The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us in many ways. I’m still in disbelief that we’re here. When I reflect on the first incidences of COVID abroad, I naively believed that we’d be safe here. I didn’t appreciate the real risk that was knocking on our borders, and the extent that the virus would ... Views: 555
I think its HUGELY important to surround yourself with successful people, especially as a solo-preneur. It’s so easy to get into a rut, working in either many directions and new business initiatives at a time, or working in your business too much that growth is negligible. So, surrounding ... Views: 457
I’m a big fan of helping others, especially clients. It’s why I went into business in the first place, to help entrepreneurs and small business owners grow their respective businesses. I’m proud of that. And you too started your business to help others, whether it’s assisting clients in ... Views: 478
I’ve hit the point of “Shelter in Place” when I have completely lost track of days. I’m big on routine, so those small events guide me through the week, but no sooner does Monday start, and it’s Friday afternoon. I’m beginning to wonder how the days were longer in the old normal, but are rocket ... Views: 556
Every week we send out an automated email on behalf of a client as a reminder for the class of the day, and every time we get several out of office emails. I would estimate around 45 out of office emails, with about 1500 on our distribution list.
What I’ve noticed over the past few weeks, is ... Views: 489
It finally feels like spring, this year more than any other, I’m looking forward to warmer days, later sunsets, and the overall feeling that anything is possible. It’s the promise that spring brings, and I’m very thankful for it.
We’re slowly coming out of “Shelter in Place,” personally I ... Views: 525
Often, when deciding on a topic for a blog, I do a little research, simply googling “small business challenges.” Many articles are 2020 predictions (entirely out the window now!), or COVID-19 survival tips, I couldn’t find inspiration in either topic! No matter what you read, the information ... Views: 502
Many of us have been challenged to reschedule our live, in-person events moving to an online format. Logistically this can feel like a bit of a nightmare, and perhaps you've even considered canceling the event and rescheduling for a future date. But we really don't know how far off into the ... Views: 462
It has been a challenging few weeks, I want to believe that the end is in sight, but realistically we need to rough this out, for the sake of the greater good, for a little while longer. We’re all adjusting to new patterns and routines, and work environments. With every challenge, we have ... Views: 491
I find myself saying over and over how we’re in such unprecedented times. In my lifetime, I’ve never dealt with food shortages (except the elusive can of cranberry sauce right before Thanksgiving!). I’ve never dealt with this fear and uncertainty, we’re fearful of the health of our families and ... Views: 617
We’re in uncharted territory. With so many businesses closing their doors as a precaution, allowing their teams to work remotely, we’re challenged with the concept of business must go on, but in a new, unplanned way. We didn’t get a chance to plan for a remote team, and likely don’t have ... Views: 554
Sometimes I sit and stare at the screen, trying to think about a blog topic, and today is no different. I wanted to talk about turning challenges into opportunities, and I did some digging and found fantastic articles about mindset and the power of positive thinking. But it still wasn't ... Views: 466
Creative entrepreneurs are an engaging bunch. When you look into their eyes, and they start talking “business,”; they light up with passion and wonder; they are more than entrepreneurs in business; they are explorers. All entrepreneurs strive to create what others just dream about, they’re not ... Views: 453
If I think back to the days before digital marketing and websites, let’s even go back to before the internet was a place to do business, the standard in sales in marketing was that:
Customers buy from companies they know and trust
It takes an average of 7 touches for your prospect to ... Views: 555
Documenting your business systems seems like a daunting task. YOU know what you need to do to get something done, and so far its been working really well. Systems can seem rigid, lacking the flexibility that your clients have come to expect and enjoy. But systems don't need to be strict and ... Views: 541
There's been a lot of discussions lately on the direction of digital marketing. We've watched over the past few years how many companies have focused on social media for marketing their products and services, many with great success, others have found that their messages are getting lost in the ... Views: 560
A new year is all about setting either personal or professional goals. By now, we know that we should set reasonable goals and attach achievable action to them. I set my goals for 2020 back in November (I always like to be ahead of the curve!).
So if we know that goals should be reasonable, ... Views: 571
One of the greatest challenges for busy entrepreneurs is creating consistent content for their blog, social media, and newsletters, especially if you're not a writer. Your schedule is busy enough and trying to find the time (and ideas) for fresh content, well there's not enough hours.
This is ... Views: 534
We thought we'd have a little fun this week and brainstorm the top "wishes" our clients ask for, and what better time for a wish list, then The New Year. So here are our top eight business wishes:
1. Get more clients - always the top of everyone's wish list, after all, we're in business to ... Views: 487
As 2019 winds down to a close, and we all begin to become wrapped up in the spirit and wonderment of the holidays, we like to turn our thoughts, with gratitude, to those we’ve had the opportunity to partner with this year.
This year has been one to celebrate. I continue to be thankful for the ... Views: 547
I love working in a team environment, managing multiple clients, keeping it all together and organized. It’s the thrill of taking your inbox from overwhelming to in-control (or at least as the appearance of being in control). I love a good challenge.
