Believing In You!
Over the weekend, I was asked by a friend about the similarities of people I coach on “Life” issues and in the area of addictions. Throw in people I work with on a “service/volunteer” base and there is one huge area in common.
Those who are struggling or ... Views: 973
We need to listen to one another.
--Chaim Poto
How basic is this statement. How often do I forget it? It is a good reminder to me.
How often do I get so caught up in my own world I hear what you’re saying without hearing? Can others relate?
Listening is an important skill to cultivate. We ... Views: 647
Frequently we read or are told how to tell when we need to look for help and the things to look for to notice when we are going backward.
In my own experience, we do not often have an inventory list to check against when we are achieving.
On a cloudy ... Views: 630
15 years ago my personal, internal life hit a wall. Externally things looked OK, internally they were horrible. I was at a bottom spiritually and emotionally, self-esteem was gone, and those I cared the most about in my personal life were pulling away.
I had lost sight of goal setting, had lost ... Views: 755
Yesterday in conversation with a friend who is starting a journey, I asked for input about a topic she might be interested in. Without knowing it directly, and not answering what I had asked, she did answer! It is amazing how early on we can find a bit of dark in the bright light.
I am reminded ... Views: 1239
Someone Gave Me A Compass
Early in my journey, someone gave me a compass. What the heck is this about I wondered?
One of the great discoveries I have made as I get stronger on the journey, the divine spirit I know is there trusts me enough to give me freedom of choice. This spirit is also the ... Views: 800
One of the beauties of a long weekend is that I usually get to catch up on some reading, and the read in combination with quiet time, leads to some new thinking.
To summarize something I just read, it stated, if you profess a love of a higher power in your life, and carry resentments with you, ... Views: 726
This getting your life back together, setting goals and being accountable is serious stuff!
That being said, Laughter plays a very important role along the way, and one of the new skills I have picked up is a genuine ability to laugh at myself. I found the following quote and reading a good ... Views: 980
Here in Canada, we are starting our Thanksgiving weekend. While timing is great to get a long weekend, the name thanksgiving means so much more to me than three days were the work world shuts down; it brings gratitude to the forefront!
Around me the trees are changing color. The reds in some of ... Views: 769
When I started on the journey to recover a life that was happy, joyous and free, and life filled with hope and serenity, I quickly learned the power of “WE”.
While addictions were active in my life at the time, they were not the problem that stopped me from achieving the life I ... Views: 757
To me, the simple answer to this question is yes. The complex answer, another yes!
In both my recovery to a more abundant and joyous life, and my reaching fulfilling work (and golf results), goal setting is a key. If I don’t have targets, write them down, and measure against them, how will ... Views: 820
For the last 14 plus years I have been on a journey. I had hit a wall in life, in particular the life I was living inside myself. The outside world may have thought things were OK. I had a home, 2 cars, the bills were paid and my consulting company was doing fine from a financial ... Views: 814
Man, I enjoy Thursdays. Sometimes the simple gems I hear or am reminded of resonate so strongly in me. The acronym “HOW” falls into this category.
The world is filled with insanity, and most of the time insanity as a part of life (my definition-repeated behavior expecting a different ... Views: 786
When I got up Wednesday morning, I had a choice to make. I choose to make it a good day.
There is enough craziness going on in this world, the talk of economic collapse, and gosh help us, elections on both sides of the border. Here in Canada, as far as leadership goes, I don’t find any ... Views: 621
As a part of each day, I start with the “Serenity Prayer” to get a focus for the day. This has become an ingrained daily habit, but as can happen, sometimes we don’t pay attention to things we do so frequently.
Today, from Hazelden, I received a great reminder, and it was ... Views: 925
In working with others to help them find the life they desire, it is critical that the client look into themselves and understand what they really want, what are meaningful goals for them. How do you approach that?
Why is knowing the soul's desires so important?
Many people go through life ... Views: 1144
A weekend just past and the first client of day completed, and my head turns to a technique known as mirroring.
