Hard to believe, what we consider summer is over. School is back in, traffic is back to insane, and they days are definitely getting shorter.
Seeing September 2 pop up in my calendar is shocking. There are so many things I had said to myself I would do over the summer, and of course, a lot of them didn’t get done. I believe the word is procrastination, in deadly sin terms-sloth.
My new venture has been going well with the clients I am working with, but I must admit that I have not got the business in house I should have due to my own sloth. I had a pre-conceived idea as to the type of client I would be working with, but it would appear that my Higher Power has other ideas. While I thought the majority of my practice would be focused on people dealing with addictions or people affected by addiction, I have picked up business from people facing motivational and other life challenges. Some with addictions, yes, but not that many. Who knows what the future will bring?
I was sure most of my coaching would be face to face, and by the nature of that, confined to people within a “drive” distance. Turns out, even with clients who live locally, my work is done over the phone, including Skype. My clients are in part locally, but also include people in Europe and the US.
I sometimes wonder if I’m afraid to succeed, and therefore procrastinate to cover this fear. Why haven’t I done a brochure; why does my web site remain static; why haven’t I utilized the thousands of connections I’ve worked hard to build up on Linkedin? I know if you ask for help, many are willing to give, yet I am reluctant to ask for help. Is this false pride getting in the way?
The results my clients are getting, coupled with the real satisfaction I get from working with clients, confirm that my purpose is in line with original plans, yet I procrastinate. I’m doing no one any favors, particularly myself!
There is a lot going on in life outside of work issues, and through the changes brought about through my life journey, I’m handling things pretty well. Life is far from perfect, but I am generally upbeat and positive. This is a positive validation of change.
So here we sit, summer over, the road ahead clear. It’s now up to me to push the peanut ahead!!
I’m grateful for all the great people and good things that have happened recently, now into action- with your help!
Life Restoration Coach, Addiction Recovery Coach
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