“You will notice that the instant you acknowledge that there is Good for you which you ought to have, the thought arises within your mind that you do not have the Good that belongs to you. You feel that your good is absent from you..” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“I know that God is now present. I know all that I seek is God. I am waking up to spiritual reality.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

You are perfect. I know that God is the Infinite Source of all good. I know that God is over us, around us and through us; there is not a spot that God is not. I breathe in the energy that is God knowing that this new energy fills me up with unconditional love, limitless abundance, and boundless creativity. When I breathe out I release all the air and therefore all the energy that keeps me from the natural flow of the Universe; the ease and grace to BE and know that all is well. I know this is true for me and I know this is true for everyone. We are each perfect in every way. I see everyone I encounter surrounded by the light of perfection. I allow myself to completely feel and appreciate the inner beauty of each person. I see everyone expressing their perfection in everything they do. I know that each of us is a manifestation of God right here on earth; there is one life, that life is God’s life that life is my life, that life is your life; right here and right NOW in this present moment. I know that we create our lives; I now choose to do that with intention and creativity; visualizing and living by example. I am grateful for this knowing. I am grateful for all the good that surrounds each of us. I am filled with gratitude for another opportunity to choose. Thank you Father, Mother, God, Spirit in me for allowing me this opportunity. I release this Truth out into the Universe for I know that is where it came from. I know it IS, I know it always was and I know it will always be. I let go, I step into the flow and let God and so it is

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