Your Sparkling Soul Glows In Its Highest Truth

As you begin, you know that your soul is your source of guidance as you live in the moment now! It is really the only time you’ll ever have to sparkle! Your beautiful soul glows with its own brilliance as it emanates from the inside out. This is when you’re authentically living in your highest truth. In order for you to purely sparkle in this way, remember that it’s all up to you!

Reconnect with Nature: Nature is a remarkable way to help you expand your inner senses. You may want to simply go outside for a leisurely walk, a stroll or just meander around as your Sparkling Soul leads the way. It may take you on a wandering path around the block, or take you down to the river bed. It may take you under the branches of a bountiful tree or to a cobblestone walkway with a bridge. Whatever the crossroads you may find yourself on, simply take notice of your surroundings. Look up at the sky and expand your horizon to see beyond what you must see. Your appreciation for the inherent beauty of nature is what nourishes all souls.

Walking Meditation: By beginning with a clear state of mind, you invite your intuitive voice to make its presence known. Then with clear state of mind naturally comes clear vision. Just be patient as you receive the answers you seek. This is a simple practice that enables you to start each moment anew; yet, it may seem quite challenging to do. The answers you need will spring from within as you give them the space to do so. The world around you patiently awaits as you find the answers you need. Embrace your Meditation with an open heart and allow your soul to speak. Are you ready to do so? Reflect on where you are.

Access Your Inner resources: With willingness, just let them flow! These are the intangible characteristics that we are all born with. In every moment is truth. It is all that we need for our own self growth. We just need to take the time to clearly listen. When you listen with your whole being, you know what you need to do, now, today, tomorrow and always. It’s always a moment of truth, if you choose to see it as such.

Take this moment and stop everything! Allow yourself to breathe in peace and tranquility. There you will find security and safety within yourself. This richness of self-knowledge is all that you’ll need to move forward on your mysterious journey. Of course, good intentions will certainly help us see with vision; however, the highest manifestation of truth will remain in the hands of a higher power.

Pursue Self Fulfillment for Your True Self. Set your sights high and don’t settle for less. Mediocre is not what evolution is about. This thinking does not serve any of us well in the long run. You know this as much as I do! So take stock of where you are. Is your life the way you’ve dreamed it could be? If not, now is the time to ask why? It is up to you to change it. No one else can. What you earnestly ask for with all your heart and soul is what you will eventually get.

When you learn how to do this well, you live by an inner knowing and then it doesn’t matter where you are. It is what gracefully guides you towards the vibrancy of your true self. It is a magnificent feedback cycle that simply occurs. When you cultivate your true self, you enhance your own self-compassion, understanding and self love. This is how you trust yourself. You know what’s best for you better than anyone else.

Through The Threshold of Change: What might this mean for you? The many doors in life are always all around us. It is up to each of us to open up our own. We each have this choice. It would be wise to take notice and ask, which one will allow that you cultivate your highest self? Which one will it be? Will you make your decisions with your head, your heart or your gut? These three levels correspond to whether you are primarily of the mental, feeling or intuitive type when it comes to life’s decision-making tasks. Will you think it through from beginning to end? Will you go solely by instinct and just do it? Will you tally up the pros and cons to arrive at your winner? Will you feel it in your solar plexus? How will you go through your threshold of change? We all meet our threshold differently, at different moments in life. There is no right or wrong about how or when it is done.

Vibrant Visualization: So go ahead now and actualize your truth. Take what you know to visualize all of the beauty that your Sparkling Soul can offer. Honor what makes your heart sing. Trust your inner knowing. This is your highest self. It is what nourishes your Sparkling Soul. Feel your insights and see with clear vision. Now is the time to share your natural gifts with the world.

Allow yourself to sparkle amidst an incredible array of brilliant colors or simply within a pure white light. Your Sparkling Soul whispers its truth. You can listen wherever you are, as the birds chirp their soft songs, while raindrops tap on the window pane, or as a warm breeze fills the air. See all that you envision as your new way of being.

Brighten your life from within. Your soul glows in its highest truth!

Author's Bio: 

Moreen's holistic philosophy integrates both traditional and alternative modalities in all of her creative endeavors. She is a strong proponent for the totality of Mind, Body, Spirit healing. She is a New Jersey Licensed Social Worker who has earned her MSW and also holds a BA in Psychology.

Additionally, she is certified as a Life Purpose and Career Coach by The Life Purpose Institute. She enjoys coaching because she believes in principles that access intrinsic inspiration and motivational strategies. Additionally, she has been trained in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (Level II), Masters’ level Reiki Practitioner as well as other Communication modalities, such as Parenting Education.

She has worked in both clinical and non clinical settings with individuals of all ages. She is a free lance writer currently dedicating her time to this passion. She reads and writes metaphysical, transformational, self-help literature. She has co-authored a metaphysical book for both children and adults that has been submitted for publication. She has also written a chapter in PWN’s “The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power” which will be released August 2, 2013.

She may be reached at (732) 754-8681 or Linked In
She is available for free lance writing by appointment