What Contract Have You Made With Yourself?

We all go through our lives signing many contracts of agreement; yet I wonder if you’ve considered putting your signature on the most important one of all? That is, of course the One With Yourself! This is the soul agreement that you make in order to live up to your own evolving expectations, desires, commitments and standards.

We start out as children with our own Soul Contracts; however, oftentimes as children grow into adulthood they may still not know what they want out of life. It may be that their true desires and talents were dulled or nullified by layers of conditioning that occurred both within and outside the home. The problematic issue is that their hopes and dreams were buried underneath these masking layers. This speaks to the emerging and definitive research that directly links co-dependency to unhealthy behavioral patterns in dysfunctional/ alcoholic family systems. However, let's keep in mind that its far more common in the average household than one might think. This is one reason why its important to ask yourself what soul contract you have agreed to for yourself. Once you're able to realize this contract with self-responsibility, you'll find creative ways to honor it day by day.

We all began as dependent children, susceptible to our parents’ communication and parenting styles since they were the ones who directly shaped our formative years. Given these emotional, behavioral patterns in conjunction with inborn personality, many children’s voices were not validated or perhaps even heard. When children are left without choice to live in such environment, they need to reconcile this deficit by establishing an inner fortitude so they may follow their own inner wisdom. We all have inner wisdom, though not everyone will be willing to follow it. It is vital to trust your inner wisdom to live up to your conscious soul contract. This is your unique blueprint that judiciously guides you through life.

Your Soul Contract is a powerful tool that connects you to and creates your life path. These actually are one and the same. In many regards it may be considered your life purpose, though it can be realized on a smaller scale as well. Your Soul Contract enables you to take those attributes that you have been blessed with and use them for the highest good.

This concept of Soul Contract is in some ways abstract yet in other ways very practical. When this contract becomes transparent many things that happen become much clearer along the way. It may be that your journey takes on greater meaning. Your Soul Contract is your Truth, and it will emerge in one way or another.

We were all given our personal source energy to express and dedicate it to the causes that touch our heart. As these energies rise in collaboration with blessings, the felt magnitude continues to expand. For some, latent talents that don’t have an opportunity for expression can cause a wide range of dysfunctional symptomatology as is noted by the Adult Children of Alcoholics’’ syndrome. Additionally, we need to heed the fact that if natural energies are suppressed it may cause illness, as we know very well from psycho-immunological research.

The beauty of nature is that its a self -healing system. Nature has relied on its own Self Contract in that it will align with its intrinsic life force. This is expressed as a plant shift it’s position towards the sunlight to stay healthy; similarly, if you feel good and energized about what you’re doing then chances are that you’re in many ways just like the plant. If for some reason you don’t feel uplifted, then you owe it to yourself to explore your own Soul Contract.

This is the contract you made with yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Moreen’s Mind, Body, Spirit philosophy integrates traditional and alternative modalities in all of her endeavors. She brings her authentic presence into her practice as an intuitive individual who communicates on a soul-to-soul level.

As a NJ Licensed Social Worker (MSW), she has worked in both clinical and non- clinical settings with individuals of all age. She offers individual Life Purpose and Career Coaching (certified by The Life Purpose Institute). She integrates a Strength’s Based Approach so that others may access the very best of themselves.

Moreen has additional training in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Level II), Masters’ level Reiki II and Parenting Education.

She has a passion for reading and writing metaphysical, and self-help literature.

Publications: “Self Trust, Self Care, Self Signature” Chapter 23 featured in The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power. Professional Woman Publishing, Edited by Linda Ellis Eastman 2013.

“Rebalance Your Reality” featured in The Female Leader. Professional Woman Publishing, January 2014. Edited by Linda Ellis Eastman.

Co-author for Your Heart’s Magical Journey. A meditative, inspirational book dedicated to children of all ages. It uses the earth’s treasures as guides to foster self-knowledge, self-esteem while promoting health and balance. (In process)

Available for Free Lance writing.
Contact her at 732-754-8681