With Christmas & New Year ahead of us with all the rejoicing it is the time to let go of all old unnecessary strings to find peace, serenity and start the new year fresh and make it a great success. It can bring up a lot of pain and stress this time of year. So I have a very special gift…
If ... Views: 1209
Do you and your partner have each other’s back or are you operating more in a mode of attack?
We wouldn’t be human if we did not experience times in our lives that challenged us. It’s natural that certain events, people and our own behaviour will trigger fear, anger, stress, jealousy, ... Views: 1330
The most common questions I get asked are: How can you save a marriage after separation?
Or how can I get my husband or wife to reconsider a separation? Or My husband/ wife is insisting on a separation, what can I do?
These are important questions as it is a critical time if you want to ... Views: 1355
Many couples bicker over all sorts of trivial things. Especially when they have become more disconnected, this is where ridiculous arguments, over pointless things can become big issues. For example I’ve heard couples bicker about the “right” way to pack the dishwasher, whether a colour is red ... Views: 1476
How to effectively respond to blame and enhance your marriage.
Blame in any relationship is challenging to deal with, even more so in marriage. Your natural instinct may be to blame back. All this does is create more tension. Husbands and wife’s that blame each other for their unhappiness, ... Views: 1620
Rejection is painful no matter where it comes from, but it is especially hurtful when it comes from your partner… The one that knows you the most and is meant to love ALL of you deeply. Rejection is one of the hardest feelings to experience because it often plays on your mind non-stop, like ... Views: 1308
Having worked with 1000’s of couples now either 1 to 1 or in my online empowered love program, conflicts over drinking are common. Nothing is more difficult or heart-breaking than being married to someone who changes personality and is horrible when they are drunk.
Katy met Steve (her now ... Views: 1244
Snooping comes up time and time again in my work with couples from all over the world online. Arguments over discoveries after snooping on phones are frequent. This has included
1. Facebook messages to ex’s,
2. Whats app messages sharing intimate details or marriage complaints to friends, ... Views: 1556
Most people are aware now of the 40-50% average divorce rate in the west and expat communities. Knowing this doesn’t make that any easier if you are living in an unhappy marriage where divorce threats have been made.
The good news is an unhappy relationship doesn’t mean it’s over. That’s ... Views: 1404
Having worked with 100’s of couples now looking to repair the relationship or heal themselves after an affair, most want to know how long does it take to heal and what are the stages of healing after an affair. Like when dealing with a significant loss, loss of a loved one, financial loss or ... Views: 1822
Having worked with 100’s of couples now looking to repair the relationship or heal themselves after an affair, most want to know how long does it take to heal and what are the stages of healing after an affair. Like when dealing with a significant loss, loss of a loved one, financial loss or ... Views: 1547
We all can probably remember a time in our lives where we have felt like giving up. Where we have felt exhausted, drained, alone and hopeless. I remember feeling so low at times that I could not see the point in trying or fighting anymore. Whether in the setup phases of my business many years ... Views: 1492
Nothing is more painful and crushing than finding out the partner you promised to have and hold forever has cheated and lied to you. It can ton feel like your whole world has come crashing down like a ton of bricks. Feelings of anger, fear and hurt can flood your system. Along with the ... Views: 1679
We have all heard time and time again in the home, at school and in the work place that first impressions count. Whether that’s our mothers trying to get us to polish our shoes, wear something we don’t like or advice given for a job interview. Having helped saved thousands of marriages now, ... Views: 1106
We have all heard time and time again in the home, at school and in the work place that first impressions count. Whether that’s our mothers trying to get us to polish our shoes, wear something we don’t like or advice given for a job interview. Having helped saved thousands of marriages now, ... Views: 1072
Love is a wonderful feeling. Self-love brings peace and acceptance, love for others and being loved brings feelings of gratitude and happiness. So today I am going to cover the 3 easiest ways to bring more of it into your life and relationships. I have developed several tools that have been ... Views: 1250
Does it feel like everything is up to you to make the relationship work?
Does everything seem one-sided right now?
Do you feel you are the only one taking care of the important stuff?
