Affirmations have been around since man found the use of language and there is no secret ritual to use them. There is nothing mystic about affirmations. This tool, if used correctly, can radically change your life.
Here are the very basics elements of positive affirmations, positive thinking, and a simple guide on how to use them. There are thousands of books and ebooks on the subject of the power of affirmations and some of them are very good. Which one is best for you, I’ll let you decide. If you check the Internet under Positive Affirmations you’ll find a multitude of books and sites to help you.
How do they work? What changes can I expect?
Do you know anything about positive thinking, positive affirmations, or the Law of Attraction? Do you know AND believe that our thoughts and our actions create the living experiences we call life?
The benefits of positive affirmations are medically recognized and it really works. It will help you advance, grow, and heal yourself. Positive Affirmations support your positive thinking and together they form a very powerful and effective tool. They function as ‘key words’ of positive messages ‘dictated’ directly into the inner self. You are consciously connecting and directing your positive thinking to areas of your life that you want to change or heal. It works as a reminder to the self to keep positive messages at the forefront of consciousness. Affirmations can and will transform your life patterns and perception. When your interpretation of your own experiences change, so does your reality. On the other hand negative thoughts are just as powerful. So be aware of your negative thoughts. They are in essence, self-destructive ‘key words’, a psychological mechanisms that make your life rotten.
First, let's check how aware you are of your thoughts. Do you regularly have more positive or more negative thoughts running through you mind? Meditate on that for a few minutes. Only you can honestly answer it. So get ready and real.
Your mind incessantly interprets your experiences as an internal dialogue. These thoughts are generated on a deep level by your beliefs, which were formed and accumulated from the time you were born. We always interpret our experiences either positively or negatively. That is how we create our own reality! We can’t control most exterior events of our lives but we do control how we interpret and react to them. When we change our interpretation a change takes place in our reality. So, become very aware of your thoughts! If you change your thinking, big changes will happen in your life.
Take a minute to think about why you are reacting to something or someone in your life. Get in touch with your inner self and ask why do you feel this way about the subject in question.. Is it a positive experience? If not, accept the fact that these thoughts may have helped you in the past but they are out of place now that you have chosen to accept only positive thoughts and positive living. You are now changing your perception of that situation or person. While doing the new affirmations your mind will let go of these negative messages even if you are not aware if it.
Watch out also for a resistance within yourself. With certain affirmations, for example, “I am a good person and I am happy”, you may get a quick answer: “No, I’m not.” or “Are you kidding?” This is your negative perception of that experience. It is ok, it is an old habit that is about to be changed. You grew up with these thoughts for almost all of your life. Now it is time to form a new habit and you need lots of practice. Just remember, you didn’t become this way overnight.
Let's get started! As you wake up, say your affirmations out loud or in your head five times. Relax your body, let go of any emotional or mental tension while doing your affirmations. The greatest the concentration and feelings you put into the act, the stronger and faster you’ll get the results. Repeat the same process several times during the day and the last time just before going to bed. I suggest you end the affirmations session with a thank you note. Gratitude will reinforce and validate the affirmations. Thanks God, Jesus, Spirit, the Force, the Universe or whatever you believe and feel comfortable with. Visualize your affirmations with feelings and emotion. See yourself exactly as the affirmation you are stating. It will reinforce the affirmation you are making and add an extra psychological dimension with a much deeper impact on your mind. Using this method of visualization early in the morning and at night will make your affirmations much more successful.
For beginners the easiest way is to choose and write down one or two things you want changed. For example, if you feel unloved and financially strapped, one of your affirmations could be: “ I am now ready to receive more love and wealth” and you may add “from the vast supply of the universe”. If you also wrote down ‘low self-esteem’ the affirmation could be: “I am an awesome man/woman and I feel good about myself”.
Be creative, upfront, and fearless. You are making a statement to yourself of your intentions.
You can use affirmations to help build self-confidence, self-esteem, self-improvement and personal growth. It will also help conquer your fears and anger management. Affirmations have been successfully used to relieve anxiety and depression and are an excellent tool for weight control.
Use these simple guidelines below to create your own affirmation:
1- Present tense. Start all your affirmations in the present tense and have them already accomplished. You are telling your conscious mind that the action is taking place NOW and it is final. You are affirming, now, today “I AM HAPPY, I CHOOSE JOY, I HAVE CONFIDENCE instead of “I will be happy,” or “I am becoming happy,” and so on. “I ACCEPT, I CHOOSE, I DESERVE, I AM,” in the present tense, is much stronger and much more powerful.
2- How to phrase your affirmations. You can copy from an extensive list you’ll find on the Internet, use the examples below, or simply write it down in your own words. Do it as plainly or as poetically as you speak. “ I am energetic and full of enthusiasm.” Or “I am safe, I am a prosperous man/woman.” Make copies of it and leave it around the house, your car and your office’ desk. The more you are reminded of the positive affirmations the more your mind will accept the new concept you are bringing forth. You will create a new positive reality and the universal energy, the Law of Attraction, will connect this good energy to other positive energies.
3- Positive means Positive. Don’t use affirmations that have a negative attachment. Your subconscious usually focuses on the verb and assimilates it to past experiences. If you have fears, phobias or whatever, be careful with your choice of words! If you are afraid and say “I am not SCARED”, it will register “I AM SCARED”. The NOT was absorbed and ignored by your mind. Say instead “I AM COURAGEOUS” or “I AM FEARLESS”.
Here are a few examples of affirmations by topics:
“I am ready to love and to be loved”
"I am surrounded by love"
"I love and accept myself exactly as I am"
"The love I give out returns to me multiplied"
"I am a loving, beautiful creative person and this is reflected in my relationships with others"
“ I am now ready to receive more love, support and wealth from the vast supply of the universe”
“I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate joy and love”
"I deserve all that is good and prosperous in my life"
"Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources"
“I deserve to collect all the wealth and the rich rewards of my success”
"My income is constantly increasing"
“I am well, I prosper, I am successful and I am free”
"Abundance, like a river flows in my life"
“I allow all the immense wealth and goodness of the universe to easily flow into myself”
Self-esteem – personal .
“I now have the power to bring about all the positive changes in my life I desire”
“I am protected, guided, and connected with the highest good at all times”
“My personality is radiant with success, beauty and happiness”
“I am an awesome man/woman and I feel good about myself”
“I am at peace with my choices and what life throws in my path”
“I recognize and honor my talents, abilities, and skills”
“I choose to live my life the way that makes me happy”
“I am positively changing my life now, for the better in every possible way.
Have a great journey
Much love
Ton Pascal
Ton Pascal is a self thought , self help advocate and author.
“My goal is to help as many people as possible how to stop living on the periphery of life. Dream Your Life Positively will show you how to do that. It will enable you to create the map of your life’s journey. It is not just being alive that makes life worth living, but the depth and sense you bring to your life.”
Check the E-book Dream Your Life Positively at
or the hardcopy book on
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