But keeping the team productive is even a ... Views: 627
The holiday season is truly magical. There’s something about visiting with family and friends, the hopes of the new year, and the wonderment of the season, that makes us dream and believe in magic. In keeping with the theme, what do you wish for your business in the coming year? Here are the top ... Views: 470
Websites are tough. As a business owner, you know you need one, you may have one already, but the whole process leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Either you've worked with someone in the past to build your site, and it never came together the way you hoped; or, the project started and stalled to ... Views: 585
At PMA, we strive to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to business trends and technological advances that benefit our clients (and clients-to-be!). Many of our clients that do business globally were concerned with the GDPR, specifically who needs to comply, and what compliance means for the ... Views: 549
I’m just as guilty as everyone else, working in my business, not on my business. I can go further and say that I spend a lot of time working on my client’s business, and not in my business. I love what I do; it’s an occupational hazard.
From time to time, however, I like to sit down and think ... Views: 669
Just last week, we received glowing feedback from a client. It was PHENOMENAL, and truthfully, the kind words go both ways, she was a dream to work with. We all congratulated each other on our success and continued with our day. Positive feedback, especially unsolicited, motivates you to keep ... Views: 647
Oh, fall, how I do love you! I’m a huge fan of everything pumpkin. But fall isn’t just about cooler nights and pumpkin spice, and it’s the beginning of conference season. No matter what field you’re in, the opportunity to speak at a conference is a huge advantage. Being chosen to speak ... Views: 896
I really don’t enjoy networking. I say I do. I try to, but I don’t. I went to a conference recently with assigned networking time, and you could see groups forming in the room:
The super-networkers – they’re animated, draw a crowd, work the room shaking hands. They seem to know everyone ... Views: 539
I find there’s a debate when it comes to social media and its impact on social interaction. We’ve all seen groups at restaurants, more focused on their phones and taking photos of their food, then interacting with the people beside them. I’ve seen restaurants with harsh “no cell phone” policies ... Views: 474
I love mornings! Getting up a little earlier than everyone else in the house and finding my way to the kitchen for my first (of many) cups of coffee. With the beautiful weather, I step into the silence outside and pull out my phone.
It’s crazy how its all changed; I don’t go to the doorstep ... Views: 500
Last week we started talking about just one aspect of being strategic with your digital marketing, focusing on the timing of your messaging. Before we go further, I want to take a moment to clarify why I’m using the term “digital marketing” versus “social media,” just because I was asked this ... Views: 520
I don’t know how many people are excited about networking. It’s one of those activities you know you have to do, but spending an afternoon making small talk with other people as anxious as you, isn’t high on anyone’s to-do list. And yes, I know there’s a subset of people who love networking, ... Views: 548
We’re going to break out of our typical blog format today and make this more of an exercise. A lot of us are in back to school mode, so let’s take your business to school.
I want you to take a moment and think about your competition. Who are they? Let’s pull their websites up and take a look; ... Views: 511
Some tips for outsourcing the little things that take so much time.
Here I am, Sunday morning, sitting outside enjoying this beautiful day, ready to write the blog for this week, and of course, I have a case of writer’s block. We all face it from time to time, and right now, this appears to ... Views: 551
Who doesn’t love summer? Long lazy days, walks after dinner, chatting with neighbors, picnics with friends, and maybe a holiday (or two!). Your daily pace changes, and we get out and re-connect with those we love spending time with – friends and family. It’s Saturday morning, and I’m waiting for ... Views: 590
I love summer – long days, beautiful sunsets, barbecues with friends and family. Lazy nights lead to sleeping in, not just on weekends but weekdays too. Client work is getting done, but have you been keeping up with social media? Have you been using your summer slowdown to your advantage?
It ... Views: 501
We spend so much time talking about our product and service offerings, and even going further and talk about who our prospect is (what we sometimes refer to as an avatar). By understanding who we’re talking to, we know how to speak to them. But the biggest question isn’t their demographics, but ... Views: 528
At the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, you are most likely focused heavily on list building. Depending on how long ago that was, we may be talking about newsletter lists, then social media following, and now newsletters are once again moving to the forefront of digital marketing ... Views: 585
A good friend of mine recently took over the management of a business. He knew there were challenges going into it, the business was slow, morale was low, and there were a ton of missed opportunities; new and returning business was passing them by.
Improving the business is a multi-pronged ... Views: 592
No matter where you are in the country (many are finally getting a long awaited taste of warmer weather), we all look forward to summer. The days are longer; everyone is outside enjoying evening walks, a little socializing, and vacations. I remember looking forward to the long days, kids off of ... Views: 523
As small business owners, we’re fortunate to be doing what we love. I’m one of the few people in my circle of friends that is excited about Monday mornings because I get to do what I feel I’m meant to do, and for that, I’m endlessly grateful.
Sometimes it’s tough to stay passionate when ... Views: 599
How many times do you go to networking events, read articles or attend online workshops and think — wow. Wow that they are out there living their dream, achieving goals, and knocking it out of the park with a business concept that you wish you had thought of yourself. I’m always reading, ... Views: 586
Are you running your business or is it running you?
I’m not sure if there is any “one” answer to this question. There are days when I feel like I’m in control and rockin’ the business world, other days I wonder how I kept up and if it’s Friday yet. I love what I do, and I’m lucky to have a ... Views: 643