If yes that’s totally natural
Relationships are like a seesaw
The more one person does something, ... Views: 3473
This is a topic no-one talks or writes about yet it is really common and the number is rising. Why? Well for one is has become accessible to almost everyone. If you think about it nearly everyone has a mobile phone and most people have a lap top or tablet on top. Statistics show our addiction to ... Views: 1820
There are two paths we can follow to get to love:
Love and Non-love
They both take us in the end to LOVE
This may make perfect sense to you or you may be thinking what on earth am I writing about today.
Let me elaborate.
Throughout the course of my life (I am sure like most ... Views: 1167
There are two paths we can follow to get to love:
Love and Non-love
They both take us in the end to LOVE
This may make perfect sense to you or you may be thinking what on earth am I writing about today.
Let me elaborate.
Throughout the course of my life (I am sure like most ... Views: 1255
Overcome the top 5 signs of being too needy, give your partner space and increase your attractiveness!
Neediness will kill the passion and attraction in your relationship. We all want to be cherished and desired in our relationship that makes us feel good but being needed and pampering to a ... Views: 1610
When one spouse is depressed, a marriage is depressed. As depression often erodes emotional and sexual intimacy. It also floods the relationship with negativity that can cause resentment, anger and isolation.
Even the happiest, strongest spouse may get pulled into the depressions strong ... Views: 1201
When couples begin my private online 1-to1 or group coaching packages, one of the first things they say to me is they have a problem with their communication. I often hear the following:
“We can’t communicate”
“They don’t listen”
“Everything ends up in a row.”
“We sometimes don’t ... Views: 1226
Differences are an inevitable fact in any relationship. One very common difference is the difference in sexual desire. Low sexual desire or “low libido” as it is often called is actually very common for many men and women. They estimate about 40% of women will experience this and 17% of men ... Views: 1576
Money arguments and problems are one the most significant factors that can lead to divorce according to numerous studies. Research by Kansas State University found that this is because money arguments decrease relationship satisfaction and are harder to move on from than other marriage ... Views: 1284
If you have had a marital affair, your husband/ wife has found out and you want to save the marriage, there are some key steps you will want to follow.
How you react in the first few hours to 3 months matters as this is the “trauma stage” in the healing process. If you want to keep your ... Views: 1464
Anne (name changed) emailed me after she discovered her husband had been having an affair. She was deeply hurt and angry at his betrayal. But she didn’t want to leave him and break up the family. They have two beautiful girls who dote on them both, plus the fact that deep down she still loved ... Views: 1460
” 75% of people say they’re Worse off or Even Divorced after Marriage Counseling!
Don’t Let That Happen To You!
Today I got an email from a couple who I was working with this month to strengthen their relationship. With their permission, they have let me share their story in order to help ... Views: 1222
A Balancing Act – The Importance of Receiving Love and Giving Love
It’s better to give than to receive is a phrase that is used far too often and often without any explanation. It is definitely good to give but it’s not necessarily better. What’s important is that we have a balance between ... Views: 1410
We all know the saying ‘Who wears the pants in your relationship’ but have you ever taken a step back and really thought about it? Who wears the pants in your relationship? Do you both wear them, or does one of you predominantly wear the pants and control the relationship? Either way, a healthy ... Views: 1319
Natalie had lost herself in her marriage. She was constantly running errands for her children, husband and checking in on both sets of parents, that she had neglected her own needs. By her own admission, she was far too busy and stressed to enjoy life. David her husband was also stressed, ... Views: 1294
How to get past the problems you’re having and make it work
The key to strengthening and improving any relationship, especially those that are struggling is honesty. What are you really feeling inside? What do you really want and need? What do you want and ... Views: 1328
Lack of respect is one of the key reasons many couples get divorced. It is one of the major marriage problem signs. It destroys love, connection and intimacy.
Many individuals and couples that join my online save my marriage program, share that respect has been missing or lost in their ... Views: 2410
Financial Abuse – Relationship Advice for a Financially Controlling Husband / Wife:
Financial conflict causes a great deal of unhappiness and tension in relationships. I received this email last week and they have given me permission to share it, here is the advice I gave Emily (name changed) ... Views: 1661
Why do couples struggle to stay intimate?
