Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 406
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 440
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 388
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 434
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 395
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 397
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 435
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 447
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 413
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 392
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 341
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 353
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 322
Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging. You’d be hopeful of finding some precious metals. While some of us were lucky enough to find gold bars safely hidden in a jacket of chest, most of us had to ... Views: 295
A straw while drinking our favorite drink, a plastic knife to cut a birthday cake, a plastic bag to carry vegetables: thinking about each of these items individually, they don’t seem harmful. But the reality is that in the name of convenience, we humans are unknowingly causing a lot of harm to ... Views: 351
A straw while drinking our favorite drink, a plastic knife to cut a birthday cake, a plastic bag to carry vegetables: thinking about each of these items individually, they don’t seem harmful. But the reality is that in the name of convenience, we humans are unknowingly causing a lot of harm to ... Views: 358
We can look at suggesting some positive changes to Chapter 6E of the Income Tax Act, so that the tax collections of the country can increase. The deduction of Rs. 1,50,000 available under Chapter 6A can also be made available if the tax payer utilizes digital payment methods to ... Views: 369
There was a little girl, her name was Pinki. She was different. In fact, it was normal on the outside, whitish in color, big glasses on the eyes, lack of confidence, she was not a shy girl. She knew that in such look she was different but she can't express that she is different.
The girls in ... Views: 334
“Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty”. Today all of us are living in a VUCA environment which we experience daily. It is expected that we adapt to the new scenario and change our behavior accordingly. Managers continuously need to make rational decisions concerning ... Views: 324
The human mind is unique, capable of solving complex mathematical problems, analysing data and is capable of formulating strategies. Benjamin Graham said that the worst enemy of an investor is the investor himself. Though when it comes to investing, people make mistakes and most importantly, ... Views: 371
Every business owner and marketer on the planet was shaken awake by the pandemic. No one has ever seen anything like COVID-19's global devastation in the last few decades. The earnings of businesses were greatly damaged. Marketing budgets were cut, if not completely eliminated, across the board, ... Views: 297
Every business owner and marketer on the planet was shaken awake by the pandemic. No one has ever seen anything like COVID-19's global devastation in the last few decades. The earnings of businesses were greatly damaged. Marketing budgets were cut, if not completely eliminated, across the board, ... Views: 368
The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed many things in our lives – the way we learn, the way we work, the way we meet others, and to safeguard ourselves we also try to focus more on physical fitness and immunity. Along with this, it is equally important to improve our mental strength in this ... Views: 288
To understand training and development, it is important to understand a background
In order to keep growing in terms of revenue and profits in a continuously changing environment, a company needs competent employees.
In order to ensure there are no gaps in the competence of employees, ... Views: 419
We seldom realize that there is a force which keeps us going on, in a situation
which demands perseverance, resilience, endurance and the internal drive which
comes from within to let us move ahead, produce, grow and achieve something,
this is what is recognised as Self-motivation. The ... Views: 512
Amidst Covid- 19, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) came up with an equated monthly installments (EMI) moratorium plan in the month of March 2020. This decision was a gigantic relief for retail borrowers who were dented due to disrupted cash flows. A moratorium is a period when the borrower who ... Views: 482
On the last day of our schools and colleges, all of us are so curious to get our slam book filled by our closest friends. In which they mentioned/expressed their points/feelings about us. In that slam book whatever is written we used to cherish it throughout our lives whenever we read ... Views: 453
Management Lessons from Panchatantra
The story of 'Dharmabuddhi and Papabuddhi
Two friends earn some money in a certain village and hide the money under a tree before returning home.
One of the friends, Papabuddhi, digs up the money alone, and blames the other of stealing it.
When the ... Views: 863
All decisions have immense power. The power comes from within as individuals own them. Frequently, individuals feel helpless, angry, and inefficient as they believe that decisions are now owned by them and hence are apprehensive in owning them. Effective executives should recognize the power ... Views: 649
We are all aware about the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted adversely to the entire world. While the world is trying to minimize the negative effects of the pandemic on business and economy, we all know that it’s a fight, where the odds are not in our favour.
