Dance At The Edge of The Gazebo

When you’re ready to dance at the edge of the gazebo, you’ll be ready to transform into your most harmonious being! As you begin your dance, you will free yourself to harness the energy of all your gifts. They are all there within you just waiting to be expressed.

Dance your own special dance as the rhythm of the moment takes you into the deepest momentum of the simple treasure of life. Let your body float, glide and wander around the edge of the gazebo as you realize your spiritual ascension. Your body is the vehicle you have that impacts your own quality of life. As with the preparation for any trip, it’s essential to make sure that your vehicle is in best condition. When you’re ready to embark on your travels, take only what you need. As for this dance in time, you’ll need only trust, love, meditation and pure Faith that you always have a new life!

Today is the day to celebrate all of who you are. You are unique. You are here to be all of yourself and not conform to ordinary orders of the day. There are plenty of ways to express yourself, when you just give yourself the chance. Each day you have a whole new chance, once again to dance. So enjoy this journey through time to take this moment to dance.

When you feel moved by the grace of spirit, you can freely dance at
the edge of the gazebo! When you know you have the ability to move as
spirit so intends, then you feel the intense, sacred energy that exudes from the gazebo as it penetrates all through your inner core. It is always available; it awaits your visit.

The gazebo is just a simple, gracious reminder that inspires us all to dance. It is there for your mind, body and soul to renew at the most basic cellular level. Be in your own center and enter as you wish. You’ll find more than just comfort in your leisurely retreat, you’re sure to find new answers to the questions that you may have. It will awaken you to such a fresh, new experience all within your being.

This is your time to appreciate your solitude and discover more and more about yourself. It is the time to reflect as you choose! There’s no right or wrong way to do so. It’s absurd to think there could be rules when it comes to meditative, dancing reflections. See what comes up for you and how it makes you feel. Know that all of your feelings are the essence of what you know to be real truth. Since authentic wisdom comes from spirit and speaks to us through the feelings that emerge, engage yourself to gain deeper understanding through this revealing process.

When you feel something strongly, be moved by it! Your intuition is telling you to honor your heart and bring promise to all of the love that you have in your life. What is it that you love to do? Do it. What makes your heart sing and your body dance? Create some time to dance at the edge of the Gazebo! Right here is where time is all your own.

Feel transported. The Consciousness of truth is within the miraculous field of energy. All of the layers of life are simultaneously there with you now. You must know that the calling inside is what really moves you to dance. It is the unique vibration of God’s strong will, then the plan just comes about. After all, the source within is of the dance itself. If you change a movement or step, the dance immediately becomes different. Each movement makes for the nuance of change the way by which change in your life naturally occurs.

The edge of the gazebo is inviting. It’s there to give you the opportunity to dance so that when you’re ready, you may merge inside and feel empowered to know yourself. This Self-Knowledge is invaluable, a beauty all its own. Know that this is truly the gift that comes from your passion to dance.

Author's Bio: 

Moreen brings her authentic, intuitive presence into her daily life and connects on a soul-to-soul level. As a Licensed Social Worker (MSW), she has worked in both clinical and non- clinical settings with individuals of all age.

She is passionate about reading and writing metaphysical, and self-help literature.
Author of “Divine Dimensions: Expressions in Daily Life” May 2014. Abbott Press.

Other recent publications include:
“Self Trust, Self Care, Self Signature” featured in The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power.
“Rebalance Your Reality” featured in The Female Leader.
“Inner Wisdom” featured in Baby Boomers: Secrets for Life After 50!
Professional Woman Publishing

Feel free to contact her at 732-754-8681
Available for Free -Lance writing
She resides in Central N.J.