1. Be prepared to discuss the opportunity, a lot, with everyone. Don't make assumptions about who will be interested. You never know who needs this: whose life will be turned around by this, just the way yours has been.

2. List the benefits you've received from joining your company. Reflect on this, write them down and keep that list with you always.

3. Next, learn the benefits other women have received. Add those to your list.
Initially, it's easiest for you to relate to people like you -- the need that you came with, the circumstances you came from -- those will jump out at you. That's great. You will connect very easily with this group, as you know their stories, you've felt their needs, and you've overcome the same obstacles or concerns they're facing and feeling.
Next, get more familiar with the people who are feeling very different needs and circumstances. These people are right at your fingertips -- they're on your team, around you and above. Start asking women on your team, around you, and in your upline about their experience.
What were they feeling before they joined your company -- what was missing in their lives? Why did they want a change? What spoke to them about your company?

4. Know the most common needs that new consultants have, based on the conversations you have with other women. Learn how to elicit those needs and what kinds of phrases people use to describe them.

5. Know the stories that lie behind the needs. Be prepared to tell those stories. Humans are wired to remember stories. People are almost always more interested in stories than in facts.

6. Find the recruit's need. During your conversation with a potential recruit, your aim should be to learn about their needs and desires. If they don't have a need, they don't care. When you find the need, that can be the key that unlocks the door.

7. Know how your offer meets their needs. Keep focusing the conversation on them: their needs, the benefits that meet their needs, and the stories illustrating how women with similar needs have found satisfaction with your company.
Your list of needs and benefits is like a giant menu from which you are choosing only those items that your potential recruit cares about.

8. Check your heartset. What place are you coming from? Are you mostly considering the benefits to you? Do you want to persuade or sway someone? People can feel that, and it will turn them off. Most importantly, it will lead you to a place where you don't want to be, both practically: you can find some new people but they don't stick with it and emotionally: you won't be truly serving people and their best interests, to the best of your ability.
Come to a recruiting conversation from a desire to help and a longing to empower other women, as you've been empowered.

9. Remain unattached to the outcome! You may be asking "How can I be unattached to the outcome, because I need that income!"

Focus instead on the process. Focus on having great conversations, with as many people as possible, in which you learn about them, tell them about your opportunity ONLY if they are interested or you find a need, and together, the two of you decide whether there's a fit. If there is a fit, you both move forward. If not, you've connected with someone who may be source of referrals or sales for you in the future.

10. Learn from the best. Interview the top recruiters in your company. Ask them who they approach and how they handle the recruiting conversation.

11. As you continue recruiting, develop a written profile (or several profiles) of your ideal recruit. The most important part is her need: what motivates her to join direct sales, as well as what connects her to your company and its products. In addition, write down her demographic information: What's her age, marital status, family, job situation, income? Where does she live? What are her hobbies?

The more you learn about recruits, the better prepared you'll be to tailor your conversations with a potential recruit and make a powerful emotional connection with her.

Author's Bio: 

Marcy Stahl’s passion is helping women direct sellers and solopreneurs achieve the successful lifestyle they want. She knows that the top entrepreneurs have the top mindsets. Her mission is to help every entrepreneur develop a profitable and abundant mindset.

Marcy is a serial entrepreneur. Previously, she co-founded and managed a government contracting firm that earned over $1M in annual revenues. She holds a B.S. with honors and M.S. in Computer Science from George Mason University. Prior to coaching, she spent 21 years in the corporate world in technology.

She is the co-author of Direct Selling Power. Marcy is an Area Chapter Coordinator with the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance (DSWA) and a member of the Direct Selling Women’s Speaker Bureau. She’s currently in coaching school for direct sellers.