This is a question that baffled me when I started working in this field. Many women would say to me “what do I do when the feelings in a marriage are gone?” or men I work with to save their marriage would share “when a marriage is over to one person can ... Views: 1664
Tips on How To Save An Affection-Starved Marriage and Keep Your Relationship Happy
Affection can be one of the first things to go after children are born or when a marriage is in trouble. BUT it doesn’t have to mean something serious and it can be naturally restored as I will go on to ... Views: 2584
Are you exhausted of the same topics, issues or arguments resurfacing time and time again in your relationship?
Are you sick and tired of the emotional relationship rollercoaster you find yourself on?
If you have tried speaking to your spouse (or even tried marriage counselling) and nothing ... Views: 1518
Do you feel like you are drifting along in your marriage?
Do you lack excitement or fulfilment in your relationship?
Do you sometimes wonder why you are still married?
As mentioned last week there are four elements that help build and support a shared meaning, all of which should be ... Views: 1452
“Marriage isn’t just about raising kids, splitting chores and making love. It can also have a spiritual dimension that has to do with creating an inner life together — a culture rich with rituals, and an appreciation for your roles and goals that link you…” Gottman, 7 Principals of Making a ... Views: 1434
When we feel that we have been wrongly accused of something a common reaction is to put up our defences so our partner will back down. But all this succeeds to achieve is to make our husband/wife feel that we are not taking them seriously. Where the real underlying issues in a marriage don’t ... Views: 1524
Trust is an essential key in any relationship. I’ve helped couples rebuild trust after an affair, financial dishonesty, physical and emotional abuse as well as constant lying over small things. I’ve also worked with individuals to trust again after previous childhood trauma or relationship pain ... Views: 1937
“Nicola, My husband won’t go to marriage counselling, I’m desperately unhappy what shall I do?”
“My wife refuses to speak to anyone, she says we are beyond help, it’s too late. Shall I give up?”
These are statements I hear time and time again, and to be honest I don’t blame a husband or ... Views: 1649
Today we live in an age that promotes self-awareness BUT when it comes to relationships, it fails to show us how to use our self-awareness to arrive at good decisions. Most of the advice we get makes our problems even worse.
There are literally millions of men and women ambivalent about ... Views: 1605
Warning: This Gift Might Be The Best Relationship Gift You'll Ever Get
Whether you are married, dating or divorced resentment will affect you and your relationship current or future if you do not release it.
What is Resentment?
Resentment is a sense of unfairness - that you are not ... Views: 1227
Feeling Lonely? 4 Steps to Leave Loneliness For Good
Today I felt compelled to pour my heart out to you and talk about a subject that I care so deeply about and that’s loneliness. You don’t need to be single to be lonely. In fact, there are literally thousands of husbands and wives who feel ... Views: 1547
I hear people say all the time…
I love my husband/wife but I’m not “In Love” with him/her.
I’m just not sure if I love them anymore.
I love them but he/she said I don’t love you anymore, is my love enough?
These kinds of statements can be extremely confusing not to mention painful ... Views: 1318
Last week a lady I’m supporting in the in the US said: “Nicola, I want out of this marriage but I feel too guilty to leave.” Many men have shared the same with me. Staying in a relationship because of guilt alone can be a miserable way to live. If this is really all that is keeping a couple and ... Views: 1553
In the current market, long working work hours and high levels of stress seems to be the norm rather than the exception. It used to be entrepreneurs and executives running round fire fighting and answering emails 24/7, now most of my expat friends and clients are doing the same. There is no ... Views: 1453
I tend to find like marmite, garlic or someone packing your bags at the supermarket, people either love or hate the concept of making new year’s resolutions.
Working with hundreds of people through relationship issues, there is often one in a couple one who loves to plan, organise and ... Views: 1412
Start today by taking these 3 steps… Save My Marriage Program – An Alternative to Marriage Counseling
With the new year approaching, most of us start to think about what we want to change next year. Look for a new job, join a gym, eat healthier, take a new course, save money or sign up for ... Views: 1417