Funny, as I work with clients to bring out the talent within them, I find myself asking questions that I am, in part, asking of myself. It is true that we see ourselves in others. In ... Views: 935
This is one I’ve wanted to do for a while. I’m just back from my favorite Saturday morning meeting, and it is always a great reminder of where I was, and what has changed! I am eternally grateful. It stops me from taking things for granted, from assuming!
Even though I have been on a ... Views: 830
For some reason, finding balance is a theme that has resonated deep within this week, and I’m not sure why.
The past 2 weeks have seen our local 12 step community bury 2 members. Both too young, both at the time of death back using their substance of choice. In listening to comments, both ... Views: 852
From post at
I got up early this morning, and while taking my quiet time, the word BALANCE kept playing through my head.
I have the privledge of coaching several people and helping them to articulate and move towards goals in various parts of their lives. As well, I do a ... Views: 807
Why I'm Here
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Posted September 23rd, 2008 by Keith
First and foremost, I'm here to attract clients. I am a life coach who has helped clients to achieve the results they want, and have also helped others to create a life journey that is free from the effects of ... Views: 783
Frequently I am reminded of what asset humility is. Frequently, when I think of “humility” I think of “humiliation”.
My actions were responsible for humiliation to both myself and others I care about, and humiliation is not something I want! I am slowly starting to learn ... Views: 941
Are you afraid to be different?
After doing a coaching session this morning, and spending a weekend in what will eventually be our new home town, I thought the question asked and information shown below (Received from Express Coaching-Dr. Randin Brons) was right on the money!
Unfortunately, ... Views: 1116
I am a believer that things happen for a reason, and people come in to your life when they should. I have talked in past blogs about my friend Patrick and the great Spiritual River daily blog he does. I look forward to a full collaborative “thing” with him. Who knows where it may ... Views: 1479
When we live with fear and a lack of self confidence, we need to be in control.
Do you see the need to control people, places and things in yourself?
Daily, I use the serenity prayer, and on some days, with great frequency. In my professional life, it is easy to slip in to this mode and to be ... Views: 814
There is real joy in working with others. They, in part, keep me totally focus in the day. I help my clients to identify their dreams and make them a reality. By the journey they take is taken a day at a time. Again, the words of others ring true.
“Living or ... Views: 726
Can You Relate?
You are the hero of your life.
This statement is the foundation behind my journey and a new life (now 14 years and counting) and the true fundamental principal that drives my coaching practice.
Coaching can help you find that hero!
Each of ... Views: 784
Reality Check
Last night, in talking with a fellow who I work with as a guide and mentor, I was faced with a reality check. It was a reminder, and a mini-awakening.
Seated in the room with me was a friend of long standing, a doctor, who through abuse of substance and things that can go with it, ... Views: 745
I awoke this morning to a brilliant blue sky, and an awareness that something subtle had changed. I have a funeral to attend today.
I attend meetings on a fairly regular basis. I am a creature of habit, and have been sitting in the same area of the meeting for years. I look around the room and ... Views: 679
You Are Special and Unique
As I do my coaching thing, there is one thing that is a mainstay. Each of us is special and unique. Each of us has talents, and each of us is capable of setting goals and achieving them.
I am a recovered person from addictions who is constantly recovering. This ... Views: 1710
It’s taken me a long time to learn, and I was reminded again in working with a client today, I have the right to be wrong. Oft times, upon reflection, I am wrong.
New behaviors dictate that when I know I am wrong, I promptly admit it, and make amends when needed.
I’ve also learned ... Views: 740
Having Fun Yet?
Recently, life has been full of challenges that a larger than the norm. When issues are directly related to blood family, they can be more stressful than most issues. Money gets in there too.
On a frequent basis, I ask myself, “Are We Having Fun Yet?”
I began the ... Views: 689
While reflecting on the early part of my life, seeing and understanding what happened, and looking at how things played out, it is apparent the people pleasing, the need to make others happy, has played a large role in my life.
I see the remnants of this behaviour, learned at a young age, still ... Views: 723
Hard to believe, what we consider summer is over. School is back in, traffic is back to insane, and they days are definitely getting shorter.
