Where exactly DO you stand? Do you know what your core values are? What are your beliefs? What are the most important principles that you operate from? Finding your answers to these questions will help shape your present and future immensely. All your decisions or choices are based on your values.

Since this is the beginning of a new year, many are taking this time to evaluate and choose a course of action in moving forward. One area to get really clear about is your core values. You may have a vague idea of what you stand for or you may have a long list of values and qualities you hold as important. Either way, if you are not absolutely clear where you stand, you decisions could be swayed by outside influences.

Your Core Values

Let’s take some time to clarify your core values. Create a list of what values, virtues or characteristics are important to you. Is there a main theme to many of these? Can you narrow the list down to six or eight core values that encompass who you strive to be at all times? Do these core values represent you as closely as possible?

Wonderful! Now you have chosen where you stand concerning your principles. Use these as your guide in all the choices you make. There may be times when one value will become more dominant in your choices than others. This will depend on the circumstances you find yourself in at that moment. As long as you follow your values in any given situation, you are being your true self.

Standing Strong

Life has a way of testing these convictions time and time again. In many instances, you may feel a pull between standing strong in your values and bending some to “fit in” with people around you. When that happens, it means you’re not being authentic. You are allowing others to choose your values for you.

Do I hear a “Yeah but?”

There are never any good reasons to allow what you hold as values to be circumvented. This does not serve you in a course of genuine development. You hold yourself in check and begin adapting to what you THINK you should be. Pretty soon, you’ve lost sight of who you are and what your own values are.

It’s not always easy to stand out from the crowd. It feels like you are drawing attention to yourself. But let me ask you this… When you don’t follow your core values, how does that make you feel? Are you in sync with your true self?

In Sync

To be in sync with your true self, you continuously search for a deeper level of your truths. There are many avenues you may follow to heighten your awareness of authenticity. Your best resource is within. You will know when you are aligned with your core values. Listen to your inner self, it won’t steer you wrong.

Living a life founded on your values attunes you to the measure of sincerity in others. You are drawn to the authenticity perceived in the people you encounter because you feel a natural sense of kinship with those who are committed to standing strong in their values and principles. These are the people you want to surround yourself with. People who will recognize and respect you for following your core values.

Start living your own life, reconnect with who you are. Bring your true self to the surface by standing strong in your core values. Value-based decisions pave your path with a firm foundation to operate from. As you move forward, your commitment to the journey of self improvement will bring peace and balance to your life.

Author's Bio: 

Val Wilcox is a Speaker, Author and Life Coach who specializes in Empowering Your Life’s Dreams. Her passion lies in helping people discover their Dreams and navigate the transitions of Life’s interesting challenges. Success has many faces and looks different to each and every one of us. Discovering your Life’s Dreams unlocks the key to a better life.

With more than 10 years of experience in Personal Leadership Development Training, Val brings a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to her coaching.

Val’s gift today is an EBook designed to start you on your journey of discovery. It’s called Change Your Mindset…Change Your Life. Is Your Life Everything You Thought It Should Be? Discover The Secrets To Creating A Spectacular Life. Learn How Simple Changes To Your Thought Patterns Can Empower You. Live a Life Filled With Endless Possibilities.

Visit Val Wilcox.com – Empower Your Life at: http://www.valwilcox.com today.