Horses are used for the Equine Therapy In Pune People participate in activities such as grooming, feeding, and leading horses under the supervision of a mental health expert.
Equine therapy is one such mental therapy that’s getting popular lately. The therapy involves horses as a way to treat ... Views: 413
Top Secret Tips To Improve Your Mental Health Read Here
We've all felt dissatisfied with something in our life, whether it was a relationship or a career. Nobody seemed to be happy with what they have. We are willing to go to any length to seek fulfilment or happiness. But did you know that ... Views: 398
Top Secret Tips To Improve Your Mental Health Read Here
We've all felt dissatisfied with something in our life, whether it was a relationship or a career. Nobody seemed to be happy with what they have. We are willing to go to any length to seek fulfilment or happiness. But did you know that ... Views: 404
Top Secret Tips To Improve Your Mental Health Read Here
We've all felt dissatisfied with something in our life, whether it was a relationship or a career. Nobody seemed to be happy with what they have. We are willing to go to any length to seek fulfilment or happiness. But did you know that ... Views: 393
The vascular system is responsible for supplying blood and oxygen to your brain through blood vessels. Any damage in these blood vessels, such as a blockage, can affect the blood supply to your brain. Lack of oxygen and blood supply to your brain can lead to vascular dementia, a condition that ... Views: 539
Opioid addiction is a chronic medical illness that affects millions of Indians every year. Anyone, regardless of age and race, can develop opioid use disorder (OUD). Like other addictions, the treatment for opioids is possible. Given the right help and proper treatment, it is possible to help ... Views: 572
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease cause a significant impact on the patient’s life, making it miserable. Memory loss and problems with carrying out routine tasks occur when kids and grandchildren are unable to cater to the medical requirements of elderly citizens. That’s why people, especially ... Views: 626
It’s easy to remember certain things from the past due to their effect on our emotional health. Think about the last time you felt incredibly happy. You will have plenty of such memories and they are easy to recall because they have a strong emotional effect on you. Well, it doesn’t work like ... Views: 604
Getting over a drug or alcohol addiction is not a breeze. It is not a one-time thing either. The urge to smoke pot or take one sip keeps hitting the patient until they are fully recovered. The journey to de-addiction is filled with many obstacles, and sometimes, people end up going back to their ... Views: 626
A large number of people are addicted to substance abuse in the world. Although there isn’t a clear figure that could show us the exact statistics, it is believed that a large population is struggling with substance abuse problems, especially drug addiction. The worst part is that only a few ... Views: 704
You don’t always have a friend or a family member who can motivate you when you are feeling low and depressed. There are times when we need to motivate ourselves to keep going and keep giving our best. Self-motivation is a powerful tool for people who lack the courage to face adversities. ... Views: 869
Depression: Are Women More Depressed?
Depression is a serious mental disorder that makes the patient lose interest in the activities they like. These people live sad and stressed life. It goes beyond the episodes of anxiety or bad mood. Depression is rather a chronic mental illness that can ... Views: 644
Pathological lying is a medical disorder in which the patient develops a habit of lying constantly without any logic. Also called Mythomania, a pathological liar is someone who lies repeatedly for no obvious reasons. It is different from occasional lying, in which the person lies to not hurt the ... Views: 571
It’s hard to overcome any form of addiction - whether it’s drug addiction or alcohol abuse. However, with professional assistance and family support, anyone can quit addiction without any hassle. Alcoholism has become so common these days that it’s gotten hard to tell if it’s a few drinks or ... Views: 594
Anorexia is an eating disorder, which could lead to sudden and extreme weight loss combined with self-starvation. It is found in people whose body weight drops by 15% of their ideal weight. This sudden and excess weight loss in patients suffering from this medical disorder can be ... Views: 624
The reason why children look for caregivers for the parents suffering from dementia is the stubbornness. Parents are highly likely to resist care when they are suffering from dementia. Every child wants to give the best care to their parents at home, but it gets pretty challenging for children ... Views: 626
Sometimes, everything is going according to your plans. Your relationship with your loved ones is great, and you are doing good at work. Still, you might wake up feeling blue or low. So, why exactly do we feel bad when everything is okay? Hormones!
How do Hormones Affect Your ... Views: 662
Contrary to what most people believe, alcoholism doesn’t only impact the person addicted to it. It rather has a serious impact on the entire family. You will be surprised to know how the parents’ addiction to alcohol can impact their children’s mental and emotional health. In fact, many children ... Views: 731
Many studies and researches are conducted on mental illnesses and their causes. It’s easier to understand our mental health and emotions when we learn more about the functioning of our brain. In some cases, the symptoms of a mental health issue are pretty clear. In others, the signs are quite ... Views: 664
Helping someone suffering from addiction is quite challenging. Coping with addiction - whether it is drug addiction or alcohol abuse - is not a cakewalk. As a family, you might offer some support to the patient to help them recover from addiction, but it’s only a matter of time before the ... Views: 626
Do you feel frustrated when your employer does not cooperate with you? Do you throw or break stuff when your family doesn’t listen to you? Anger is a normal emotion. And, contrary to what people believe, it’s absolutely normal to feel infuriated. While there’s nothing wrong with getting furious, ... Views: 742
Importance of Rehab Center in Pune, Mumbai India
Alcohol and drug addiction can have a profound impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. Not only does it affect your health, but addiction has proven to wreak havoc in your children’s life. Sure, you can try some home remedies to limit ... Views: 605
Solfeggio frequencies use certain tones that are widely used to address physical and mental health issues. Despite being one of the popular ways to calm and soothe your mind, this technique is quite a new term to even seasoned listeners.
The frequencies date back to the ancient Indian and ... Views: 681
The world has witnessed a major surge in substance abuse and drug consumption over the past few years. It started before COVID-19 and it keeps growing at a rapid pace. Research shows that around 210 million people in the world are addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other substances. People don’t ... Views: 654
Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and all kinds of addiction have a devastating effect on the quality of your life. Not only does it affect your physical and mental health, but drug addiction could shatter families. Most of us know the impact of alcohol on our lives, but we still find it difficult to ... Views: 638