Seeing September 2 pop up in my calendar is shocking. There are so many things I had said to myself I would do over the summer, and of course, a lot of ... Views: 787
Things do not change; we change.
--Henry David Thoreau
For a man who is in the coaching business, and is on the life journey I’m on, I find the title statement PROFOUND. Think on it and see if you can see the depth of the thought.
I spent a good portion of my life thinking I could change ... Views: 7529
What a fabulous day yesterday with my grand kids. With no other adults around, and with the range of things that we did, I loved seeing the day through the eyes of children; and being “silly” at times also. I’m so grateful that the journey I’m on allowed me to have a day ... Views: 2708
It has been a crazy Thursday from very early in the morning, and tomorrow will be more insane. We call it “Grampy Day”, my annual venture into the world of fun with my two oldest grand kids sans parents or other adults. Golf, fishing and whatever else my little heroes want. I’m ... Views: 759
There is a daily blog that I love done by a fellow named Patrick who resides in Michigan. It can be found under “Spiritual River” and is one of the best feeds I’ve been exposed to on the net! I am hoping Patrick and I find a way to work together, I love a lot of his ... Views: 608
Humor-Age and Wisdom
When doing my journal, I can get very serious. For those that really know me, humor has been a huge part of my recovery and journey, and is evident in most of the places I frequent. My higher power certainly finds ways to make sure I don’t take life too ... Views: 1230
This is a phrase used in the bible of the original 12 step organization (known as the Big Book).
As I have traveled the road of life, I often found myself looking for an easier, softer way to get what I wanted.
In school, I dogged assignments and read other peoples notes. I have tried get rich ... Views: 1930
I’m a real Canadian, and as such, a hockey fan. Wayne Gretzky is a hero.
I was coaching a client this morning who shared a great statement he ascribed to “The Great One”.
“You’ll miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”
How true is that? What do we miss ... Views: 714
I like others, can be sensitive to what others say, and what I perceive they think, about me? Can anyone relate?
I have a very deep faith that the higher power in my life exists within (as well as outside) me. As I go through my journey, and with the beliefs I have, I must be mindful that ... Views: 816
For a number of years, I have been told resentments will tear me apart if I don’t deal with them. I was told, and it remains true today, that resentments are like a tenant in an apartment building who occupy space but pay no rent. The space in my head is at a premium, and I need it to be ... Views: 1361
And Who Heals Me?
Over a year ago, I went on a journey to look at some real fuzzy philosophical questions. “Who Am I?”was dealt with years ago, but “What Is My Purpose?” remained vague.
I went on a real journey to discover what it is about past employment that I loved ... Views: 759
Gratitude-A Reminder
Last night I was a t a meeting, and old timers were welcomed. A couple of people glanced my way, and I guess it a fitting title in that fellowship. I should be grateful. I was there again, and free from addictions.
Over the last period of time, we have had some major ... Views: 685
Do you love yourself?
What a great question and I thank Express Coaching and their Idea Generator for sending. It is probably the first question I drill to with the clients I take on, and one each of us must regularly ask ourselves!
"At the heart of personality is the need to feel a sense of ... Views: 701
One of the most important things in my life is family, yet sometimes I wonder why.
As I start a new week, the thought of family and relationships is foremost in my mind. Funny, I’m reminded, you can pick your friends, and you can’t pick your family.
In these thoughts, I must remember ... Views: 697
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
--Lida Clarkson
We all want life to unfold according to our plan. After all, we are certain we know what's best for us. But hindsight quickly reminds us that few, if any, of us had included recovery in a Twelve Step program as part of our life's plan. ... Views: 793
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says: "I'll try again tomorrow."
--Anne Hunninghake
“A key quality that distinguishes a successful athlete, or a top-notch performer in any field, is the way he responds to his bad days. ... Views: 941
Insanity? Restored to?
I think we all go through rollercoaster rides. Even though I’ve been on the recovery journey for a while, things happen, we face stress, and even though we try to turn it over, a black cloud appears! This isn’t the first one I’ve had, nor will it be the ... Views: 800