear friend, have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was eventually translated into reality?
Have you ever felt strongly about something without a logical basis to it? That’s called ... Views: 1221
I guess my absence, from contributing to this site, is a testimony to my recovery and mental health. I have spent the past few years rediscovering myself after being part of a relationship my whole life. It's been a painful, bittersweet, empowering journey.
This Sunday will be the nine year ... Views: 1135
Dear friend, have you ever come across a woman who is so naturally friendly that when you put her inside a room of strangers, she’ll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone so unbelievably nice and charismatic that she can charm anyone into doing ... Views: 1314