With businesses, all ... Views: 490
Currently world is going through a very difficult phase due to the prevailing
COVID19 pandemic situation. The number of COVID19 positive cases are increasing
day by day and it is badly affecting various industries, nations and overall global
economy. On the other hand, scientists and pharma ... Views: 496
Crisis leads to Innovation:
The pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has led to a global health crisis which has a
deep impact on the way we see our world and has impacted our everyday lives. Looking at the
current Covid19 crisis, there’s no reservation in also saying that it has led to ... Views: 482
Aayan, an engineer and a post graduate in management, was happy in his job. He was working with a renowned bank as a Sr Manager Treasury sale and performing well with his targets. One evening he happened to meet his previous office colleague, Ravi, who was his reporting head and they had spent 5 ... Views: 468
It was Thursday evening and a session was scheduled from 5PM to 8PM for a company
in Thane. I was conducting a session on Leadership development. For a leadership
role, motivation and understanding about how to motivate a team is important and as a
part of my session I distributed a sheet ... Views: 473
Sometimes we fail to recognize the growth opportunities because of pre-conceive notions, self-image and ego levels. I started realizing the same when I come across different experiences.
First experience was with one of the good students of operations specialization, Mr. Rohan (Name Changed). ... Views: 462
Often, we hear people talking about Values they have been brought up in life and it is very heartening to note it in today’s materialistic and competitive life. there are people who have values in their lives and also have inspired others too. The population figures of our country make the ... Views: 532
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare verbalizes that social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or abbreviate ... Views: 592
Translation: One who prudently practices or devotes oneself to the work without attachment
i.e. ‘Karmayoga’, can get rid of both good and bad reactions in this life itself. Therefore, strive
for Yoga i.e. excellence at work.
Let’s try to link this learning with the following story of a ... Views: 474
Upskilling has become the new buzz word in the corporate world!! Considering the present situation, this is the best time to consider upgrading your skills. Upskilling is the process of teaching employees’ new skills that would help them in their work career. Lockdown has created an opportunity ... Views: 539
Black swan events such as pandemics and recession change the orbit of economies and businesses. The SARS pandemic of 2002 catalysed the growth of e commerce giant Ali Baba as the biggest retailer of Asia. The transformation from a small ecommerce was fuelled due to travelling constrain and ... Views: 402
On 22 March 2020, Government declared a lockout throughout the country (79 districts). Everyone is worried about the health and death of people and fighting against epidemic coronavirus. Lots of parents are concerned about their sons daughters staying abroad and watching news to get updates from ... Views: 470
We're regularly hearing the words 'New Normal' during this remarkable time loaded up with dread and stress. As people, we are exceptionally versatile and when the corona virus episode started toward the start of 2020, it was sensible to feel that a large portion of the 'new' practices would be ... Views: 474
Some students have passion for Operations, but have apprehensions about their careers in Operations management. Objective of this paper is to guide the students who are in a dilemma to take up operations specialization or not. The present market conditions appear that Finance and Marketing ... Views: 509
It seems the start of the year 2020 was very dramatic and has shaken the entire world. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has turned upside down. Infectious diseases outbreak like COVID-19 can be very scary and have lasting effects on our health and well-being If we look around ourselves ... Views: 550
As human beings, what we fear the most in this world, are the things that we have no control
over, things which are unexpected and completely random. Hence, to avoid any surprises, for
every aspect of our lives, let it be social, political or financial, we have built a system in which
we find ... Views: 584
Mankind has always been curious enough and has evolved with the changing times through
devising solutions to existing problems with genuine ideas and breakthrough innovations.
History is evident with ample inventions being risen out of calamity and how a human mind is
propelled to think ... Views: 506
We all get the feeling that we want to achieve much more in our lives. At various times, we keep feeling that there could be much more to life than just the routine activities.
This brings us to the concepts of life management, goal setting and time management. These concepts are related to ... Views: 458
Summer Internship for a B-school student is the platform to have an experience of the middle-level management in the real business world scenario. It is the year where students decide their specialization and set their goals for the coming life. Working in the real world makes them rethink if ... Views: 486
Business and Market Research forms a key component of the curricula of almost all MBA programs today. Research design, methodologies as well as advantages of carrying out a well-designed and executed research process are typically explained in detail to the management students. A key component ... Views: 627
Today, over the world, a great deal of organizations are turning out to be affectionate and are moving towards progressively practical methods for showcasing and promoting. At last, the two organizations and organizations have understood the significance of Digital Marketing and began putting ... Views: 539