What thoughts does Staying In Integrity bring up for you? Does it mean that you are being true to your beliefs? Does it mean following through on your word, keeping your commitments? Does it mean being accountable?

Now, when you think about these areas, do you have any feelings of constriction? Do you feel uncomfortable with any of these? Is your mind already coming up with excuses/reasons why you haven’t kept in Integrity? Stay with me for a bit because it’s an area you may want to explore a bit more. This is NOT the end of the world.

What Is Integrity?

Let’s begin with a definition of Integrity:
1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.

What characteristics pertain to Staying In Integrity?
* Character
* Honesty
* Principles
* Trustworthy
* Decency
* Goodness

How You Do One Thing is How You Do Everything

Would you say integrity is important? Where in your life is it a key to a better experience? How does this affect your interactions with your family, at work, with friends, or organizations you belong to? What message are you sending out when you don’t stay in integrity?

Being able to count on you to follow through on tasks you commit to gives other the sense that they can trust you. Ever hear of “I’m a man/woman of my word?” Trust and honesty go hand in hand in all of these relationships. Without these, can anyone really count on another person? Does this cause a chain reaction of others stepping out of integrity?

How many of you remember the Aesop fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf?” This young man certainly was NOT staying in integrity! He thought his antics were funny … that is until he really needed help. By then no one believed him. His story did not have a very happy ending.

After a period of time, no one will believe in you or trust your words if you consistently chose to step out of integrity. Is it clearer to you how allowing this to occur can affect every aspect of your life?

How to step BACK into Integrity

I’ve asked you questions that only you can answer. I cannot tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Only you can decide that.

Hopefully you are able to recognize areas where you can make adjustments. I also have to be aware of instances where I might step out of integrity myself. That’s one reason I write these posts. I am reminding myself of areas I want to improve on. No one is immune to this. The degree that you allow this to seep into your life is totally up to you.

The great thing is; there are action steps you can adopt that will assist you in this endeavor.

1. Set your priorities – Know what is the most important priority in each area of your life and chose your actions based on that.
2. Acknowledge – If circumstances cause you to break a commitment, acknowledge this and apologize sincerely.
3. Negotiate a new contract – Ask to negotiate new terms to your agreement that you WILL keep. The other person may or may not choose to agree.
4. Thank you – Thank them for their answer, whichever way it goes. Understand you may not hear the answer you wish to hear.
5. Follow Through – This is your opportunity to bring yourself back into integrity by following through on your word.

Now I understand these steps may make you a bit nervous because you are taking full responsibility for breaking an agreement. But realize that this opens the door to honest communications which will serve you well in the future. It also may cause you to think twice before you speak a commitment! Recognizing the importance of staying in integrity may bring about changes in your life that will surprise and delight you!

Who’s ready to step it up a notch and
be more aware of how they play the game of life?

Results, often harsh; always truthful

Author's Bio: 

Val Wilcox is a Transitional Life Coach who specializes in Empowering Your Life’s Dreams. She will support you in navigating the transitions of Life’s interesting challenges and obstacles. Success has many faces and looks different to each and every one of us. Discovering your Life Passions unlocks the key to a better life.

With more than 10 years of experience in Leadership Development Training, Val brings a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to her coaching.

Val's newest EBook, Change Your Mindset ... Change Your Life is available through her website: http://www.valwilcox.com