Here in Canada, we are starting our Thanksgiving weekend. While timing is great to get a long weekend, the name thanksgiving means so much more to me than three days were the work world shuts down; it brings gratitude to the forefront!
Around me the trees are changing color. The reds in some of the maples are spectacular. Even though the past year will not go down in my personal annals as one of the best ever, the vibrancy that my higher power has created around me is a reminder of the beauty of life.
We have had some family turmoil over the past year. Family dynamics can be the most interesting of human relationships. I am truly thankful that one of my adult children decided to host a family thanksgiving dinner, and we will be together. I am a great believer that family bonds are very important, and I do rejoice at what is happening.
This year has been a year of great spiritual growth. It has been a year where value systems have been tested. A year where I have come to appreciate the depth and importance of the real friendships in my life. In some ways, with adversity, my eyes have been opened to a real appreciation of what is important in life, and I am truly grateful for all that has been so freely given.
This year I have been given the opportunity to do a “life assessment” and make some real big decisions as to where my future is. I am thankful for a deep abiding faith in a power greater than me, a spirit in and around me who has provided clarity. I am thankful for the chance to have gone back to school, for the drive to study and do the work necessary, and be successful in upgrading my skills to make me better prepared to be of service to others. I was truly concerned if I would do, or just procrastinate!
I have watched many around me advance their life journeys. I have watched my grand children grow, each becoming more and more the wonderful people they were meant to be. This has enhanced my life, and I am grateful.
Most importantly, I have loved and been loved by a great life partner. In her own way, she often is the voice of sanity, balance and reason in my life. My higher power works through her more often than I ever realized, and I am truly thankful to have a partner in every sense of the word!
I could go on, because despite the big negatives that have been a part of this last year, there have been , and will continue to be, far more positives. Life comes with challenges for all of us, the journey that I am on equips me to face them and deal with them; it allows me to enjoy periods of peace and serenity and allows me a huge amount of hope going forward!
It is Thanksgiving, and I am thankful. Today I am going to fully enjoy the colorful array that my higher power has set forth!

Author's Bio: 

Certified Life Coach, Now Welcoming New Clients-Free Into Session