Yes, I get it…

You are afraid…

When you consider all the things you really dream of doing, you get worried that it is too big…

Too much for someone who has lived a fairly normal life to date…

A fairly mundane existence where you tried and failed to do what you were told to do but you still have not played to full extent of your power…

Because you have held yourself back…

Tried to fit in…

Tried to deny the power that lies beneath the surface…

You have been frustrated…

But you have pushed on…

You have been torn between who you used to be and who you want to be…

But you have pushed on…

You have tried, OH SO TRIED to be all things to all people!

And now you are fed up with it…

Because no matter how much you have tried to satisfy them, you have never been all that good at making it happen and it is killing you to try…

You have wasted so much time and effort trying and for what?


To be so sick and tired to the very depths of your soul…

And finally, you are beginning to realise, to really realise that it is time you stepped the hell up!

It is time you became who you have always known that you are…

It is time you started to listen to that small voice inside of you that has told you forever that you are born for more than struggle and being a ‘norm’.

It is time you did whatever it takes to create the wealth and impact you know you are born to have…

You are a rock star…

A performer…

You know you are designed to stand in front of many and call out their greatness but it all starts with you owning your own!

Are you ready yet, leader?!

Are you ready to do the work that you alone can do?

Are you ready to go beyond your fears and doubts to become the Rich, wealthy, impactful leader you have always been born to be?

Yes, some people will not like it…

After all, they have known you forever and they think that they can box you up in a safe spot where they can predict your every move…

But you are swayed by Spirit…

You are unpredictable…

You go wherever Spirit takes you…

No one can box you up now that you choose to fully own the power that has always been yours…

So, no, you no longer care what the ‘norms’ around you think…

Let them think whatever they want…

You are here on this planet to bring change and you are committed…

Committed finally to making it happen!

In fact, you no longer even listen to the other loud, screechy voice in your own head, telling you to slow down, to stop being too big for your boots, to stop being more…

It wants you to shrink again and though it is hard to ignore this loud, horrid, demeaning voice…

You are done with dancing to its tune!

For this one, you tap into your sexuality

You switch on that animal relentless power…

And you switch off the voice…

Or at least silence it for a bit while you feel that charismatic, creative energy coursing through you…

You realise that your vision is your permission…

And you go after every single thing you have dreamt of…

With a single-minded focus on the result, the outcome!

Nothing is out of reach any longer…

Because you KNOW that if you have seen it in your mind’s eye, nothing can stop you EXCEPT YOU!

And you are now too wise to keep allowing yourself to be the reason you do not have it all…

You choose it all…

The impact

The wealth

The work that you are born to do…

You are winner…


And you will never believe any less, NEVER AGAIN!

It is time to fight for, to deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – YOUR 10K BUSINESS NOW is here where you and I work together one on one to build out your transformational empire.  If you are a leader with a message and called to coach, heal, speak, inspire, teach and you are not quite where you want to be in terms of teh wealth and the impact you want, then this is exactly what you need.

Over a 120 day period (4months), you and I will work to put together an empire that generates wealth and impacts people.  We will flesh out your programs, workshops, products and also any one-on-one work that you want to deliver.

No longer will the ideas be stuck in your head, we will relentlessly take the ideas out of your head and put them out in the world…

You will quickly identify your audience…

You will quickly call them in…

You will quickly create products and programs that they want so that you start to make money and change lives from day 1…

You will learn how to sell online…

You will learn how to carve out a niche for yourself that no one else can touch…

You will realise that living life and doing work on your terms is absolutely possible…

You will grow in confidence as a charismatic, powerful leader…

And you will change the financial fortune of you and your family.

Are you ready, leader?

Message me on Facebook and I will be in touch to see if the program is right for you.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online